Types of brick stoves for the home: Russian stove, Dutch, Swedish, bell stoves, advantages and disadvantages, operating rules

Despite the common points that are inherent in all types of stoves, each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In the same article, we will examine in detail each of these aspects. This will help select a device for all potential buyers.

Varieties of brick kilns

The content of the article

  • Varieties of brick kilns
    • Russian stove
    • Dutch
    • Swedish
    • Bell-shaped
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a brick stove in a house
  • Rules for the operation of brick ovens on wood

There are many types of brick stoves for the house - there are many models, but all of them are united by one function - exclusive use for heating rooms. The only thing is the ability to complement the design in the form of a hob or a stove bench. Photos of stoves can be found on the Internet.

Brick oven for home

Russian stove

Russian stoveTo begin with, we note the aspect related to cooking. Dishes that are made with the help of such an aggregate are obtained with an unusual taste and smell of haze - that is, for an amateur. To achieve a result in the field of cooking, it is necessary to turn kitchen utensils, which helps to get dishes with products from a special part that is deep enough.

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The coolant is firewood or coal, they are placed in an ordinary firebox. With their support, the process of heating the space begins. As for the dimensions, this is traditionally a massive device, as well as cumbersomeness, which most often repels people.


DutchSignificant difference from all competitors is winding pipes, which allow smoke to stay out for a long time. This explains the most important and significant advantage, namely, extraordinary thermal return. Thanks to this technology, you can warm the mansion even in the coldest weather in 10 hours. In addition, and maintain the desired temperature for the whole day. In this case, one should not forget that the brick delays heat, which, accordingly, also contributes to the retention of heat. Its positive qualities should be added to a long service life, which can slightly exceed 25 years. The cost of such pleasure is justified - the amount is not small. Especially if you take up the construction on an individual basis. Building materials also cost a lot of money.


SwedishActs as the most common version of the fryer. From the name it is clear that the design presented came from Sweden. In addition, it occupies a minimum amount of space (length and width = 1 meter, height = 2 meters), thanks it achieves high efficiency, thereby warming up adjacent rooms in more than 30 square units. This ability is due to the presence of a complex chimney system. Using it, you can also easily cook food. A hob with an oven is specially designed for this. The practicality of this installation is manifested in the admissibility of drying clothes, for which a shelf is provided. However, the “Swede" has one small minus - a small fire safety. Although it can be easily eliminated by installing dampers.


The principle of operation is carried out according to the Kuznetsov theory, according to which the movement of gases occurs freely. That is, inside the structure there are two caps stopping the hot air. When it cools, it goes back down, thereby inhibiting the combustion process. We can say that the degree is regulated independently, however, the temperature decreases quickly. Despite this, significant fuel economy can be felt.

Bell furnaces

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick stove in a house

Let's start with the positive aspects of using these additions.

  1. All the above listed varieties of bourgeois have high temporal indicators in the service of use. Just some of them are less suitable for the number of years, and some more.
  2. heat capacity is also important. Even with severe frosts, it is possible to melt a large area of ​​a building once or twice a day, and this will be enough.
  3. Does not dry air. After use, there will be no difficulty in the effect of difficulty breathing.
  4. It does not require a huge mass of heat sources. The consumption of firewood converges to a minimum level.

As for the cons:

  1. Such units need their own separate place.
  2. With independent alignment, a lot of effort and labor will be required, and with the use of stove services, money.
  3. Extra care during interaction with the firebox.

Rules for the operation of brick ovens on wood

ATTENTION! It is advisable to follow the recommendations to protect your life and the people around you, as well as the device itself.

  • For the initial kindling should use small slivers and paper.
  • Do not forget to regularly clean the chimney.
  • It is worth not neglecting the cracks and at the first detection they should be coated with a solution.
  • Close the valve as soon as the burnout has ended.
  • Beware of explosive substances. They are forbidden to be used inside the apparatus, especially when firing up.
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