How to help the violet, if its leaves turn yellow

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Violets are a welcome guest on the windowsill, but to get a healthy plant you need to learn the right care. The first sign of trouble is usually a change in the type of leaves. They, as indicators, make the florist think about why the violet leaves turn yellow or stand upright.

Symptoms of plant diseases

Any change in the appearance of senpolia for the worse may be due to physiological or infectious diseases. Physiological changes depend on incorrect agricultural techniques, infectious ones are introduced afterwards, if the plant is weakened. A signal to the fact that the reason for the discomfort of the plant should be sought is the condition and position of the rosette of the leaves. What if the violet leaves turn yellow?

The correct position of the leaves is horizontal. Leaves thus do not rise and create a beautiful rosette, in the center of which is a cap of flowers. On non-flowering senpolia the leaves are also located horizontally.

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Physiological changes and their signs

The causes of yellowness of violet leaves:

  • wrong placement;
  • incorrect watering and feeding;
  • the requirements to the substrate are not met;
  • natural death of the lower leaves.

The first reason for all troubles may be the purchase of a plant or cuttings with ready problems. Therefore, the leaf for rooting should be taken from a healthy plant without the slightest flaws and not from the lower tier of the rosette. Acquired plant must undergo a two-week quarantine. This means that the plant is not put in a collection, kept separately and monitored for its condition. Diseases or insect pests during this time will be found, and the entire collection will avoid infection.

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Yellowing of the leaves on the lower tier may mean that the violet at the age of and has not been transplanted for a long time. The food is not enough, and it is distributed for flowers and young leaves. The reason why the violet yellow leaves may be a lack of potassium and nitrogen. The same result is possible if the earth has lost acidity, the elements in the alkaline medium do not go into a soluble form. The best way to remedy the situation may be the transplantation of a flower with the replacement of land or watering slightly acidic water.

However, the cause can be discoloration of leaves in bright light, and not only sunny. Violets on shelves under artificial lighting are also harmful to excessive lighting. There is a special film that can be pasted on a windowpane or covered plants in accessible ways. Violets with dark leaves are more resistant to excessive light.

The leaf plate can turn yellow from touching the cold glass in winter, when watering with cold water or abundantly. Senpolii love moist air, but it is achieved by placing it near a container with water or wet moss. Is it possible to spray violets? No, it will not increase the humidity, but it will ruin the appearance of the senpolia. Leaves do not like this kind of moisturizing. Care of them consists in washing with soapy water under a shower and drying in a bathroom once a quarter. A flower with droplets of water will become a focus for sunlight, and a leaf will get burned, it will be an unsightly brown spot.

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If the plant is standing in a draft, this can cause the appearance of pale or bronze leaves. Both low and high temperatures have negative consequences for the plant. At a temperature above 25 degrees, the flower plate becomes discolored.

Yellow cut leaves can be used for propagation. If the corolla is cut at the bottom and the trunk is bare, then wrap it with moss and moisturize. As a result, the roots will appear. The plant deepens and receives additional nutrition.

Why do violets have their leaves rising

If the green leaves stretch upward, there can be several reasons. One of them is insufficient one-sided lighting. In order for the violet to form the right rosette of leaves, they should all receive uniform illumination. Therefore, the flowerpots need to turn after a certain time to a small angle, changing the illumination of the leaves.

Another reason why the violet leaves go up, there may be dry, superheated air, from which the leaves tend to protect the core of the flower. Indignant leaves when changing places, because they are homebodies. If the plate also bends the edges, the plant requires nitrogen fertilizing, but within the limits of the norm. In crowdedness, the leaf blade can rise in the struggle for a place under the sun.

Infectious diseases of violets

Infectious diseases include those that are introduced into a weakened plant. Therefore, the cause of the disease is always the wrong care. In order to protect the city from disease, it should first of all not bring the infection with new plants. Quarantine serves as a warning. Weaken the plant can:

  • non-compliance with the thermal regime;
  • incorrect watering of plants:
  • drafts, a cold raw corner, where the plant was placed.
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In such conditions, rot, zones, where the phytophthora can penetrate, appears on the stems or roots of the violet. This is one of the terrible infectious diseases of the senpolia due to non-observance of temperature and humidity. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted to the ground. Therefore it is important to disinfect all the purchased and homemade soil.

Another disease that can destroy all violets in a short time, is called powdery mildew, which begins as an inoffensive dusty white coating, ends with the death of the plant. Powdery mildew on violets requires quick treatment. You can not take from such a collection of leads.


For treatment in the early stages, you can use special preparations such as "Topaz" or "Saprol". Just noticing the powdery coating, fill the plant with sulfur powder, seal it tightly with a bag and create a temperature of 25 to kill the mycelium. You can spray using a slurry of soda and laundry soap. If powdery mildew on a violet is started, the plant is destroyed, and preventive treatment is carried out for the remaining inhabitants of the windowsill.

The difference between rot and infect is that it spreads to all plants in cramped conditions. Noncommunicable diseases due to improper care can kill one plant.

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