Which brick is best for the stove: we select the best brick for the stove in the house and in the bath

variety of bricksIn the modern world, it is not necessary to put a lot of effort into heating a private house. All that is needed is to go to the store and buy a modern heater, and then enjoy its stable operation, and as a result, the optimal temperature regime in the room. But some still do not recognize modern technology, and prefer to install real brick stoves in houses. These people do not change the traditions of their ancestors. But from which stone is it better to build such structures, and how to choose the best material? We will talk about this in today's article.

What bricks are suitable for masonry

The content of the article

  • What bricks are suitable for masonry
    • What parameters should have a good brick for the furnace
  • Which brick is best suited for the stove in the house
  • Which brick is best for the stove in the bath
  • Tips for choosing a good brick for laying a stove

masonry bricksBrick for laying furnaces must be suitable for a number of requirements. First of all, it should be solid and not include voids, and on its surface there can be no chips and other flaws. In addition, the stone should have a good geometric shape with clearly defined edges. And a prerequisite is its high-quality firing.

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When tapping a good brick, the sound of metal will be heard, and in the event of a fall from a height, it will break into several large parts.

What parameters should have a good brick for the furnace

The size of the stone must comply with certain standards - 23 by 12.3 or 11.3 and 6.5 cm. These standards are used in almost all drawings and masonry schemes. But for the construction of the ash pan it is recommended to use a special version of the brick, which has a yellow color. But, and for the main design, the usual red, or white Gzhel variants are perfect.

brick markingBesides, in the process of material selection, special marking will also need to be taken into account. For furnaces, a range from M150 to M200 is a great option. These numbers reflect the strength of the material. In other words: these stones will be able to withstand weight ranging from 150 to 200 kilograms per square centimeter. When purchasing a stone, it is recommended to pay attention to its color. It must be homogeneous, and when the material is broken, the inner shade cannot differ from its outer shell.

Which brick is best suited for the stove in the house

masonry stove in the houseThe selection of a particular brick depends on which part of the furnace it will be used for.

  1. For the foundation of the stove you will need to use a durable stone, resistant to moisture and low temperatures. In view of the foregoing, an ideal option would be a clinker optionwhich has the indicated properties.
  2. The firebox has walls of two layers. For the construction of the inside It is recommended to use chamotte, but ceramic material is ideal for cladding.
  3. The temperature indicators in the chimney range from -40 to +400 degrees, and the material should easily withstand temperature extremes. Consequently, Ceramic brick is suitable for pipe construction. And in cities with a harsh climate, it is recommended to erect a pipe from two layers: the inner one from clinker, and the outer one from hollow ceramic stone.

Which brick is best for the stove in the bath

brick for the stove in the bathIn any bathhouse there will be an increased level of humidity, therefore, for the arrangement of the furnace in it, one should not use the above recommendations in full. It is recommended that the furnace be erected from clinker stone, since chamotte or quartz brick, alas, will not work. They will lose their optimum performance at humidity levels of 60 percent or more.


For the construction of the furnace in the bathhouse, you can use ceramic refractory bricks, and for decoration use ceramic stone of the first grade.

In addition, before starting work, it will be necessary to inspect the material for damage, and only after making sure of its integrity, proceed with the construction of the stove.

Tips for choosing a good brick for laying a stove

oven in the houseFirst of all, you need to find out if the material meets the established standards. Based on them, you can find out whether the material parameters are suitable for optimal values. So, GOST 5402.1–2000 is intended for installation of residual deformations after heating. Using the standard 4069-69, a fire test is performed, and using 151136-78, damage to the product circuit is measured.

But at home, it is far from always possible to conduct an appropriate check, in view of which, you just need to look at the surface of the material, and inspect it for blisters, cracks and stains. If any, it is best to look for a brick in another place.


Categorical can not be purchased for masonry furnaces raw and brick made by slip casting.

Well, if the stone has a smooth and even shape, there are no visible defects on it - you can safely buy it and build a furnace in a house or bathhouse.

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