How to make sound without speakers on a computer: methods, step by step

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How to make sound without speakers on a computerIn most desktop computers, various speakers are most often used to play sound. However, they sooner or later fail. Often this happens at the most inopportune moment when you need to hear what is happening on the screen. We will figure out what to do in this situation.

Can I play sound without speakers on my computer

The content of the article

  • Can I play sound without speakers on my computer
  • Turn on computer sound without speakers: step by step
  • Possible problems

There are several alternative solutions to this problem. The easiest to implement is to connect the headphones to the same port where the speakers were connected before. In this case, you can enjoy high-quality sound, if, of course, the device allows.

As another option, you can find the ability to play through the built-in speaker of the sound card. However, it can help if there is no need for high-quality reproduction, since the purity of the issued signals leaves, to put it mildly, much to be desired.


TVs can also play sound from a computer. It is especially simple to do this on modern models that have an HDMI connector, the same connector should be in the computer. If not available, the following cable types can be used as an alternative:

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  • RCA
  • RJ45;
  • Dvi
  • VGA

It is possible to transmit a signal wirelessly using a Wi-Fi router.

Reference! Among the manufacturers of monitors there are such companies that produce this equipment with built-in speakers. They are able to cope well with the task of reproduction.

Turn on computer sound without speakers: step by step

To get a signal, you need to perform several steps. In each individual case, its own characteristics, but the main ones are almost everywhere. Here they are:

  1. First of all, you need to check the availability of the driver for the sound card. If it is not, then you first need to do the software installation. Typically, a disk with it is included with the system unit. If it is not, then today any driver is downloaded for free from the official website of the card manufacturer or on specialized IT portals.
  2. Next, you need to connect equipment that reproduces sound. Be sure to check the connection. Excellent in this case help manuals and operating instructions for the equipment.
  3. Adjust the volume level on the device to a comfortable level.

In most cases, the sound appears immediately, after which you can enjoy your work.

Important! Before operation, it is important to make sure that the connected equipment is in good working order, since sound in this case may not be reproduced either.

Possible problems

Not always everything goes smoothly. Very often during the connection process there are various problems. Consider the most common of them:

  1. The problem with the drivers. It is very common among users, especially when installing a new operating system, also “firewood” flies during a software update. The check must be carried out in the "Toolbar" in the item "Device Manager". In the properties of the sound card, the installed driver is displayed.
  2. BIOS problems. There are times when the system mutes the sound by default. This can be fixed using BIOS in the “High Definition Audio” section. There should be set to "Enabled".
  3. The playback device is not selected correctly. This parameter is set differently in different versions of the operating system. However, you need to know that the device that is not always connected is determined by default, sometimes it must be selected from the appropriate list.
  4. Unsupported connection format. This is especially common when using an HDMI cable. The video card is not able in some cases to transmit an audio signal by this method. Before using this method, you need to familiarize yourself with the manual.

Signal problems cease to be a problem, if you approach this wisely. Most of the problems that arise here are solved very simply, it is enough to show ingenuity and patience.

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