How to clean microwave towels: the best way with step-by-step instructions

Washing kitchen towelsMistresses know: it is nice when the kitchen is perfectly clean. Pets spend time here eating, and we take guests to the kitchen. Stains on kitchen towels are a difficult problem. Often they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor caused by parasitic bacteria that do not go away after washing at low temperatures.

Towels are a necessary thing in the kitchen: we need them to remove the pot from the stove, wipe the table, pour tea and not get burned. An eye always falls on dirty textile napkins, they need to be changed often, buy new ones that can afford. Grandmothers boiled them, but this method takes a lot of time. We offer to solve a domestic problem once and for all.

We analyze an easy way to clean using the microwave available in each house, as well as some useful tips related to storing and choosing kitchen towels. The method has been personally tested by hundreds of women and has shown its effectiveness in practice.

REFERENCE: divide and conquer: use different towels for dishes, wiping hands, wiping the table. Often they use one for everything that quickly makes a thing unusable. By the way, use black and colored fabrics for cleaning in the kitchen, they are not so noticeable pollution, even if there is a stubborn stain.

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Can microwave towels be washed

The content of the article

  • Can microwave towels be washed
    • The best way
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to wash microwave towels
  • What you can not do when washing towels in the microwave
  • Tips on how to simply and safely microwave your kitchen towels
  • Washing machine or microwave: which is better

Yes, at first glance it seems that the microwave oven is in no way suitable for washing. We are used to warming food in it, but not to wash dirty things. Do not worry - Microwave radiation, which allows you to quickly heat food, will not affect your health and the structure of the towel. This method is safe and ideal for us, since we need to reach high temperature as quickly as possible.

The best way

So, you no longer have to boil textile napkins, spend expensive time, and experience flour. Let's step-by-step figure out how to wash in the microwave.

Linen kitchen towels
Waffle Kitchen Towels

IMPORTANT: when you choose a towel in the store, attract soft and pleasant to the touch. But do not buy terry towels, they are more difficult to wash. Mistresses are advised to choose linen towels. Did you know that flax has bactericidal properties - tissue from this material used to be used to dress wounds. Cleaning with such towels prevents the growth of bacteria in the kitchen; they are made from natural materials, quickly dried and less likely to tear.

Step-by-step instructions on how to wash microwave towels

And now let’s get down to business and analyze step by step our further actions.

Rub a wet towel with laundry soap
  1. You will need laundry soap and a plastic bag. Soak a towel in cold or warm water, then rub it with soap. If there are spots from beets or tomatoes on it, pour citric acid on them. Acetic acid copes well with mold, and salt copes well with removing stains from coffee. Take a simple plastic bag and put a dirty cloth in it. No need to close it.Put the towel in the bag, and put in the microwave
  2. Put the contents bag in the microwave.
  3. To heat to the desired temperature, you must turn on the microwave for 1.5 minutes.
  4. Remove the bag with tongs or salad spoons.Remove the towel from the microwave with tongs

ATTENTION: it will be good if you take a break, and then repeat heating. This will increase the chance to remove stains.

Pour clean water and rinse the towel - done, the spots and bad smell are gone.

What you can not do when washing towels in the microwave

Remember that a microwave is a complex technical device. Always follow the safety instructions for the microwave oven. If there is no plastic bag, do not use foil or cling film: the first will sparkle because it contains metal in itself, and the second will generally melt. Do not use paper bags from the supermarket, they can catch fire.

Protect your skin - Never take the hot bag by hand. This is dangerous.

Tips on how to simply and safely microwave your kitchen towels

Let's give some more tips.

  • First, do not experiment with power - set the average.
  • Secondly, the package cannot be tied, otherwise there will be a small explosion. Not scary, but it's better to protect yourself.

Microwave-washed towelsTry a few times, and you will realize that this method is much more effective than, for example, washing in a washing machine. But many keepers of the hearth will doubt the innovations. We’ll figure out which is more efficient.

Washing machine or microwave: which is better

Washing towels in a washing machineIt is logical that if we need to wash something, a specially purchased machine will help, and not a microwave oven, which is designed to heat food. But not so simple. When the dirt is not strong, but barely noticeable, wash the towels at a temperature of 60 degrees, if they are textile, and 90 degrees, if cotton. But you will spend more time (recall that the microwave method takes only 1.5 minutes), as well as water and electricity, for which you have to pay. In addition, for different colors you have to choose a separate powder. The most important thing is that the washing machine will not help with heavy soiling. You have to turn to boiling and other painful methods. Definitely, today there is no way to return freshness to a towel better than quick and effective microwave heating.

reference: fabrics for cleaning the kitchen will still get dirty - this is inevitable. In order not to spoil the overall look of the kitchen, get a separate basket where you will store rags, towels and napkins for wiping the table.

Basket for storing kitchen towelsTry this method yourself. Imagine: thanks to our method, you will find yourself precious free time to listen to music, read a book or watch TV - an additional opportunity to relax for the hostess. Tell your friend about this method - she will be grateful if you share this article with her about how to make the kitchen more comfortable for the hostess.

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