What is the difference between carob coffee makers and drip and geyser types

Black horn coffee makerA cup of morning coffee - This is an integral ritual for many of us, and how delicious this drink will be will determine the course of the whole day. Unfortunately, in the modern rhythm of life, not everyone can devote time to making coffee in a traditional Turk.

In this case, a coffee maker comes to the rescue. This miracle of modern technology is capable of making a magic drink in a matter of minutes, which is as good as the creation of a professional barista.

Today, manufacturers of kitchen appliances offer three main types of coffee makers:

  • drip;
  • carob;
  • geyser.

In order to correctly choose the right device, you should study the characteristics and technical features of each type. Particular attention must be paid to coffee extraction mechanisms.

If you do not go into narrow technical terminology, extraction is the saturation of water with the taste and aroma of ground coffee beans. The strength, aroma and saturation of the drink will depend on the method of this extraction.

Let us consider in more detail each of the presented species

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The content of the article

  • Let us consider in more detail each of the presented species
    • Drip coffee maker
    • Coffee maker
    • Geyser coffee maker
  • What is the difference between carob type coffee makers and drip type
  • What is the difference between a geyser coffee machine and a drip
  • What is the difference between carob and geyser

Drip coffee maker

Drip coffee makerIt is also called filtration, since it works by the filtration method. The main difference between this coffee maker and the others is that its mechanism of action, as well as the temperature for brewing water, are optimal for making Americano coffee. It is quite strong and saturated, especially if the coffee machine’s power does not exceed 800 watts.

Such a coffee maker consists of a water tank in which it is heated to a boiling point, and a filter with ground coffee beans. Drops of condensate form from the heated water, which enter this filter, where it is saturated with coffee taste, strength and aroma.

The resulting coffee flows into a special flask, in which the current portion is accumulated. Such a flask is made mainly of plastic or glass. The volume of this vessel varies from 5 to 15 total volumes of standard coffee cups. It all depends on the frequency and volume of coffee. Pay attention that the bulb handle is convenient for you, does not slip and is made of heat-resistant material.

As for the filters, they are of the following types:

  • paper;
  • nylon;
  • gold;

Paper filters can only be used once, so they do not need special care. They are valued for their cheapness. Nylon filters are the most popular, because they can withstand up to 60 brews. The gold filter is the most durable, but the most expensive. It is covered with a film of a special protective alloy. Such a filter requires periodic cleaning.

In addition to the listed basic parts of the coffee maker, there are several auxiliary functional elements:

  • Filter holder - allows, without removing the filter from the apparatus, to move it to the side;
  • The fortress regulator is a mechanism that allows you to choose the degree of fortress on 10 or 5 point scales. Thanks to this function, you can also adjust the welding time;
  • Auto control mode - allows you to schedule the time the device is turned on and off;
  • Auto-heating - performs the function of a thermos, maintaining the required temperature of the liquid.

As you can see, the mechanism of operation of such a coffee maker is quite simple. It is simple in its operation. The technology for making coffee is as follows:

  1. Water is poured into the tank;
  2. Ground coffee is poured into the filter;
  3. The device starts up using the corresponding key.

Due to such simplicity and affordability, a drip coffee maker has become quite popular in the coffee machine market.

Coffee maker

Coffee makerIt works on a similar principle, but with a significant difference: water from the tank enters the boiler, in which is heated and in the form of hot steam under pressure passes through a horn with ground grains coffee. Saturated steam condenses in a special tank. At the exit we get a flavored drink. Due to the effect of pressure, water in the shortest possible time obtains a maximum of taste and aroma from grains.

There are two types of carob coffee makers: pump-action and steam.

In the pump coffee maker, the water heating temperature does not exceed 95 ° C. Heated water is carried out through a horn using a special pump. The resulting coffee is obtained as aromatic and saturated as possible. This takes no more than half a minute. The power of such devices ranges from 1000 to 1700 watts.

A steam coffee maker heats water to 100 ° C. The result is steam. Under its pressure, a special valve opens, through which steam enters the horn with coffee substance. Exposure to hot steam somewhat dulls the coffee aroma, but allows you to extract the maximum amount of caffeine. Such coffee will be less tasty, but more tonic. It takes less than 2 minutes to prepare. The power of such a device does not exceed 1000 watts.

The horn coffee maker has a lot of advantages:

  • A drink prepared in this way preserves the entire palette of flavoring shades of the taken coffee variety;
  • The complete absence of grounds makes it possible to fill the cup with pure coffee without any impurities;
  • As a result of exposure to high pressure, there is an increased extraction of coffee substance - up to 25% (in a drip coffee maker, this figure does not exceed 18%). This allows you to save on ground coffee;
  • Increased responsiveness. The whole process of making coffee takes seconds;
  • On the surface of the finished coffee, a delicate creamy foam forms, which coffee connoisseurs love very much.

The disadvantages of this type of coffee machines include the lack of a built-in coffee grinder, as well as the need to seal coffee in the horn with a special tempera.

A horn coffee maker costs a little more than a drip, but its price is justified by a whole list of significant advantages.

Geyser coffee maker

Geyser coffee makerIts unusual name, this device is due to the similarity with the current geyser. It is also called a moka coffee machine. This is the most rare type. It was invented back in the 19th century and is functioning to this day. In modern models, the option of electric heating has been added.

It consists of two tanks: the lower one is for water, and the upper one is for ready-made coffee. Between them is a filter funnel for ground coffee beans. The upper tank contains a tube, and its bottom serves as another filter with a gasket.

Upon reaching the desired temperature, a portion of the liquid passes into steam. As steam accumulates, its pressure rises, which allows boiling water to be pushed up. Having risen to the level of a funnel with coffee, the water is saturated with its properties and the finished drink passes through the tube into the upper tank. The process can be considered completed when all the water from the lower bowl moves to the upper.

Advantages of a geyser coffee machine:

  • Coffee does not spill out of a small cup, as can happen in drip and carob models. Its preparation does not require mandatory control;
  • The fact that the coffee has been fully prepared will signal a characteristic murmur;
  • Prices for geyser coffee makers are very affordable and affordable for any pocket;
  • The finished drink does not contain grounds;
  • Under the influence of pressure, the coffee is especially aromatic and strong.

It is worth considering some of the disadvantages of geyser coffee makers:

  • This type of coffee machine has a very vulnerable filter and gasket. They will have to change every now and then;
  • After each use, the filter requires cleaning;
  • A geyser coffee maker consumes a lot of electricity.

What is the difference between carob type coffee makers and drip type

Drip coffee makerThe main differences:

  • In the drip model, ground coffee is in contact with liquid water, in the carob model, it is in contact with steam;
  • A drip coffee maker prepares a drink for 2 minutes, carob - 0.5 minutes;
  • The drip coffee maker has a capacity of up to 800 watts., A carob - up to 1700 watts .;
  • A drip coffee maker is cheaper than a carob.

What is the difference between a geyser coffee machine and a drip

The main differences:

  • In the drip model, water enters the coffee substance in the form of drops of condensate, in the geyser - in the form of boiling liquid;
  • A drip coffee maker prepares a drink for 2 minutes, a geyser - 8 minutes;
  • A drip coffee maker has a capacity of up to 800 watts., A geyser - up to 1000 watts .;
  • A geyser coffee maker is cheaper than a drip.

What is the difference between carob and geyser

Hot spring geyser coffee makerThe main differences:

  • In the carob model, ground coffee comes in contact with hot steam, in a geyser model - with boiling water;
  • A geyser coffee maker brews coffee - 8 minutes; the preparation process in the carob model takes 0.5 minutes;
  • The horn coffee maker has a capacity of up to 1700 watts., Geyser - up to 1000 watts .;
  • A horn coffee maker is significantly more expensive than a geyser.

Summing up, we can conclude that each of the coffee makers presented has its own advantages. In order to make the right choice, you need to determine your goals and needs.

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