Of course, every housewife wants her culinary products to be prepared as quickly as possible. It is open fire that makes the device unusual.
Brief description of the differences between a separate oven and an oven in a gas stove
The content of the article
- Brief description of the differences between a separate oven and an oven in a gas stove
- How to turn on the oven in a gas stove
- Principle
In general, both have the same set of functions. But in an independent oven there are much more modes, therefore, it will consume more electricity. However, its significant advantage will be that it is intended to be operated for a long time, thanks to modern technologies. During manufacture, high-quality types of metal such as galvanized steel are used. In addition, there are no problems with the choice of destination, since it can be located both above the hob and separately.
If you are not insured against periodic, so-called, power surges, then with such a device you should not worry about it. It works regardless of the presence of light. In gas ovens, one of the pluses is the high speed of cooking. This is due to instant heating of the unit, which makes the gas oven a gain over the electric one. Products in it can be prepared in various types of dishes. In addition, this technique can be purchased for a relatively small amount of money.
ATTENTION! Despite the simplicity of the device, it is worth treating this choice with caution, since there is a high probability of a gas leak or explosion. It is she who is ignited thanks to the open fire.
How to turn on the oven in a gas stove
Despite the fact that manufacturers who produce equipment at moderate price characteristics, provide them with exclusively basic functions. Of course, most ovens have a gas control for shutting off gas injection and an audio timer, but the unit must be ignited strictly properly. It is possible to turn on such a device both manually, independently, and with the help of an electric arsonist. These methods are also called automatic inclusion and semi-automatic in a different way.
Consider two options at once:
- First you need to make sure that the stove is connected to the network and check the accuracy of connecting the device to the gas hose. Then look at all the possible schemes in the data sheet or on the device itself. On this basis, identify the relationship between the burners and their switches, as well as the connection of the hoses. If you have an electric ignition button, then try to press it. Next, open the oven door, carefully look and slide out the metal tray located exactly inside the unit. Most likely, you will see one hole, or two on the sides. It is needed to exit the flame from the gas that enters. It is worth holding the gas supply so that it does not accumulate. It is advisable to monitor this as often as possible. Bring a match or lighter to him / them. When the flame starts to appear (it takes about ten seconds, only then it starts to happen process of arrival and ignition of a substance), wait a little so that it is distributed over all lengths burners. Next, carefully close the door. It happens that this small fire goes out due to the enclosed space. In this case, repeat the above fraud, but this time hold the flame with the door open. REFERENCE! Always keep this equipment clean, otherwise the gas inside it will not burn completely. In addition, the room in which the device is located should be ventilated much more often.
- If you have a gas stove with no ignition button, then you should be based on the following instructions. First, turn the burner valve and set the required temperature. Press and hold the gas button. First press the button, which is usually located on the side of the panel, to ignite the fire. However, if the flame does not appear in the first few seconds, then it is worthwhile to suspend the process and wait a while. Then repeat the above steps. It also happens that the electric fails. In this case, repair is required. You should not forget that the device is permissible dangerous, therefore, you immediately need to find out what the malfunction is and immediately fix it. IMPORTANT! Independently liquidation of any reason is prohibited. Only gas service specialists are able to identify and repair the breakdown.
General instructions for inclusion, regardless of type:
- Using a gas cylinder on the pipe, open the tap
- Choose the right temperature
- Either when using automatic ignition, or by turning the burner valve, light the oven
- Monitor the gas injection process
IMPORTANT! Do not hold the oven door for a long time.
If the stove has been operated for many years, then it is worth leaving a small gap from the unit door itself. One minute after ignition is enough. This should be done for your own safety. And only after that it is possible to place the culinary works of the hostess inside, and then press the sash tightly. It is worth remembering that the oven works due to gas. Therefore, it can easily get into the electrical room. Care should be taken to check for flame during cooking. Otherwise, there is a possibility of fire.
If you still have problems when turning on the oven, then you should pay attention to the following possible breakdowns:
- It may be that the burner is clogged. The fact is that fire cannot get on the heat control sensor. Therefore, this leads to quenching. In this outcome, part cleaning is required.
- Also, there is a possibility of thermocouple depletion. This is due to the fact that the gas supply to the oven is overshadowed.
- If various damages occur on the gas valve, it is necessary to replace the old material with a new one.
- Most often, when due to the long wear and tear of the equipment, a timer is inoperative. Symptoms are either a periodic shutdown of the equipment, or a complete shutdown. In both circumstances, first check the continuity of the thermocouple, and then the other parts from the sequence with the flame test sensor.
- When heating, and followed by the extinction of the oven, it is necessary to more carefully adjust the flame to a minimum. The source of the problem is the unfinished heating of the fire, which leads to the automatic turning off of the fire.
ATTENTION! Frequent cases when one of the parts of the burner does not give flame. In such situations, it is necessary to turn off the gas supply. Next, refresh the room and continue with the ignition. The furnace requires complete ignition.
It’s very difficult to set some modern ovens on fire. But then, they are safer and more functional. The main thing is to follow a certain sequence of actions and be attentive to such a technique.