Getting rid of the odor in several ways freezer

How to remove odor from the freezer? Freezer - useful invention of mankind. It is able to maintain products for months: fresh fruits and vegetables lie until winter, and the meat does not go bad as you think, that tasty to cook from it. But often we are faced with such an unpleasant thing as an unwanted odor from the freezer.

What causes odor in a freezer

The content of the article

  • What causes odor in a freezer
  • Methods of getting rid of the unpleasant odor
    • purchased funds
    • Traditional methods
  • Prevention of odor

Why there is a smell in the freezerIt can occur for several reasons:

  1. When the fish is already the fourth year, but it is a pity to throw. Even at sub-zero temperatures in the products have a shelf life. And after a few months, they begin to deteriorate and become the source of the stench.
  2. When, during the repair work switch off the electricity on the line. And so for several days. Products thawed, ports and stink. Although disruptions you may have not even been aware of.
  3. Cooked and uncooked dishes themselves can have a sharp flavor. And when mixed produced fusion mixture. And even the eternal ice of the freezer will not interfere with this alliance. So store food in sealed containers or bags for freezing. And if possible, sort them by type in the compartments: meat, fish, vegetables.
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  4. New electrical appliances since the plant have a smell. If after purchase you are careful not to wash new clothes, do not be surprised that the products will begin to smell like plastic.

Methods of getting rid of the unpleasant odor

Getting rid of the odor in a freezerIf there is a smell in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator to get rid of him? First of all, it is necessary to revise among the products. Throw away everything that is not necessary. Sealed pack everything you need.

In the second, unplug the refrigerator from the power supply and allow it to thaw. And then - my fridge with funds of your choice. Read more about them below.

purchased funds

Dissolve in water dishwashing detergent or multipurpose tool and carefully wash with the solution freezer.

Important! How to eliminate the smell in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator? Walk under the gum, which are responsible for the tightness of the camera, because there are also water can collect. Pour the liquid and dry the pan, if any.

Do not use detergents and other non-food cleaning. With washed their faces will be in contact food, and many synthetic chemicals are dangerous to health. On the packaging of such substances always indicate this fact. Examine the label before use.

Buy in economic special agent department store. You put it in the camera and it absorbs all smells.

There is an option more expensive - ozonizers. Special unit to fight the cause - kills putrefaction bacteria. Importantly, do not forget to change the batteries.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods for getting rid of the odor in a freezerHow to remove odor from the freezer refrigerator? To wash the refrigerator using acetic or citric acid. They are great to fight with unpleasant smells.

Freezer until dries, put inside the sorbent, which absorbs odor from the camera. The fact that there are often on the farm, suitable:

  • Slice of citrus;
  • Purified onion;
  • Plate with baking soda and salt;
  • rice;
  • Freshly ground organic coffee;
  • Tea bags;
  • Several tablets of activated charcoal;
  • Black bread.

Prevention of odor

Prevention of odor in a freezer

Of course, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of stench, than to tinker with his breeding. Stick to a few simple tips, and your life will not spoil this nuisance.

  • It is important to monitor the shelf life of foods, getting rid of unnecessary time. Spend stocktaking with some share of criticism. If you doubt that you will have it, better to give a friend or a neighbor, if so it is a pity to throw out;
  • Keep your freezer clean, store food in special bags or containers. Teach yourself even in a hurry to fulfill this requirement. Or even if you are very lazy. Perhaps it is because of this fish without a bag you will spend a few hours of their weekend with a rag at the open freezer;
  • Take preventive cleaning every 3-4 months;
  • Leave in the freezer running purchase odor absorbers. Just put on the door of a jar or put it in one of the compartments. Do not forget about its existence and periodically change to the new;
  • Ensure the smooth operation of the freezer. And if it is itself whiling away - it's time to sound the alarm! Faulty electrical appliances in the house are very dangerous. Do not neglect your safety and the safety of their loved ones.
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