How to connect a keyboard and mouse to a tablet: wired, wireless connection

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Modern technologies make it possible to ensure high performance of various devices, which allows them to provide many functions. The tablets were no exception. Today, in terms of power, they are more like mini-computers, and a large number of various programs allows you to perform absolutely any action.

How to connect a keyboard and mouse to a tablet

Options for connecting a keyboard and mouse to a tablet

The content of the article

  • Options for connecting a keyboard and mouse to a tablet
    • Wired connection
    • Wireless connection

In order to ensure maximum functionality of the tablet, you can connect a mouse and keyboard to it. You can do this in two main ways: through a wired connection and wirelessly. Both connections have advantages and disadvantages.

Mouse connection

Wired connection

In order to connect additional devices, many tablets have not only standard for mobile devices mini USB, but also full-fledged USB ports that support connecting not only control devices, but also ordinary flash cards. If the tablet does not have a full USB connector, then you should use the On-The-Go adapter, which allows you to turn mini USB into a full connector.

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ATTENTION. Not all tablets support mouse or keyboard controls. In order to find out if there is such a function, you should consult the technical literature.

Also, if the gadget has only one connector, and the control devices are two, then a USB splitter is useful, which will allow you to connect several devices to one tablet.

ATTENTION. If the connected devices do not work when connecting the splitter, the problem may be that there is not enough supply voltage for their functioning. An active device with a cascade of amplification can solve the problem.

How to connect a keyboard and mouse to a tablet

Wireless connection

There are two ways to wirelessly connect a keyboard or mouse:

  1. Via an external module.
  2. Through the built-in module.

To configure the connection through an external device, just connect it to the USB port. After that, the gadget will automatically detect the connected device.

When making a connection through your own Bluetooth module, you need to go to the wireless settings and pair with the included wireless mouse or keyboard.

How to connect a keyboard and mouse to a tablet
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