What is an inverter microwave: device features

inverter microwaveA microwave oven, or, as it is also called in everyday life, a microwave oven, is present now in almost every kitchen. This device helps to cook and heat food easier and faster. Recently, one of the models of this device, an inverter microwave oven, has gained increasing popularity.

The inverter is an important part of the microwave

The content of the article

  • The inverter is an important part of the microwave
    • What is an inverter?
      • What is the difference between the two electronic control units
    • The principle of operation of the inverter in the microwave
  • How the use of the Inventor changed the microwave
    • Functionality of inverter furnaces
    • Weight and dimensions of the inverter furnace

As you can guess from the name, a feature of the novelty is the presence of an inverter in it. Some device that was not available in previous models of microwave devices.

What is an inverter?

To understand what it is, let us recall how the microwave works and what it consists of.

The operation of the device is based on the use of microwave radiation. In other words, electromagnetic waves or microwaves. Repeatedly reflected from the inner walls of the furnace, they pass through the processed products. At the same time, the water molecules contained in the food are given thermal energy. Thanks to this, the food warms up.

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The source of electromagnetic radiation in the furnace is a magnetron. It is located at the back of the microwave. Therefore, it is not visible, unless you disassemble the device.

BUT an inverter is an element that controls and regulates the operation of a magnetron. In earlier and more familiar models, this was done by a transformer.

What is the difference between the two electronic control units

  • The first broadcasts only waves of a certain given power. His work is an alternation of short-term electromagnetic pulses and pauses.
  • Inverter control is able to smoothly change the radiation power from a larger value to a smaller one. That is, it constantly generates microwaves, smoothly adjusting their strength during the session.

Important! The inverter differs from the transformer not only in the principle of operation and power, but also in weight and size. It is significantly more compact and lighter than its more traditional counterpart.

The principle of operation of the inverter in the microwaveinverter operation principle

With regard to the operation of the microwave, this means the following. A standard microwave oven always uses waveforms of a fixed power. However, it does not work continuously, alternating microwave pulses with pauses. Different modes differ only in the duration of impacts and breaks between them.

It is precisely because of this unevenness that small local “explosions” and “accidents” occur in the microwave oven, causing food to splatter around the inside of the cabinet. Experts say that damage occurs at the molecular level. As a result of which, products lose some of their taste and nutritional properties.

The impact of an inverter microwave on food is constant and uniform. The power of electromagnetic radiation decreases smoothly and gradually. Due to this, it is possible to configure more complex cooking modes. Maintain the integrity of products, including at the micro level, as well as their appearance.

Important! Inverter operation mode can significantly reduce energy consumption.

For different models, specific numbers are slightly different, but the average savings are about 28 percent.

Thus, although outwardly inverter models look similar to the more familiar options for us, inside they are quite different.

How the use of the Inventor changed the microwave

From all these technical details, several very simple, understandable and pleasant things for owners of inverter microwave ovens follow.

microwave inverter capabilitiesFunctionality of inverter furnaces

The options available for this type of microwave are much wider. On the surface are such differences as a greater number of cooking, heating and defrosting modes. For example, the function of creating dishes with a golden crust, with the effect of a grill. Or turbo defrost. Or steam mode.

The number of opportunities available to the hostess has increased.

But much more significant is the fact that the quality of food processed in the oven has changed. More uniform heating without sudden jumps in the electromagnetic field to a lesser extent damages food at the molecular level.

Important! After cooking in a conventional microwave, foods lose an average of 40 to 60 percent of the nutrients compared to a raw, untreated condition. The inverter can reduce losses by 30-40 percent.

That is, food cooked in a new type of microwave oven is much more healthy and nutritious. Even with the naked eye, it is sometimes noticeable that she looks better. And in the pictures under the microscope, the difference is even clearer.

Inverter microwave - the choice of supporters of a healthy diet.

Weight and dimensions of the inverter furnace

Another significant feature of microwaves of this type is that they 10 percent lighter and roomier than its less modern counterparts. This is due to the fact that the inverter is much more compact than a transformer and weighs less.

Therefore, if you look at the range of microwaves of this type, you will see offers there with a large capacity. Basically it will be devices with an internal volume of 23, 25, 39 liters. Whereas conventional microwaves are more often characterized by a value of 20-22 liters.

At the same time, the weight for traditional models with a volume of 20 liters and for inverter devices with a volume of 25 liters is approximately equal. Its value is about 9.5 kg.

Important! With a larger internal volume, a built-in microwave oven with an inverter will save you from additional problems when placing in the kitchen.

In addition, for the preparation of culinary delights in it even relatively large and bulky dishes will do.

If you briefly summarize all the advantages of buying a microwave oven with an inverter, you will get a very attractive list. Energy saving, more cooking modes, better food quality, large capacity. Do not lose sight of the reliability of the work. Repair of such devices will not be required soon.

Among the minuses are the higher cost of such a device and a smaller range of models. However, both of these shortcomings are gradually leveled over time. The difference in price decreases, the number of offers increases.

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