Agriculture is a rather troublesome and time-consuming task. You can’t do without a tool at hand. It will be needed both when breeding birds, and when growing other animals. One of the necessary devices is a vegetable cutter or a food cutter. It simplifies the process of feeding livestock on a farm. Few people know that it is not necessary to purchase such a device - you can easily make it yourself.
Making vegetable cutter graters
The content of the article
- Making vegetable cutter graters
- Making a vegetable cutter from an old washing machine
- Vegetable cutter from a cylinder or bucket
- Vegetable cutter from an ordinary grinder
This device is quite common in the process of housekeeping. Hand made grater for grinding feed will allow you to feed a small number of heads, and the manufacturing process of this device will take a minimum of time. In this case, the consumer will not need to use the drawings in the process, and he will be able to do with a minimum of the tools involved.
To make the case you need to take:
- stainless steel sheet measuring 30 by 50 cm;
- a plate for connecting elements;
- the lever by which the mechanism will rotate;
- worktop to accommodate the structure.
In the first step, you will need to cut the holes of the cover to a suitable diameter, then connect the stainless steel sheet with a plate, install the lever and place the resulting device on the countertop. Everything, after this, the grater becomes ready for use.
Making a vegetable cutter from an old washing machine
This model of feed cutting will not be so easy to manufacture, therefore, before you start, you will need to prepare the appropriate drawings. From the old washing machine you need to remove the drum and motor.
Make a hole on the rear surface of the drum, the diameter of which will fit the diameter of the motor shaft. From the edges you need to make 4 holes for mounting. In one of the walls you need to cut a small hole, through which already frayed feed will be poured into the prepared container.
The cutting part is located on the shaft of the electric motor and bolted. It should be mentioned that the design presented should contain 2 knives. The first should look like a propeller and be equipped with slightly curved blades. It will be placed closer to the bottom of the tank, and used to toss the feed to the top of the unit. He will also push already chopped feed particles out of the structure.
The second knife will play the role of a cutting element and for its manufacture a blade of an old saw is quite suitable. The ends of this knife will need to be slightly tilted towards the bottom of the drum, which will increase the productivity of the installation. Sharpening should be the same on both sides.
Upon completion of the indicated procedures, it is necessary to install the device on an iron support, having the form of a stool, and fasten it to the bolts. And so that during the work the feed does not fly apart, it will be necessary to make a special cover with a hole for casting raw materials.
ATTENTION! The fraction of the finished feed depends on the residence time of the raw material inside the drum. The longer it is there, the smaller the diameter of the feed at the outlet of the device.
Vegetable cutter from a cylinder or bucket
Before starting the main part of the work, it will be necessary to evenly divide the gas cylinder into two parts. Ideally, an ordinary grinder is suitable for this. Then you need to take one of the halves, and prepare metal molds to accommodate the blades.
After carrying out the indicated manipulations, you can go directly to the main work, namely the preparation of the blades. Initially, they need to be slightly bent, and then fixed to the prepared plane on screws screwed into pre-prepared holes.
After the cutting parts of our design are successfully created, a small aperture with a grinder will need to be cut in the cylinder. It should be located on the side of the vessel.
Under the disk on which the blades are located, you will need to place an iron stand with a pre-cut opening. Externally, the design should resemble the shape of a stool to connect the tank to the motor.
The engine, in turn, needs to be installed under a metal stand. So we get the equipment for grinding feed. It is necessary to attach a bucket to it, where already shredded feed for livestock will be poured.
Vegetable cutter from an ordinary grinder
For work, you need to take an iron bucket. An ideal option would be a container made of stainless steel. In the walls of the vessel we drill holes with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. At the edges they can be slightly bent. A hole with a diameter of about 1 centimeter should also be made in the bottom.
At the end of these procedures, it will be necessary to use metal corners and welding, thereby constructing the frame of the future device. The bucket is mounted to the frame using a flange and oil seals. As a result, we must get a movable drum, which will be the main element of the future design.
We place a receiving hopper above the drum. It can also be made independently from a bucket or flat stainless steel sheets. And in order to give the drum optimal speed, you will need to attach a grinder to the rear flange. Upon completion of this part, the device is ready for use, and you can immediately begin the test.
The raw materials will need to be filled up in the erected bunker. Under the influence of its own mass, it will put pressure on the drum, which in this construction also acts as a grater. As a result, the raw materials are crushed, and the output is excellent feed for cattle. To adjust the speed you will need to change the speed of the grinder. So that the crushed mass does not fly out of the device, you can make a kind of door attached to the hinges.