Transformer from the microwave: characteristics and application

microwaveA microwave has long been an integral part of every kitchen. The constant use of household appliances requires attention and care, timely replacement of failed parts. In some cases, a manifest defect requires replacement of the device.

But do not immediately throw out the faulty microwave: its details can still serve.

The most important part in the device is the transformer, whose main purpose is the conversion of AC voltage.

With proper extraction, it can be used not only in microwave ovens.

Microwave transformer

The content of the article

  • Microwave transformer
    • Description
    • Specifications
  • Application options
    • Extraction
    • Why use

microwave transformer


The item is small block with several coils.

The windings cover the magnetic circuit and are engaged in the conversion of incoming energy.

In the manufacture of tape windings, the following materials are used:

  • lacquered copper enamel wire:
  • fiberglass protected aluminum wire.


transformer descriptionTransformers are a kind of power source for magnetronsthat give off heat.

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They pumped power in 1500 - 2000 Vt, converting it at the output of 500 - 800 watts. The transformer includes several windings, so it looks so big.

The primary voltage is 220 volts.

Secondary reduce AC voltage, leading to a filament winding. It is necessary for the emission of electrons.

The next winding is used for direct voltage. Electrons begin their movement, due to which the radiation necessary for heating food appears.

Application options

In the event of a malfunction, the microwave is often discarded.

If the transformer is in good condition, it can be pulled out and used for another purpose.


While maintaining the functions, the transformer can be useful on the farm. To do this, you only need to carefully remove it.

It should be remembered that the procedure requires caution. With a slight deformation of the magnetic circuit or coil, the device will fail.


  • use of transformerTo remove the device from the furnace you need unscrew the base of the kitchen appliance and disconnect the fasteners on the housing. If damage occurs, the circuit may break. This will create additional difficulties when rewinding the coil.
  • Current limiters, peculiar shunts, should be removed.
  • After excavation small cleaning of the coil and core is required from small debris and chips. They can occur during extraction. Dust is removed with a small brush.

Important: The brush should be clean and dry. This will avoid the risk of increased pollution and short circuits during operation. The procedure is carried out only after disconnecting the device from the network.

  • With the help of simple and neat actions, it will be possible to remove the working transformer for further operation.

Why use

use of transformerScope of application These devices are not limited to microwave ovens. With a little effort and a minimum of time, several new ones can be made from the old device.

With the skillful approach and accurate mounting of the old transformer, new applications can be found. Making devices will require a small amount of additional materials and will take a minimum of free time. The result of such work will please for a long time.

Proper removal, accuracy of actions and serial installation will allow the manufacture of devices such as a welding machine or power supply. Craftsmen are sure that the presence of a transformer will always be useful in the household.

We offer several ideas for using an important part of a microwave oven.

  • A suitable and correctly removed transformer will become high-quality welding machine both for spot and for arc welding. Despite the fact that a large amount of this product is presented on the modern market, not everyone can afford this purchase. With proper removal and installation, such a welding machine will be a real find for every connoisseur or someone who likes to spend free time creating something new.
  • Spotter - one of the varieties of the welding machine. It is used to straighten dents on a car body. You can make such a device at home. With the addition of several working materials and precise installation, a spotter is obtained that is not inferior to a professional one. It will allow to carry out work on straightening a car body at home.
  • Microwave transformer is a real find for hams. This is a very powerful tool for the manufacture of many devices. During installation, it can be configured to any value for energy conversion. To do this, cut the seams of the magnetic circuit, remove and rewind the coils. With proper assembly and the correct measurement of voltage, an excellent power supply will be obtained. He will be able to convert the mains voltage to the required values.
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