Installation furnace brick oven door how to fix the door in the furnace made of brick, wire, sheet steel, stainless steel, screws

Furnace door in a brick furnace - one of the most important elements that directly affects the efficiency and durability of the structure. With it, the combustion chamber is supplied fuel, the combustion process is regulated, and all this is done with greater comfort. It would seem - what is so tough? In fact, frequent unpleasant surprises - after a few months, and even earlier, the door starts hang around her appear larger goals and crumbling brick, which can lead to disastrous consequences. Consider how to fasten the door in the furnace from the furnace bricks.

Installation furnace brick oven door

How to install the furnace door?

The content of the article

  • How to install the furnace door?
    • Fixing the wire
    • Installation with a stainless steel sheet
    • Reliable fixation screws or bolts
  • Tips and advice for safe installation

Furnace doors come in several forms:

  • Cast iron. Not popular because of the large weight gain, difficulty in installation and fear of high temperature.
  • Stainless steel. Most often found in bath furnaces, as surely tolerate contact with water.
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  • Glass. The most attractive option - excellent performance, and the ability to observe the combustion process.

Installing brick kiln furnace doors responsible task. It should be understood that under the influence of high temperature metal expansion occurs, it can result in breaks in the masonry, if it is made too tight. Therefore, during the installation of metal elements should leave a small gap.

fire doorBefore starting the installation, you should inspect the door and the frame to it (as a rule, they are included) for damage, misalignment, and the opening at the same time should be easy. If coal furnace, the article must drill a hole in the 13 mm to remove gases. As the door is subjected to the greatest mechanical and thermal effects, every variant of fastening must be performed in strict adherence to the rules and technology installation.

Fixing the wire

In this case it is recommended to use a nichrome wire as it differs temperature strength, high ductility and durability. Before installation, it must be attached to the door frame, in which, as a rule, there are special holes (if not, they need to pre-drill). The wire diameter is selected depending on the thickness of the seam in the masonry and to be 2-3 times less. For the stability and reliability of the installation walled wire not less than 2 bricks, holding it with the taut, making the whole process is very time consuming.

Fixing the wire

Installation with a stainless steel sheet

Modern and the most common method because of its simplicity and high reliability of the result. The design is performed from the corner and has the same geometric dimensions with a door, with one side is placed between the bricks and the other - directly to the masonry, and then covered with solution. Features of the process:

  • Protecting joints and masonry from exposure to high temperatures is provided by a silicon thermal insulation. Moreover, it compensates for expansion of the metal during heating.
  • The best stability is achieved by screws which are screwed into the brick.

Experts recommend to combine this method with a wire bracket - this will ensure excellent reliability and durability.

Installation with a stainless steel sheet

Reliable fixation screws or bolts

Method of least popular and is not considered the most reliable, because the door has a frame structure and considerable weight, especially if they are made of cast iron. Before installation in masonry frame drilled holes, after which installation takes place with fixing screws or bolts.

IMPORTANT. Be sure to leave a small gap between the brick and masonry, since the thermal expansion of the metal screws may deform and break the entire structure.

Tips and advice for safe installation

Despite the fact that each of the methods is simple and does not require specific skills and abilities, some points still need to draw your attention:

  • Installation furnace brick oven doorFirst of all, the installation should be carried out with the door closed, but not locked - at some point she will open in the desired position;
  • to open constipation did not lead to the disclosure of the furnace, it is necessary to reject the design of the top 2-3 mm;
  • If the frame does not coincide with the height of masonry, it is necessary to compensate for the difference brick fragments or make furrows in the brick.

Regardless of the method chosen, the key to reliable fastening and long-term operation is considerate and responsible performance of work, and the use of reliable materials. Remember that the oven is on for decades, and to save, in this case simply does not make sense.

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