In some US states have banned the import and use of the microwave? What happens if you disobey?

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The debate about whether the harm to the health of the use of microwaves causes no diminution since these appliances have started to massively win the hearts of consumers.The opponents and microwave ovens cause defenders a lot of scientific (and not) the arguments in favor of it is his point of view, referring to the results of various experiments.

In some US states have banned the import and use of microwave

Interestingly, all these investigations by official representatives of the Russian sanitary service Rospotrebnadzor and do not comment. State ban on the sale and purchase of microwave ovens is not, and the decision to purchase such devices remains only for the consumer, which should, based on the extracted information independently, solve: Does he need to house this stove and whether it is safe.

Prohibition of the microwave oven in Mississippi

The content of the article

  • Prohibition of the microwave oven in Mississippi
  • What happens if you disobey?

However, not in all civilized countries such decisions embarks to chance.An example of this is the United States, namely, the state of Mississippi, which the authorities have heeded the arguments of opponents of microwaves and a ban on their use across the state.

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In the US, in addition to the basic legal document of the country - the Constitution, each state has the right to issue its own laws governing the lives of its citizens, if they are not contrary to the US Constitution. Using this law, Mississippi authorities have banned the import, sale and use of microwaves throughout its territory.

In some US states have banned the import and use of microwave

This was the result of systematic appeals scientists Mississippi University, speaking about the undeniable damage to health as a result of the use of microwave ovens.

The principle of operation is to convert the microwave electromagnetic microwave field into heat energy. Due to this, the food heats up much faster than in the case of heating by contact with hot surfaces.

Following the conclusions of Mississippi University experts, the food is treated in a microwave oven, it becomes negative impulses, "discordant with the universal vibrations." After exposure to microwave food is no longer the product, which has been heating up. It has damaged the atomic and molecular bonds, which have a negative impact on human health.

In some US states have banned the import and use of microwave

Also in the proof of the theory about the dangers of microwave ovens local scientists is an experience in which the inside of the unit operating in "grill" mode, rat was placed and left for 2 hours, whereby it killedbut.

According fierce fighter against the widespread use of microwaves, professor of physical research by Joshua Robertson, all attempts to group activists, scientists to attract the attention of the authorities to this problem, it ended in silencing or direct threats on the part of corporations engaged in the production and sale of household instruments.

Only the power of Mississippi to hear experts warning about the dangers of microwave ovens and decided to ban them.

What happens if you disobey?

In some US states have banned the import and use of microwave

Guide staff seriously concerned about the threats to human life and health from the use of microwaves. To underline the seriousness of the situation, it introduced strict punishment for violators of the ban on the use of microwave ovens. They installed a real prison sentences for illegal use of the devices in the home (5 years imprisonment) and for their importation into the territory of the state for sale (12 years old).

No official document confirming the harmful effects of microwave radiation on the processed food. On the contrary, drawn the attention of users to the fact that such a treatment carried out according to the rules, it allows you to save in the products maximum vitamins and minerals.

In some US states have banned the import and use of microwave

Due to lack of information on this topic is impossible to say exactly, but if the above arguments have influenced the decision of the state government to ban microwave ovens, or was even any information.

If the reason for the ban were the these mixed results pseudoscientific (as in the case of rat) experiments, we can talk about a rather strange approach Mississippi authorities to take laws.

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