How to minimize the window by using the keyboard: how to quickly minimize all windows using the keyboard, how to turn your game or program.

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Minimize all windows.Keyboard - a mandatory part of a complete set of any computer or laptop. With it there is a device management are input required data and calls are made. But there are also a large number of commands that are known only to a small number of users, and yet they can significantly simplify and speed up the process of working on the computer.

For example, you can quickly roll one or several windows on the screen by using the keyboard. How to do it? Is it possible to turn more and the program or the game? All this you will learn in this article.

How to minimize the window by using the keyboard

The content of the article

  • How to minimize the window by using the keyboard
  • How quickly minimize all windows using the keyboard
  • How to turn off the keyboard game or program

Such function will be useful not only when your mouse breaks. Sometimes reaching out to the mouse is not very convenient - for example, when rapid and duty typing.

In this case, you may need to roll the window. Make it pretty simple and quick - you'll need to make just a few clicks.

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There are many teams that facilitates the use of computer devices, running on of Windows. So how do you minimize a window using the keyboard?

Location Alt keys and "Space".

To do this, open the context menu, which occurs on the left, at the top of the screen - you need to simultaneously press the two buttons: Alt and the spacebar. They are very close, which certainly is an advantage. Then, in the pop-up menu you can choose an action - to collapse the window, expand or close altogether.

IMPORTANT! Navigation is done by pressing the "Up" and "Down" and to click on a particular item, then press Enter.

How quickly minimize all windows using the keyboard

In order to minimize all open windows at once, there are two ways. The first implies that you just fold the - you need to hold down the Win and M on the English keyboard layout, but you can expand by adding more tabs and Shift.

Key combination Win + D.

There are a total team: Win + D. With it you can do something, and the other based on the current position of the display.

IMPORTANT! Be careful, acting too quickly. You can toggle back and not lose any unsaved files.

How to turn off the keyboard game or program

With games and programs, the situation is a little more complicated. Each of them can have its own characteristics and be created on different platforms.

In some cases, it helps to pressing Windows key. You can also call the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, but it does not guarantee the result.

If you take care of this possibility, it is easy to customize the application or game to windowed mode. Then use the above command with which to turn the game window, program or web browser is very easy.

Now that you know what the shortcut keys on the keyboard allow you to use the computer even more simple and easy. In addition, it is possible even to switch immediately to the right window, but this requires a separate command. It is also important to understand that these combinations are only those PCs that run on the Windows operating system and may differ significantly from any other devices.

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