Calculation of the furnace for the bath: the formula for calculating the power and volume of the furnace, the dimensions of the furnaces made of metal and brick.

The furnace for a bath.The correct choice of the power of the bath and the volume of its furnace directly affects the quality of the resulting steam. The latter gives the healing and recreational effect, which explains the enduring popularity of the bath as a way to maintain human health.

Calculation of the furnace for a bath

The content of the article

  • Calculation of the furnace for a bath
    • Power calculation
    • Calculation of the volume of the furnace
  • Sizes of bath furnaces
    • From metal
    • Made of bricks

Calculation of the furnace for the bath.Before you make or purchase a bath stove, you need to understand how you can calculate its power and volume of the furnace. Without these data, there is a risk of acquiring an aggregate that will not solve its tasks.

Power calculation

In order to determine the indicator of the optimal power of the furnace, you must use the following formula:

X * (Z + I) + Ywhere:

  • X - steam room volume (a lot of height, length and width);
  • Y - door, if it is not insulated or glass, then a factor of 1.5 is added;
  • I - coefficient of windows, if there are none - 1, if they are 1.2;
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  • Z - coefficient of insulation, if it is not equal to 1.2, if there is 1.

Calculation of the volume of the furnace

In order to determine the volume of the furnace furnace for a bath, you must first focus on the power of the unit used. The following formula should be used for calculation:

Fire chamber volume = MP * 0.5 or 0.6.

IMPORTANT! The need to calculate the power and volume of the furnace is necessary not only for its independent manufacture, but also for purchase. Some manufacturers do not provide all the necessary information in the advertisement. In addition, sometimes it is even quite difficult to find in the passport of the device.

Thus, in most cases, the furnace displacement should be twice as large as its predetermined optimum power.

Sizes of bath furnaces

The furnace for a bath from metal ..In order for the bath to be well heated, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the furnace for it. Before doing this, you need to pay attention to what material the furnace will be made of. This factor directly affects the methodology for determining the dimensions of the furnace.

From metal

A variety of metal swords are currently available on the market. Most often they are made of steel or cast iron. They can be designed for fuels such as wood, gas or electricity.

To date, there are steel and cast iron stoves for steam rooms, characterized by the following dimensions (in mm):

  1. Anapa from IziStim: 420x730x800.
  2. "Angara 2012" from "Termofor": 415x595x800.
  3. Vesuvius Russian Steam from Vesuvius: 660x860x1120.
  4. "Hephaestus ZK" from "Hephaestus": 500x855x700.
  5. "Zhikhorka" from "Zhar-Gorynych": 450x450x1300.
  6. Emelyanich from Teplostal: 500x600x950.
  7. "Kalita Russian Steam" from "Magnum": 650х800х1100.
  8. “Classic steam” from “Feringer”: 480x810x800.
  9. "Kuban" from "Teplodar": 500x700x865.
  10. "Kutkin 1.0" from "Kutkin": 460x450x900.
  11. “Russian Steam Slav” from “Svarozhich”: 480х570х900.
  12. "Hangar" from "Teclar": 440x670x800.

In addition to the above popular models of stoves, there are others. This also applies to the sauna heater. Depending on the manufacturer, the latter can have completely different sizes. That is why the buyer can easily choose for his steam room exactly the device that best suits him.

Made of bricks

In order to determine the dimensions of brick stoves for a bath, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the dimensions of the brick itself, such as:

  • length - 250 mm;Brick stove.
  • width - 120 mm;
  • height - 65 mm.

It is from standard-sized bricks that most often stoves for baths are made. In this case, the inner core of the heating structure is protected by the so-called fireclay layer.

Having information on the dimensions of the material from which the furnace is created, it is possible to find out the width and length of the structure, if there is its order. First of all, attention should be paid to the first row of bricks, which will clearly show the number of units of structural elements on each side. In order to calculate the future height of the furnace, it is enough to just multiply the number of rows by the height of the brick and take into account 0.5 cm of each seam.

ATTENTION! When determining the height, it is important to add 5 millimeters for each joint between the bricks, which will be filled with mortar.

Thus, calculating the size of a brick furnace takes no more than a few minutes of free time.

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