Poor draft in the sauna stove: the main problems, how to improve draft

Surely, many lovers of bath procedures have come across a situation where draft is falling in the bath furnace. There can be several reasons for this problem. Some of them are the result of errors at the design stage. If you want to independently monitor the performance of the sauna stove, you should know the basic methods for detecting and removing smoke in the steam room. You will know why there is poor draft in the sauna stove, what to do to improve it.

Bad traction

Main problems

The content of the article

  • Main problems
    • Pipe length 
    •  Inadequate chimney cross-section 
    •  Short blown length 
    • Leaky chimney 
    • Problems with the tightness of the furnace door
    • Clogged ducts in the furnace 
    • Other possible causes 
  • How to improve traction in a sauna stove

When purchasing or making a bath stove with your own efforts, you will need to find out a few points, from which in the end will depend on the comfortable atmosphere in your bath, you will learn how to quickly establish cravings. Consider the possible problems that may be poor draft in the sauna stove.

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Pipe length 

This indicator has the most important effect on the correct operation of the hood. You need to know how to make it and correctly perform the installation.

REFERENCE. The smallest distance that can be between a chimney plume and a roof ridge is 500–700 mm. The best indicator is 1000 mm.

When inout the chimney is lower down the slope, its upper edge must be located taking into account the rules: from horizontal the plane on skate needs set aside angleat 10 degrees. The upper edge of the chimney should be located exactly on this line. If this rule is not observed, it is likely that smoke will escape into the room.

Inadequate chimney cross-section 

This reason has an effect on the amount of gas passage. Masters recommend laying out a brick or acquiring a steel pipe with a size of at least 120-130 cm. With a decrease in the diameter of the outlet channel, you can quite likely get a smoky room.

 Inadequate chimney cross-section

IMPORTANT. The size of the hood is 2/5 to the volume of the furnace compartment. If this rule is not observed, the level of traction will be insufficient.

Short blown length 

If the dimensions of the blower or ash box were not taken into account in the bathhouse process, this could very likely cause poor traction. This indicator is especially important if you intend to melt the oven after a long break.

To eliminate this drawback, it will be necessary to completely disassemble the furnace, you can add a compartment of the required ash pan size in the lower part of the furnace.

Leaky chimney 

Smoke will find a way out in the most accessible place, therefore, if there are leaks in the chimney, you cannot avoid smoke from the room. Your actions will be extremely simple. It is necessary to find the place of destruction of the hood and repair the defect. Depending on which material the chimney is made of, you can choose the appropriate method:

  1. If the solution spills out in the seams, simply fill them with a new solution.
  2. If a steel chimney you may need electric welding. You can also use a clamp or bandage from bandage and clay, silicone.

Tightness problems furnace the doors 

If the door does not fit well enough on the plane, it is clear that carbon monoxide will come out of the slots. The easiest way to eliminate this malfunction is to fix the asbestos cord on the door, for this:

  1. In the door, if it is quite thick, you can make a groove and press the cord into it.
  2. If your door is thin, you can weld bar sections onto it, leave enough clearance between them. It remains to hammer the cavity with asbestos.

IMPORTANT. The cord should protrude slightly above the surface, thereby achieving a seal joint.

You will need to adjust the lock a little.

Clogged ducts in the furnace 

This reason is one of the most common if timely maintenance of furnaces is not performed. The pipe during operation is clogged with a layer of soot. When condensate accumulates on the walls, this process only accelerates.

Clogged ducts in the furnace

IMPORTANT. Soot can completely block the passage of gases. Do not forget to maintain a modern chimney stove.

Other possible causes 

Among these reasons, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The main chimney, when connecting a large number of consumers to it, can not cope with the task assigned to it.
  2. With prolonged interruptions in the operation of the bath furnace, condensation forms on the walls of the pipes. It heats up and subsequently evaporates, which leads to the formation of air jams, and they block the possibility of gas passage.

How to improve traction in a sauna stove

DeflectorIn order to quickly melt the furnace without smoke, it is necessary to warm up the pipe in order to remove cold air from it. Take a few newspaper sheets and fold them into a tube, set fire closer to the chimney. Warm air will pass through the pipe, thereby removing cold air from it. If you eliminated all of the above causes of bad traction, but there is no good traction, you can try to strengthen it by installing a deflector on the pipe.

REFERENCE. The deflector is a kind of umbrella, a cap made of a special shape.

After you install this element, even if the wind blows in the wrong direction, the draft in your furnace will be excellent.

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