How to check the jbl column for originality, the right ways

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JBL speakers are very popular. They have a built-in battery, compact size, moisture resistance, excellent sound quality and other unique characteristics. In order to fully experience all the advantages of the device, the main thing is not to buy a fake of this product. Read more about how to distinguish the original jbl column from a fake.

How to distinguish fake JBL

The content of the article

  • How to distinguish fake JBL
    • Packaging
    • Equipment
    • Obvious external signs
    • Cost
    • What else can help determine

It can be very difficult to distinguish a real jbl from a good fake right away. Suppliers of fake products make them as close to real as possible. However, in general, they try to save on materials and make the product less quality. There are basic characteristics of the product, which allow you to verify the authenticity of the purchased product.



fake on the left, original on the right

Packaging can say a lot about the product purchased. The main distinguishing features of this brand are as follows:

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  • The logo is in the image of the column. On a fake, instead of it, a red rectangle is most often present.
  • Under the logo located in the upper left corner of the box should be the inscription "Harman". There is no inscription in fakes, but the logo itself is visually larger and can be in the form of a sticker.
  •  Information on the packaging. There should be a detailed description in different languages ​​about the manufacturer, a QR code, serial number, information about the product and its functions, and much more.
    • This box is one-piece and made of high quality cardboard.
    • There is a texture print on the original box. The fake box is made of plain cardboard.

ATTENTION! The packaging for counterfeit products has an outer carton that the original never has.


The internal content is also significantly different. In the original, the product is covered with a cardboard plate with the inscription Charge 3, and from the bottom, for greater protection, glued with foam. The product must be wrapped in a soft bag with warning labels and additionally secured with tape. Chinese manufacturers use an ordinary plastic bag without patterns. Under the lid there is a color photo from a nightclub; it is absent from a fake.


The kit should contain adapters for different outlets, instructions, charging and drive. It should be noted that the listed components must be neatly folded and covered with a film. In fakes, most often you can find only one adapter for an outlet, a jack-jack wire, a wire drawn by wire and a piece of paper with a technical description without logos.

IMPORTANT! Fakes do not have a warranty card and instructions in Russian.

Obvious external signs

external signs

A careful examination of the columns shows that their appearance has significant differences:

  1. A different way to make a logo on a product. In the original, it is larger, and the die is fixed inside and it is difficult to remove it. In a fake, the die is significantly smaller and glued to double-sided tape.
  2. The buttons on the control panel in fake products are made of low quality rubber and their dimensions are much smaller.
  3. The central power button should protrude slightly from the case, while the rest are firmly glued to it. In a fake, we see the gap between the body and the rubber button itself.
  4. The sides of the speakers should be hidden under soft rubberized plastic. The fake uses ordinary hard material.
  5. The original column is made of rubberized material, due to which the device is not afraid of moisture. The mesh looks uniform and neat. Not the real product is covered with fabric, but the mesh is larger and loose.
  6. All speaker connectors should be assembled in one place and covered with a lid that holds its shape well. It has two layers, does not close by itself and has good tightness. The cover is soft in a fake.
  7. In the original, there are only three holes: USB, micro-USB and a jack cable, and there are four of them in a fake.

external signs


Too low a price for a product can certainly indicate a fake product. Depending on the modification, prices range from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles and above. Chinese products are many times cheaper. Before buying, it is better to check the cost on the sites of official dealers. After all, a quality thing cannot be cheap.

What else can help determine

more distinctive features

original on the left, fake on the right

We list a few more nuances that will help with the purchase:

  • You should pay attention to the presence of the serial number of the device, glued on the case next to the connectors. On a fake it simply is not;
  • The difference in weight: the Chinese device is much lighter;
  • From the fake comes the smell of chemical materials;
  • The sound. Real music lovers, accustomed to a good sound, will be able to distinguish a quality product in a couple of seconds.

REFERENCE! To protect yourself as much as possible from buying low-quality equipment, it is better to use the services of trusted dealerships.

Jbl speakers aroused great interest not only among buyers, but also among manufacturers of illegal products. Therefore, it is very important to know the main features of the original products, so as not to be deceived and buy real speakers.

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