How to originally pack a mobile phone as a gift: ideas

original gift phoneA mobile phone is a welcome and necessary gift in most cases. But at the same time, such a present is quite banal and already by one box you can understand what is inside. Therefore, to create a festive atmosphere and intrigue, it is worth paying attention to both the design of the gift and the delivery itself. Most likely, the reaction of the person who received the mobile device will fully pay for the time spent.

How to pack a mobile phone as a gift

The content of the article

  • How to pack a mobile phone as a gift
  • How to present a phone: original ideas

phone as a giftIn addition to regular wrapping paper and gift boxes, you can use the following ideas:

  • Attach the phone to the paws of a soft toy or tie it with a tape to a radio-controlled typewriter or helicopter and point it to the hero of the occasion.
  • Give the packaging a completely different shape. For example, to make a ball, flower, candy from various materials, and put a telephone in the center of the composition.
  • Pack the gift not in his factory box, but in any leftover from other household appliances. The larger and more useless the device that was previously stored in this package, the brighter the emotions after unpacking.
    instagram viewer
  • shampoo packagingUse a shampoo or conditioner bottle of the appropriate size as packaging. To do this, cut it into two parts without hitting the bottom, place the mobile device inside, fill empty space with any material for packaging and bandage with tape so that the bottle does not open earlier time.

Reference! For this method, the bottle should first be thoroughly washed and dried.

  • Pack the gadget in many boxes or layers of wrapping paper. The main thing is not to overdo it with adhesive tape, otherwise there will be no strength left to rejoice at such a gift after fighting with all the packages.

How to present a phone: original ideas

packing for phoneSelection of options:

  • Silently leave a new gadget in a jacket pocket, in a bag or in a room, and then call it. The main thing is to put a familiar melody so that such a call is not ignored.
  • Create a “treasure map” or an entire quest, the result of which will be the discovery of a mobile phone.
  • Ask a stranger to help with presenting a gift. This can be either a specially invited actor or animator, or a seller at the box office, a “casual” passer-by, or a taxi driver.
  • phone in a panFortune cookie inside. You can treat them in a cafe, at home for a cup of tea or toss a whole set of such sweets to someone who will soon become the owner of the phone. The text of the predictions may be as follows: “soon you will receive what you have long dreamed of,” “this day is full of surprises,” “look carefully around, you will find something interesting.”

How exactly to present the phone depends only on the imagination and skills of the donor, because each case is individual due to special habits and preferences of the person to whom the treasured gift will be presented.

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