The principle of operation of the furnace in waste oil: the pros and cons of the device, the scope of application of furnaces in development.

Waste oil furnace.An example of structures whose work reduces the negative impact on the environment can be called a heating furnace where any used oil is used as fuel, from transmission to vegetable. Therefore, there are no fuel problems for such structures. In addition, you do not need to purchase expensive materials for the manufacture of the heating unit itself. For these purposes, a used propane or oxygen cylinder, construction metal scrap, is suitable.

Principle of operation of a waste oil furnace

The content of the article

  • Principle of operation of a waste oil furnace
  • Advantages and disadvantages of working furnaces
  • Application area

The principle of operation of the furnace in waste oil.Such a unit based on pyrolysis works when decomposition and gasification occur during the burning of fossil fuels. Initially, when heated, the complex nitrogen-carbon chains of oil molecules are split into chemical elements, after which, under the influence of oxygen, they are oxidized and then cooled, on the go turning into safe nitrogen and water steam

If the furnace is designed correctly, all sizes and shapes are observed, then the fuel will burn with the greatest return, and carbon particles in the form of soot and soot will not settle in the chimney.

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In such a heating device, three zones are distinguished:

  • in the first, the vapors of the oil heated to a boil are burned;
  • in the second - gasification of garbage;
  • the third is a chamber for burning combustible substances and reducing the temperature jump.

In the lower chamber is a reservoir with used oil. When boiling fossil fuels, the furnace goes into operating mode. The resulting vapor lights up. The turbulent flows arising in the first zone play the role of a limiter and the burning mixture due to this does not have free access to the pyrolysis zone. Thus, self-regulation occurs. In addition, under the influence of inertial force, burning gases are twisted into a vortex stream.

The air necessary for burning the exhaust is supplied through a window with a shutter, with the help of which the speed of oil combustion and the power of the heating unit are controlled. If the shutter is completely closed, the furnace will go out.

The oil vapor wrapped in a spiral bundle enters the high-temperature afterburner chamber. In fact, this is a pipe having a certain diameter and length, with many holes for air. Here, gas is mixed with oxygen, and the oxidation process is quite intense. The temperature in this zone can reach 900 ° C and higher, as a result of which nitrogen becomes more active. Nitrogen and carbon oxides are collected at the top of the pyrolysis zone.

Complete burning of unburned gasification products occurs in the upper chamber of the furnace. Its design features are such that they allow for a decrease in the temperature jump. Losing activity at low temperatures, nitrogen is again replaced by oxygen. Thus, at the exit we get safe nitrogen in a gaseous state, heated water vapor. Solid carbon monoxide is emitted through a chimney.

Advantages and disadvantages of working furnaces

Simplicity of design, low fuel consumption, ease of operation - these are the factors that make these heating units especially attractive. In addition, they have a number of advantages:

  1. Effectively and quickly heat indoor spaces.
  2. Independent of the availability of electricity or gas.Advantages and disadvantages of furnaces for development.
  3. You can use the oven for cooking.
  4. The dimensions and weight of the structure allow it to be transported if necessary.
  5. Lack of open fire.
  6. The furnace allows you to burn used oil and its vapors, and if the operating conditions are observed, it is not fire hazardous.

Despite the large number of advantages, this design has many disadvantages:

  1. The need to filter the oil, otherwise the impurities present in it may clog the supply tube.
  2. A chimney too high is required to create a draft more than 4 m high.
  3. High temperature equipment surfaces.
  4. The chimney and stove must be cleaned daily.
  5. Dirt in the room, noise during operation and an unpleasant odor.
  6. Possibility of fire if the combustion chamber overflows with mining.
  7. The heating unit only goes out when the fuel has completely burned.

IMPORTANT! You can only start cleaning the oven after it has completely cooled down.

Application area

Waste oil furnaces also have other names: heat guns, heaters. They are rarely used for heating residential premises, since due to the presence of hot surfaces the air is dry. But they are ideally suited for industrial premises, because they heat the air very quickly.

Usually they are used for heating greenhouses and garages, service stations and car washes, etc. Modified designs with a coil can be included in a water heating system.

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