How to use a hair clipper: how it works, tips and tricks

what does a hair clipper look likeThere can be many reasons to learn to cut on your own. Do you want to create an image, and hairdressers cut like they see? You are not ready to regularly lay out the amount to adjust the hairstyle or beard? Want to change the image, but are not ready to constantly go to the salon? Then - learn the basic rules, buy a clipper, fill your hand and do what you like.

How does it work

The content of the article

  • How does it work
    • Electric motor
    • Summarize
    • Nutrition
    • Knife, nozzles
  • Recommendations

Modern devices in the device do not differ from devices of ten or twenty years ago: the basis is an electronic motor, which, under the influence of current, makes it rotate or vibrate knives. The higher the motor power, the more intense the movement of the blades, the more tasks it can perform. To perform the tasks used nozzles. Consider each item.

Electric motor

The main element of the design. Depending on the engineering solution laid in the foundation, there are two types:

  1. The use of a rotary engine, which gives reciprocating motion to the block of knives. It gives high power, a good moment is provided. Professional equipment is usually of rotary type. This machine is capable of any, even complex, task.
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  2. Using an electromagnetic coil (pair). This type of machine does not have a lot of power, because a weak impulse is transmitted to the knives. Suitable for edging, adjusting, i.e. work is short, short.


  • Decide on the tasks and then choose the device:
  • A rotary engine device is suitable for complex, long-term operation.
  • It is convenient to use a compact, long-playing machine of vibration type and it is good to carry out regular trimming and adjustment.

machine deviceNutrition

In addition, another criterion that determines the choice is the method of supplying voltage. Most models are equipped with an electric cord. But for travel enthusiasts, for places where 220V is not available, use battery or hybrid devices.

A striking representative of such devices is a model with an electromagnetic coil - small in size, operating on a single charge for several hours. This is convenient, but there is always the possibility that the machine will be discharged in the midst of the process.

If we consider hybrids, then this is usually a professional rotary type machine. If necessary, you can unplug the cord and continue to work. It has great power, short-lived in standalone mode.

Knife, nozzles

Blades are the elements responsible for a beautiful and accurate haircut. Steel or special coated knives are used. The operating time of ordinary metal is limited, especially of low-quality alloy, therefore, using spraying extends the service life, ensures the quality of the cut hair, the knives remain longer sharp.

IMPORTANT! In advertising, compactness of the model, additional functions, and brand fame are put in the first place. But the quality of the haircut and the operating time depends on the quality and material of the blades.


varieties of shaving machinesProfessionals advise:

  • Experience is gained in practice, but do not cut everything. Work on yourself first, then take on relatives and acquaintances. Success will be, you just have to be patient. Do not be afraid of mistakes. Not one master could do without them.
  • Watch more videos on the work of masters and training videos on haircuts. Understand how the device works, its capabilities. Remember, most cars are designed under the right-hander. To avoid problems, determine the orientation of your model.
  • Start with short haircuts - they are easier and you can always "fix" a haircut to zero. Continue after regrowth. Do not give up.
  • At first, get by with the starter kit - a simple and reliable machine, plus several nozzles to create a smooth transition and a smooth border. Do not rush to throw money on expensive, professional equipment and a set of nozzles, if you do not have at least an initial experience.
  • Any technique, especially if it comes in contact with hair and skin, requires maintenance. Remember to regularly clean and disinfect blades.
  • Choose a couple of simple haircuts that you will do. As you master, gradually complicate.
  • Before starting, examine your hair - structure, fragility, growth rate. If necessary, consult a specialist.

Today, stores present a wide selection of equipment for haircuts at home. Using the machine, you can create a mood and change a boring image. Follow the rules, watch the video with the lessons and you will succeed.

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