RAC - description, installation, characteristics, types and rating

Air conditioningDomestic air conditioners today have become so accessible that they can afford to buy people with almost any income level. Residents of the southern regions, where the temperature rises to 35 or above, can not imagine a house without a split system.

The market offers hundreds of models from dozens of manufacturers. To select a suitable air conditioner, you must know exactly what you desired features and functions.

Brief description of the features and purposes

The content of the article

  • Brief description of the features and purposes
  • Principle of operation
    • Specifications
    • Intended use
  • Types of air conditioners. Advantages and disadvantages
    • Air conditioning with air-separating system (split system)
    • Mobile air-conditioning in the form of a monoblock
    • Fixed monoblock
  • What to look for when buying the air conditioner?
  • How to Install? What you should know about your installation company?
  • air conditioning service, replenishing
  • Rating of household air conditioners

Air Conditioning quickly able to reduce the room temperature at 10 - 15 degrees.

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If you use a split-system, air can not only cool but also heat up quickly. The indoor unit of such devices sufficiently compact. It is attached at the top. Outwardly endure beyond the housing and is mounted on the outside.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of household air conditioners based on the refrigerant heating. The substance evaporates, absorbing heat from the surface, and when condensation occurs cooling process.


Power unit derived from the mains. RAC consume an average of 1 to 2.5 kW / h.

The power of the equipment depends on what kind of area it is able to cool down.

Intended use

household air-conditioningThe main purpose of the device - the cooling air in a residential area. The equipment is often installed in the bedroom and in the kitchen.

Current models are also able to heat the air to a desired temperature. This feature is very popular before the start of the heating season. At this time in the flats cold, but the heat is not fed.

Attention! Manufacturers recommend not include a split-system for heating with a decrease in the outside temperature to -5 degrees.

Types of air conditioners. Advantages and disadvantages

The devices come in three main types:

  • Stationary one-piece;
  • split systems;
  • mobile monoblocks.

In residential areas often use a split-system, but in some cases it is more convenient to install a mobile or stationary monoblock.

Air conditioning with air-separating system (split system)

Spli systemA device of this type consists of two blocks which are interconnected by means of wires and pipes for supplying refrigerant.

  1. The outdoor unit controls all major functions. It houses the condenser, the cooling refrigerant. His circulation between the housings carries the compressor.
  2. The indoor unit includes an evaporator that cools the air stream before entering the room. The chassis embedded louvers regulating the direction of flow and filtration system.

among the advantages of split-system mark almost complete quietness, the ability to accurately set the temperature and air flow control.

Among the shortcomings - a complex installation. Independently run it will not work, you will have to call a specialist. master services are quite expensive - a few thousand. Another minus may be noted residents of the first floor. The external unit is easy to damage the street.

Multi split systems - it's practically the same thing. The difference is that the outdoor unit can connect not just one but several internal.

Mobile air-conditioning in the form of a monoblock

mobile air conditioningMonoblock buyer can install yourself. It consists of a housing, which is often placed in windows or doorways. This type of device is not sufficiently high efficiency, because the body passes a bit of warm air. The disadvantages are also high levels of noise.

Among the advantages of mobility note of such equipment. However, in recent years, buyers prefer to buy ultra-quiet model that displace a mobile monoblocks market.

Fixed monoblock

Models of this type are the most inexpensive. They are placed in a window or hit the wall. Characterized by a high noise level. The disadvantages include the fact that the winter through the body in the room will penetrate the cold air. In most such devices are set in cottages.

Among the advantages - the price. Fixed monoblock are much cheaper split systems. On sale are rare.

What to look for when buying the air conditioner?

Before buying equipment, make sure the power is enough for a full-fledged space cooling. Also pay attention to the following factors:

  • Compressor type. Inverter economical, quieter and more reliable than non-inverter.
  • Noise level. The optimum rate is 25 - 30 dB.
  • The presence of filters. They clean the air of dust and odors.
  • Ventilation. fresh air supply function is not all air conditioners. In ventilation mode, many models do not involve the outdoor unit.
  • Auto mode. This feature allows the device to operate without constant settings.
  • Design. The inner body is in sight, so should fit harmoniously into the interior of the premises.

How to Install? What you should know about your installation company?

installation of air conditioningFor the installer of air conditioning turn in case of purchase of a split system. Master paves the road for communication links. In the wall of drilled hole diameter of 3 - 5 cm. On the outer wall of the outdoor unit is fixed, and indoor - internal. They are interconnected, whereupon freon purge system.

That the device is not out of order, to make installation must be a good specialist. Safer just to apply to companies that are engaged in the supply of cooling equipment. They specialize and install it.

It is not necessary to ring numbers from the bulletin board. Installation in such a master will be cheaper. However, in the event of a fault to claim there will be nobody.

air conditioning service, replenishing

the equipment should be carried out every six months Maintenance. It includes:

  • cleaning of the inner and outer blocks;
  • diagnostics functions;
  • refilling freon.

Important! If any failures in the operation of the device is necessary to call a specialist. He will be able to assess whether the refrigerant leakage has occurred, and correct the problem.

Servicing air conditioners are also best left to trusted companies.

Rating of household air conditioners

conditionersThe equipment produces many well-known companies. Air conditioners on the market are premium-level, middle-class and budget.

Elite models produce mainly Japanese companies: Daikin, Toshiba, Panasonic. The device features a virtually complete quietness, reliability, advanced functionality. For comfort will have to pay dearly. Premium air conditioners cost from 40 thousand. rub. The price of the most expensive model may equal the value of the car.

The middle class is represented by manufacturers such as Hitachi, Electrolux. good quality equipment and at a more reasonable price than the elite. The cost ranges from 30 to 50 thousand. rub.

Budget segment produces Samsung, Daewoo, LG, Zanussi, Vitek and others. The assembly of such air conditioners in most cases made in China, so their reliability is low. But you can buy a popular model at a very affordable price. The average cost is 15 - 20 thousand. rub.

By choosing conditioner, you need to study its characteristics and know the country - the manufacturer. If the requirements to the functional small, it is worth considering medium or budget class. After 5 - 7 years old model obsolete, and it would be better to replace a new one.

Installation of equipment to be trusted trusted companies. Only in this case, the air conditioner will last for several years without breakdowns.

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