Setting the furnace in the bath: site selection, preparation of walls, installation

Before installing the furnace in the bath is necessary to determine the place where it will be located. It should definitely not be like this: put in any corner, and you're done.

Positioning the furnace

The content of the article

  • Positioning the furnace
  • Installation: step by step guide
    • The choice of base
    • Preparing walls
    • frame device
  • Properties furnace installation with external firebox
  • Nuances furnace installation with a chimney
  • Rules of installation on the wooden floor

Positioning the furnaceOn the question of installing sauna stoves should be treated seriously. It is recommended to adhere to the following nuances:

  • Firstly, it is the size. It was under their chosen room, which will correspond to the volume of the furnace;
  • Second, you should consider what type of heating oil suitable device;
  • Material of walls;
  • Strength of the foundation. At its unreliability installation must be done on the basis of non-combustible;
  • In addition to the above it is important to choose the most secure room that there was no risk of fire;
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  • The distance between the appliance and the wall. It should not be less than half a meter;
  • The fuel cock is output through a wall of non-flammable material which should be 12.5 centimeters. In addition, the distance between the septum to the door of the furnace should abide by 25 centimeters;
  • The gap between the upper part of the design and the overlap is more than 80 centimeters, if the ceiling of the space not protected by a special fittings.

Installation: step by step guide

Of course, the sequence of steps for the installation of the furnace in the bath is quite simple, but there are certain nuances.

The choice of base

Selection furnace baseSeveral distinct types of grounds:

  • Pile-rostverkovoe. (For it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, to define the extent of the unit. Dig to 15 cm at the corners of pits insert piles 4 = 108 mm. Weld them headroom. Next, lay steel sheet inwardly and lock to u. Pour the concrete and wait for it to dry);
  • Melkozaglublennoe. (Also outline dimensions, and dig a trench = 0.5 meters. Compacted fill and river sand, then fill it. Seal density gravel 15 cm. Then pour the cement and need to wait. First lay roofing material, and then the formwork (at the end of its process to remove). Pour cement to 25 cm;
  • Wood.

Installation of bath metal furnace is advantageous in that it weighs a little (not counting, of course, the stones and similar products necessary). Consequently optionally implement measures to provide additional strength. The only thing, when wooden floors allowed to take fireproof butts.

A mandatory item when installed in the bath furnace is underfloor installation fire screen which is made of sheet metal. To protect against high temperature, it is possible to put a ceramic tile or brick layer of the.

ATTENTION! Remember the maximum possible weight when installed in the metal furnace bath - 700 kg - aggregative indicator assembly. In the opposite case, the foundation will have to play, its height can be up to ten centimeters from the body of the border.

In addition, when installing the sauna stoves are worthy of the attention of the device feet. Because it is from them will depend on how quickly the floor will become unusable. So, if they are with a four-point support type, the base of the tree as a result of some time will be sagging.

Preparing walls

Preparing the wall in the bath furnaceWhen installing the furnace in the bath with external combustion chamber, this step is not necessary for those who have walls made of a noncombustible material or the furnace device is at a distance greater than 50 cm. In other situations, it is necessary to protect the room from the fire the following methods, after making a niche using a chainsaw or a punch:

  1. Install iron bath furnace thickness not less than one centimeter. This will allow you to contribute to reducing the heating level to protect users from harmful radiation bath.
  2. Plaster of metal mesh (greater than 25 cm).
  3. Secure the refractory product to the wall and to sheathe his stainless steel. Do not forget provide openings for ventilation. It should be between the skin and the wooden wall. A distance equal to not less than two to three cm.
  4. In addition, to help prevent the risk of fire-resistant drywall. He isolates the wall in the space and is able to hold fire within 55 minutes.
  5. Super Isol. Operated even at 1 thousand. degrees. To secure it need only glue and dowels.
  6. Not less important for this brick can act screen with 120 mm thick. At installation of bath furnace which needed a brick? It must be such that with the help of the room for a long time kept the heat effect. In addition, he must share the oven and the wall. Also it can be positioned closer to the instrument, or to the wall (5 - 15 cm.), But no lower than the structure itself.

frame device

Installation of bath furnace distance should not be greater than 5 centimeters from the walls. It can be used for the bottom row of struts or pins made of wire and rods.

Properties furnace installation with external firebox

Installation furnace with external fireboxTo begin with, by performing furnace installation options in the bath, it is necessary to make the insulation overlap (1.5 - 2 cm). It is important to observe compliance with the establishment of the furnace, namely the gap from it and partitions. Further implement clutch aperture. After need to lay basalt wool or assembly foam, cardboard into the nip of the brick material and installation sauna stoves with external combustion chamber.

Also performing installation of bath furnace with external combustion chamber, it is necessary to leave the place to the telescopic channel. The top row of bricks laid out, at its discretion, can be a little push it to get shelf.

Nuances furnace installation with a chimney

Mounting of the furnace to the chimneyIn this case, in contrast to the installation of bath furnace with external combustion chamber, it is necessary to punch a hole in the wall. It should match the diameter of the pipe, which removes smoke. If they are in an upright position, it is recommended to do the installation of the window so that they are in the ceiling and / or roof.

Additionally, the installation of bath furnace to the chimney can occur using a different material. For example, this may include metal or ceramic. For mounting use galvanized sheets, which must be a hole for discharging pipe.

Further poured sand, expanded clay or pieces of mineral wool. At the final stage of installation of the furnace in the bath furnace connection occurs. Joins the pipe to the nozzle. And through the roof can be carried out by a chimney designed for this liner. Her previously acquired or manufactured independently entrance node.

Rules of installation on the wooden floor

Installation furnace on wooden floorWhen installing a wooden floor on the furnace in the bath is most important - take care of the heat resistance of the base. This can be done in different ways:

  1. You can put a metal sheet on top of the asbestos or cardboard, which is obliged to act on the furnace is not less than 40 centimeters. That ensure the prevention of fire in case of contact with the burning stones.
  2. If you do not have the above listed means that the use may also be subject to natural or artificial stone.
  3. Due to the ceramic and stoneware tiles are guaranteed safe from damage.

ATTENTION! The main thing when you install the cast-iron stove in the bath - ensuring a sufficient degree of heat insulation.

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