Planetary scanner that is: it looks like, the pros and cons

Planetary scanner, what is it?Government agencies are actively moving to electronic document storage format. To one of the most used devices include planetary scanner. In this article, the actual information is collected with a complete description of its functionality and characteristics.

It looks like planetary scanner

The content of the article

  • It looks like planetary scanner
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • conclusion

Planetary scanners are professional equipment varieties. Such a device is used to perform specific tasks. The main concerns contactless scanning paper documents. Much benefits include access to the digitization of old and worn-out papers. The main feature of the planetary raznsovidnosti scanners is the ability to work with the A2 paper.

Note: This device is also called "book Kaner."

Digital unit is a device on the long base. Central to it is the head that is responsible for scanning. It is located at an altitude of a few tens of centimeters from the object being scanned. This is to ensure that the tool is in the process was able to completely capture the desired area of ​​the document.

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Some models are equipped with a special matrix, which is analogous to the element in a digital camera. Such an embodiment scans the printed document from edge to edge. The work itself is carried out in a single shutter that helps to save the working time.

Book cradle - one of the additions to the planetary version. It is designed for formatting and aligning the height of the pages on the page. Some species have a book cradle pressing glass. It is necessary to align the paper, reduces distortion during scanning.

planetary scannerWhen working with books use a special kind of book V-shaped cradle.
It is suitable for digitizing bound documents. Most of these models have two heads, which promotes rapid scanning reversal.

Reference: the scanner - the best option for books with limited opening angle.

Advantages and disadvantages

When purchasing such a machine for the production must be thoroughly acquainted with the list.


  • high quality of the final work;
  • It excludes the possibility of damage to the original;
  • alignment of lines, edges;
  • elimination of a limited angle in the books;
  • simple steps in use;
  • High-speed (considerable saving of working time).

A few drawbacks:

  • the process is quite tedious;
  • the device is difficult to find on the market;
  • high price.

planetary scannerThe main area of ​​use are museums, libraries and archival institutions. Planetary scanners have higher quality of the final work. Broad functionality allows for operation of high complexity and get high quality results. This kind of scanners are one of the most popular and in-demand among consumers.


Digitization of paper documents facilitates their subsequent use and storage. In carrying out the process uses a number of special appliances, one of which is a planetary scanner. This device has special characteristics, advantages and features. The use of this unit will accelerate the time of, and the finished result would be of high quality.

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