How to make a crossover for speakers with your own hands: step by step

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Crossover is necessary to separate the frequency ranges in the speakers. The device can be made with your own hands, if you know the secrets of its creation.

DIY crossover for speakers

The content of the article

  • DIY crossover for speakers
    • Crossover circuit
    • Inductor
    • How to make a circuit board
  • Assembly and connection of the crossover: step by step

There are two advantages to creating a crossover yourself:

  1. You can save. You don’t have to spend money on buying a device.
  2. An interesting collection process. This will allow you to understand the operation of the device, and to carry out the repair process with your own hands in case of breakdown (because you will get the necessary knowledge during the assembly process).
How to make a crossover for your own speakers

Crossover circuit

First, check the speaker parameters. It is carefully necessary to check with what frequency they work, and their level of sensitivity. The next step is the selection of an electrical circuit for connecting a crossover.

Advice! Experts advise to dwell on second-order filters, since in small cabins of the car the frequency parameters rise.

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Crossover for speakers scheme

If you connect tweeters through a first-order filter, the hiss is amplified, and the woofers transmit more bright sounds. Therefore, together they form a mess of their incomprehensible sounds. But the wide interior of the car is able to reduce this minus.


They must be wound. If we chose a woofer, it is necessary to use a wire of copper with a thickness of 0.1 cm, and coated with a special layer of insulation. In the process of winding the wire, it is necessary to make turns and fix them with glue.

Ferrite cores should be used to create the coil. They allow you to make less weight and dimensions of the structure, and reduce the cost of wire (it is quite expensive). This also increases the open resistance of the coil.

Crossover for speakers

We get an inductance that can be controlled with a special measuring device.

How to make a circuit board

Now you need to pay a fee on paper. This is done, breaking away from the dimensions of the resistor, and the coils that we wound in the last step. After creating the drawings, the board is transferred to a special material (for example, foil fiberglass).

Crossover for speakers

Now you need to drill holes for connecting wires and parts. We also pickle the board. For this, a solution based on ferric chloride is placed in a semi-finished product.

Assembly and connection of the crossover: step by step

To build and connect, do the following:

  1. Inductors must be glued to the board. Do not forget about the capacitor. For this we use good glue. This is important because these parts often fall off when shaking and vibrating.
  2. Now you need to connect the speaker wires. To do this, use a standard soldering iron. Pay attention to the polarity, and do not confuse the inputs of the woofer and tweeter.
  3. We fix the soldered wires with glue. They are also often damaged by shaking and vibration.
  4. Now you can connect the device. First, we make a test connection to make sure that the signal can be transmitted to the speakers.
  5. If necessary, turn on the resistor.
  6. You can use the device.
Crossover for speakers

Attention! The sensitivity of the tweeters is higher than that of the woofers.

Thanks to the instructions presented, you can easily make a crossover. It is very important to choose the right materials for the device and carry out their installation.

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