What cable is needed to connect the electric stove: its cross section, power consumption

Indeed, it happens that when you buy an electric stove in the kit, there is no wire. In this case, you should independently purchase and connect it to the device. This is easy to do, especially with a detailed discussion of the topics in this article.

What brand of wire for an electric stove is better to choose

The content of the article

  • What brand of wire for an electric stove is better to choose
  • What should be the section
  • Question about cable power consumption
  • Which is better: KG or PVA

Brand wire for electric stove In practice, two types of the best brands are shared:

  • VVG (durable in operation);
  • VVGng is non-combustible.

Both of them are made of copper, therefore, have flexibility. Perfectly account for the connection. Special rubber performs the function of a shell for the first of them.

Between the veins is a film to protect against sticking, which can occur due to high temperature. The second product mentioned above also has several cores that are isolated and connected in a single sheath. Very durable wire easily copes with various stressful situations.

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This is a fairly practical model and is in high demand among consumers. In addition, the PVA (vinyl jumper) wire, although not used for wiring, is excellent for connecting.

ATTENTION! For laying, you will need two wires. That is, one will go from the outlet to the input unit, and the next from the outlet to the electric stove itself.

What should be the section

Wire cross section for electric stove Cable cross section for an electric stove - this issue should be given special attention, since it is characterized by special significance. First, let's figure out why this is necessary. Firstly, the cross-section is able to determine the power that the cable must endure.

It depends on the type of supply, which can be single-phase or three-phase. It can be calmly defined “by eye”. The first of them is a product with only three cores. And the other with five.

And there is another factor that affects the indicator of this characteristic - the type of wiring. For full understanding, an example shows some calculations:

  1. For a cross section of two millimeters 2 with the wiring of copper conductors in a single-phase network, the power will be 5, 7 kW.
  2. With the same indicators, but with a three-phase network, the value will increase to 9, 8 kW.
  3. If you change the type of wiring and take aluminum in one phase, then the power indicator will be 4, 6 kW.
  4. And in three phases - 7, 9 kW.

IMPORTANT! If you select the wrong cable when connecting the device, as well as its other parameters, there will be a high probability of a fire.

Question about cable power consumption

Power cable for electric stoveWhat cable is needed to connect the electric stove? To get the value of the expendable energy, you need to multiply the voltage by the current strength. Accordingly, the higher the voltage value, the less current reproduction is necessary.

Usually the most powerful electric stoves are considered models with indicators up to 8 kW. Often devices with low power are connected to a single-phase network, it can be up to 5 kW. Conversely, more expensive - with 3 phases. The last of the options presented is most often in demand among homeowners in the private sector.

ATTENTION! In old houses built many years ago, it is forbidden to connect electrical products to a network with a capacity above 3 kW, since they are not intended for this.

Which is better: KG or PVA

PVAThe second type is the vinyl compound wire, it more closely matches the requirements that must be observed when connecting. It is important that interruptions are absent and the functioning of electric stoves proceeds positively. In addition, this model is quite flexible and stable in relation to surrounding, possibly dangerous factors.

In the market, it has a democratic value. Therefore, it is considered the most rational choice.

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