Is it worth it to warm food for children in the microwave: harmful or sometimes possible?

A microwave is a convenient thing in the kitchen, especially when you need to quickly warm up food for a restless baby. But is this a miracle of technology so safe? And is it dangerous to heat food in the microwave to feed the baby? These questions excite the minds of many young mothers and make them make difficult choices.

microwave and baby food

Is it harmful to heat food in the microwave?

The content of the article

  • Is it harmful to heat food in the microwave?
  • Microwaves and baby food
  • Making a choice: safety or convenience?

Around microwave ovens there are various theories and conjectures that make one doubt their safety. It is difficult for an ordinary person who understands kitchen appliances only at the user level to determine where truth and falsehood are. This makes many people refuse to use a convenient device.

Today, people's opinions about heating food in the microwave were divided almost equally:

  • one part believes that in such a technique there is no harm, moreover, food from the microwave oven is useful, as it is being prepared quickly, which means it does not lose useful vitamins and minerals, does not contain harmful fats and other unwholesome for the body substances;
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  • the second believes that microwaves negatively affect the condition of the product and residual radiation is present in the heated food, getting into the body.

Important! The assertion that the microwave is completely safe and allows you to sit on almost proper nutrition is only a trick of advertising agents and manufacturers of household appliances. In fact, the situation is not so simple and understandable.

is the microwave harmful

One can argue about the benefits of food cooked or preheated in a microwave. And when it comes to children, doubts are visited more often and there is a difficult choice between convenience and safety.

Microwaves and baby food

The expert opinion on the heating of breast milk in the oven is categorical - this can not be done. The effect of microwaves on the mother product will lead either to the death of living components of milk, or to a change in their structure. In any case, such food should not go into the diet of the child.

Manufacturers of microwave ovens do not indicate in the instructions the possibility of heating baby food. However, pediatricians and home appliance experts advise against this. The thing is that modern mixtures are as close as possible to natural breast milk, and electromagnetic waves can destroy their structure, making the product unsuitable for feeding the baby.

Important! Food does not absorb any harmful substances, but it becomes completely useless. All useful substances disappear, as a result of which there is no benefit for the child's body.

Making a choice: safety or convenience?

microwaves and baby mixes

Opinions of people are divided almost equally in favor of security or convenience. Therefore, each mother must make a choice on her own. The main thing to remember about some features of proper heating in a microwave oven:

  • food should be put on warming up for a short time, literally for half a minute, then mix thoroughly and repeat the procedure;
  • it is important that the food is ready at the time of heating in the oven;
  • if there is time and opportunity to warm up food in the "old-fashioned" way, it is better to do so.

Important! Bottles with baby food or breast milk are perfectly heated in a water bath. If there is no desire to engage in heating, you can resort to the help of special thermos containers. They can store breast milk for up to 10 hours.

It should also be noted that the popular assertion that the constant heating of food in microwave ovens leads to oncology is not proved by science. Just as the absolute harm of a household appliance has not been proven. Making a choice is quite difficult, but each mother herself must decide what is best for her baby.

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