Portal for bathhouse ovens of bricks: the order of the work with his own hands

Gateway for the bathing of the furnace bricksEach bath is required for its oven heating. A furnace portal required. This facility to accommodate the iron pots, a kind of frame.

It must be made of strong and heat-resistant material to withstand the temperature red-hot in the furnace for a long time.

Everyone turned-build their own bath, it decides how to approach the arrangement of the frame. It can be made in the form of a conventional wall, and you can go to his arrangement with the design concept.

Such a structure should be in every bath. We'll show you how to do it with his own hands.

Materials and tools needed to worktools for the job

The content of the article

  • Materials and tools needed to work
  • How to calculate the size and volume of a brick
    • The size
    • Calculation of the volume of bricks
  • How to fold a bath Portal
    • Preparing the solution
    • Operating procedure
      • Laying foundation
      • The construction of the wall
      • Decorative completion
  • Recommendations on the implementation of the work

Framework for bathhouse ovens come in two forms most often:

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  • monolithic (Consisting entirely of cement);
  • brick (Bricks of different varieties).

Material costs carefully, taking into account its quality. After the selected component depends heating efficiency and durability.

The main work that will have to perform in the construction - masonry and cement facilities align the sides.

To begin the manufacture of the device, it is necessary to have available some tools.

Before you begin, you need to prepare everything necessary.

  • Master OK for aligning walls.
  • Hammer for laying bricks at the same level.
  • Level for measuring and maintaining equal angles and sides of the frame.
  • Roulette for carrying out measurements and calculations.
  • Brick. To carry out the work should use standard bricks. It can be used as full-bodied as well as fireclay bricks.

reference. In addition to brick, it is possible to use other refractory materials: ceramic tiles, natural stone.

How to calculate the size and volume of a brick

The sizedimensions

Dimensions future entry into the furnace are calculated individually. Thus consider the place chosen for the furnace, as well as host wishes bath.

The side walls may have a width of 30 cm. Height can be leaving the same or increase.

Generally structure can be either square or rectangularWhen the height of the size of the width.

Calculation of the volume of bricks

To calculate the number of bricks required, you should perform several actions.

  • Measure the height of a brick, forming a split of the portal frame on wall surface.
  • The width of the part will depend on the type of brick that you selected for the manufacture of the portal.
  • To get the number (quantity) should add 15-20% more material in case you will misfire (breakage) or the lack of an error in the calculations.

At the same time, and you can calculate the cost of consumables. Save on the brick for the portal is not worth it, because he is the main element of the interior, Draw attention to themselves.

How to fold a bath Portal

As with any large-scale construction here needed construction plan.

To accurately match the expected results and obtained, it is necessary to measure all sides and to comply with the planned dimensions laying walls.

Preparing the solutionsolution

Proportions for preparing a solution on the basis of the sand and clay.

  • Clay - 2 parts.
  • Sand - 1 part.
  • Water - 0.5 parts.

reference: Masonry from 45 to 50 units. consumed 20 liters of the resulting solution.

Operating procedure

When the work is necessary to observe the following sequence.

Laying foundationcompleting of the work

We start from the lower ranks - brick buildings grounds. Make it should be carefully, because if the bottom layer is curved, the entire portal get rough.

The construction of the wall

Mark the place for the door, continue to work, erecting the side of the right and left of them. There is nothing complicated, you must observe punctuality.

To ensure the quality of the received frame carry out ligation sutures.

Excess cement remove trowel to the wall was unnecessary reliefs.

To adjust the height of the bricks with a hammer. Rap each brick in order to smooth out the wall along the furnace.

Council: Should not be completely filled with mortar joints between the individual elements of the laying. Left 7-8 mm useful for grouting.

Decorative completionShut Down

When the brick walls along the walls of the oven are ready, you should proceed to complete the designer.

On the front side of the oven, and wherein located topilnya woodsheds, you can upload a variety of shapes. For example, as do most, to build the front frame with the letter P. You can alternate between the bricks around topilni: white with red, yellow with white, etc.

Recommendations on the implementation of the work

  • To create a portal furnace must be approached after careful preparation.
  • Correct preliminary calculations will help to achieve the desired result.
  • In order not to complicate the work of alternating computation, make a wall full of white brick, which is very easy to decorate using paint.
  • If you do not have the skills of masonry, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

However, despite the simplicity of the device portal brick it is a key element in the bath scenery. Nothing can decorate it better than made by hand portal, a photo you're proud to show to friends and acquaintances.

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