DIY pyrolysis furnaces: step-by-step instructions

Pyrolysis furnaceOwners of their own houses, cottages usually have to independently solve issues related to the heating system. You have to choose between different types of energy, taking into account all the costs, the cost of maintenance in the future. Currently, among the owners of houses, the pyrolysis furnace has become increasingly popular. This furnace runs on solid fuel and can easily become an alternative to gas heating, due to its efficiency. The stove can be heated not only with wood and wood products, but also with household waste.

How to make a pyrolysis furnace yourself

The content of the article

  • How to make a pyrolysis furnace yourself
    • Tools for work
    • Necessary materials
  • How to make a pyrolysis oven with your own hands: step by step instructions

This heating system can be brick - it is usually stationary, or metal - mobile. If you wish, you can make a pyrolysis furnace yourself, for this you need to purchase the necessary tools for work and high-quality materials, draw a detailed drawing. Be sure to be guided by the parameters of the heated room.

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Tools for work

For independent work, it is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • electric welding apparatus, electrodes;
  • grinder with disks;
  • drill with a drill for metal;
  • construction level, hammer, measuring tape, crayons for measurements.

An important point is the acquisition of materials, it is necessary to complete it after drawing up the drawings.Pyrolysis furnace

Necessary materials

For a metal stove, the following materials will be needed:

  • sheet steel up to 4 mm. Up to approximately 8 m2 .;
  • refractory brick 15 pieces;
  • pipes of rectangular and circular cross-section, with a diameter of up to 120 mm. - for a chimney, and with a diameter up to 60 mm (8 m);
  • metal fittings with a cross section up to 9 mm;
  • steel corner 4x50 mm;
  • temperature sensor and fan;
  • two doors.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make the cutting of metal billets, select and prepare a place in the house for the installation of the furnace:

  • lay a foundation of bricks on the floor, it should be slightly larger than the future stove;
  • installation should be carried out at a distance of 1 meter from the wall;
  • the floor around the heating device within a radius of 1.2 meters should be insulated with a fireproof sheet of iron.Pyrolysis furnace

Interesting! The gas combustion temperature in the pyrolysis furnace reaches 1000C.

How to make a pyrolysis oven with your own hands: step by step instructions

The assembly of the metal structure is carried out in stages:

  1. They make the frame by welding the metal elements of the racks together. In height up to 1 m, in width according to the size of the furnace.
  2. The inner walls are installed on the brick foundation along the entire length and welded, and the ash compartment is laid on the bottom.
  3. The main parts are welded: the afterburner with the base and with the combustion chamber.
  4. Fasten the ribs.
  5. Cut out the firebox window.
  6. Conduct a system inlet to supply air to the stove.
  7. Install the top plate, the outer walls.
  8. Mount a steel water jacket and water tanks.
  9. Water pipes (set) - a heat exchanger, welded into a flow path with a significant external surface, to supply the greatest heat transfer to the coolant.
  10. Install the fan in the pipe.
  11. Sand is cleaned (pre-calcined) sand between the inner walls and the outer ones. It will accumulate heat, as well as save from overheating and burnout.
  12. They attach the doors and seal them. A water collector is connected to the circuits.Pyrolysis furnace

The brick oven is assembled in the following order:

  1. Materials are prepared - a regular brick of 400 pieces, fireclay brick up to 100 pieces (for a heat exchanger) and a mortar of: 8 parts of sand, 1 part of water and 4 parts of clay.
  2. The solution is done in advance: the clay is mixed with water until sour cream and left overnight. Then the solution is passed through a sieve and sand is added.
  3. A brick creates a heat exchanger from two chambers.
  4. In a free, light position, grate grates are attached, as they will expand when heated.
  5. They place a fan, doors to cameras, gate valves./

Important! For a pyrolysis furnace, dry fuel with a moisture content of up to 20% is necessary, then the heat transfer effect will be maximum. With increased fuel moisture up to 50%, the furnace productivity indicator decreases by 2 times.

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