How to paint the microwave inside: what paint to paint the microwave inside, detailed instructions

Long use of the microwaveA microwave is an integral part of a comfortable life. Perhaps in the modern world this household item is in the kitchen of most apartments. It allows you to heat food or defrost food in just a few minutes. But during intensive and prolonged use, the paint inside may peel off the surface, which requires re-painting. Below we decided to talk about how to properly implement it, and what materials will need to be used in the process.

Is it possible to color the microwave inside

The content of the article

  • Is it possible to color the microwave inside
  • How to paint inside the microwave
    • What kind of paint can I paint the microwave inside
    • How to paint the oven inside from rust
    • What to paint if the paint has peeled off inside the microwave
  • How to color the microwave inside
    • Detailed instructions on how to paint the microwave inside at home
    • Important tips for painting the microwave

The kind of microwave when it needs to be painted insideThe inner coating can be made of various materials: ceramics, enamel or stainless steel. In view of the foregoing, various damage can be observed:

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  • small scratches on the stainless steel due to washing the surface with hard brushes;
  • impressive cracks and chips on ceramics under mechanical stress;
  • the appearance of blistering on an enameled surface, due to prolonged use, contact with splashes of fat and temperature extremes.

In any of the above cases, you will need to color the inside of the microwave. And to joy, you can carry out the work yourself at home, without having any special experience and knowledge.

How to paint inside the microwave

At the first stage of work, you will need to choose the right paint. It is necessary to approach the process responsibly, and pay special attention, due to the fact that the equipment is used in the kitchen, and accordingly it must fit a number of requirements.

Microwave Ink SelectionWhen buying paint, it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Composition. Among the components should not contain harmful substances.
  2. Stability under the influence of the environment and other factors. It is temperature differences that are the main reason for peeling and bloating of paint.
  3. Matching the shade of the purchased paint to the standard color of the microwave. The discrepancies will clearly be striking, and will turn household appliances into an unpresentable box for heating food.

Attention! Many consumers believe that the walls of a microwave oven heat up during operation. But this is far from the case. In fact, only products are heated, and the only exceptions are cases of continuous operation of the equipment - 20 or more minutes.

What kind of paint can I paint the microwave inside

Many consumers prefer to simply throw away the old stove and go to the store to purchase a new one. But if expenses are empty - not your hobby, proceed to the study of the following material.

  1. Silicone food color paint.

Silicone food grade paintThis is the most suitable option for staining the microwave. After a series of checks, the paint was approved by the Ministry of Health, recognizing that it was completely safe for human health. The presented option is characterized by:

  • lack of harmful discharge;
  • resistance to damage;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Apply with a brush in 1-2 layers.

Attention! There is a significant drawback of the indicated option, consisting in the high price.

  1. Conductive paint.

It perfectly lays on metal surfaces and does not adversely affect the operation of the furnace. Often the main components in the composition are:

  • zinc;
  • silver;
  • shungite.

The price of the paint presented is also not close to the affordable mark.

  1. Acrylic Auto Primer.

Microwave Spray PaintA great option with several advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • elementary application (made in the form of a spray);
  • protects metal for a long time;
  • a wide palette of colors, which allows you to choose the best shade for resuscitation of the microwave.
  1. Household enamel.

This is a special paint designed for household appliances.. It is based on epoxy enamel. The paint is durable, resistant to temperature extremes and affordable cost.

How to paint the oven inside from rust

Rust and peeling paint inside the microwaveAn ideal option for painting over rust formed from inside is acrylic paint for cars. In addition to the above advantages, it allows you to hide rust and protect the metal from its reappearance, and can easily withstand temperature extremes.

What to paint if the paint has peeled off inside the microwave

The first stage of damage to the inner coating - peeling paint. If you notice a peeled piece in time, you can avoid further corrosion and the formation of rust. At this point, the recovery process will take less time, materials and effort.

Food color or household enamel are the best options.if the microwave peeling paint.

How to color the microwave inside

How to color the microwave insideFor the successful implementation of ideas, you need to start with the preparatory phase - to take the required tools. We will need:

  • paint, brush and small roller (spray paint is an exception);
  • solvent for degreasing surfaces;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • masking tape;
  • gloves and other protective equipment.

In fact, work on painting the microwave does not take much time. And also this process can be done at home.

Detailed instructions on how to paint the microwave inside at home

The process of painting the microwave insideIf you follow the instructions below, the process will not be difficult.

  1. We disconnect the equipment from the power supply, and tilt it to the back wall to create the most comfortable working conditions.
  2. Using masking tape we close those areas that are not planned to be painted, as well as ventilation, a place for a plate.
  3. We bring down the blistering paint.
  4. If rust is absent, we restrict ourselves to the usual sanding of irregularities.
  5. In the presence of rust, we perform sanding.
  6. When rust is in excess, it is recommended to resort to the help of the converter.
  7. After stripping, we remove all dirt with a rag.
  8. Then degrease the surface using a solvent or alcohol.

Attention! When performing work, one should not forget about gloves. It is also recommended to open the windows so as not to inhale the vapors contained in the paint.

Important tips for painting the microwave

Pay attention to the following tips to help you avoid mistakes while working.

  1. Cover the table with newspapers so as not to stain it.
  2. Using can paint, it is recommended to paint from a distant surface by placing the furnace on a rib.
  3. You can’t draw a lot of paint on the roller. In other situations, the layer will be quite thick and drips will appear.
  4. Hard-to-reach spots can be painted with a small brush.
  5. After drying the first layer, apply the second.
  6. Wait for the surface to dry.
  7. If necessary, see the detailed video instruction.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use the microwave oven for 2-3 days from the moment of painting.

As you can see, sending household appliances to the nearest landfill is not necessary at all. Regardless of defects in the paintwork (small cracks, chips, bubbling or heavy rust), You can paint the inner surface at home. Even a novice can do this job. At the same time, a variety of colors, as well as a wide range of shades, are striking, which allows you to choose the most suitable option, starting from the characteristics of a microwave oven.

Microwave CareThe main thing - do not forget about thorough care, and timely paintingwithout waiting for the appearance of more serious problems in the operation of the equipment.

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