How to brew coffee in coffee makers type - geyser, carob, drip

Methods for the preparation of coffee are constantly being improved. There are new technologies and devices to easily make a delicious drink at home. There are different types of coffee machines with different characteristics and features.

About brewing coffee

The content of the article

  • About brewing coffee
  • How to make coffee in the coffee maker geyser
  • How to brew coffee in a coffee drip type
  • How to make coffee in the coffee maker locust bean

CoffeeDemand for coffee makers started to grow at the same time, people began to move to the use of the natural beverage of good quality. It is recommended to find out the key differences between the models to make the right choice. There are some models:

  1. drip;
  2. geyser;
  3. bean type.

Regardless of the model, there are some general rules of operation:

  1. Before using punishment carefully read these instructions.
  2. Run the instrument should be a few times when in water only. This will help eliminate the appearance of strangers, unpleasant tastes and odors. Water Remove any debris that could fall into the manufacture of the device.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Detergents used for cleaning the grinder should not be a part of the abrasive particles. They can scratch the surface.

How to make coffee in the coffee maker geyser

Geyser coffeeThe first models were made of aluminum. Now on the market represented geyser coffee makers of steel and ceramics. A key feature is the method by which the effect occurs on the primary component, like a geyser. Tea has two containers, which are separated by the filter.

Important! When purchasing this model, pay attention to its production volume. Geyser at a time can make up to 18 servings of coffee.

To prepare the drink in a coffee machine you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. Unscrew the top of the model and remove the filter for ground coffee.
  2. The lower tank is necessary to pour the water when it reaches the preamble notes. If it is exceeded, the drink will not like you need to.
  3. A filter that looks like a strainer, a coffee composition filled until the end. Bit tamp it and remove the excess. The most suitable product is the middle ground.
  4. It is necessary to assemble the model back. Put it on the fire or turn on the network. Do not leave the coffee machine unattended.
  5. When the water starts to boil water, steam appears. Then you should immediately remove the coffee maker from the heat. Electric models are switched off automatically. Before you pour the coffee must wait when boiling stop. Once you are ready to drink in a cup transfusion.

The method described can be prepared espresso. If the drink is too strong, add to it a little bit of milk or water.

There are some nuances that are important to follow to prepare a quality drink:

  1. Ground coffee should be before you load the filter, rather than in advance. This would allow for a richer taste. For geyser models should be used powders of medium and coarse. This will help avoid a thick and oversaturated mass.
  2. In beverage flavor strongly affects water quality. Use filtered water instead.
  3. We recommend washing the product after each use. You can even do without special cleaning agents, suitable and warm water.
  4. Tamp the coffee mass so that it does not spill. Collect the product in a single unit.
  5. Do not open the coffee machine while it is running. This has a negative impact on the quality of the beverage. This way you can get burned. Therefore it is better not to touch her during the preparation of the beverage.
  6. If you noticed in the rain get drinks, wrong grinding grains was chosen. Increase it.

These recommendations will help to achieve a tasty and high quality beverage.

How to brew coffee in a coffee drip type

drip coffee makerDrip coffee makers are very popular among consumers. They also differently called American. To get a drink you will need plenty of ground coffee. You can buy a ready-made at the store. You can also grind the seeds themselves, in the presence of the grinder. One cup takes no more than three teaspoons of ground coffee.

How strong, fragrant and rich coffee will directly depend on how much powder you are falling asleep. If you have a drip coffee maker model is recommended to follow the following instructions:

  1. pour water into the allotted for this container;
  2. fill a special tank and ground coffee;
  3. after check how tightly closed model and turn it on;
  4. wait for the sound signal to indicate that the coffee is ready.

These recommendations relate to the preparation of coffee drip coffee maker simple models. But now there are a variety of options with a range of additional functions, which may include:

  1. Regulator strength of the drink.
  2. Built-in grinding coffee beans.
  3. automatic heating function. With it can keep the high temperature coffee after its preparation for some time. As a rule, no more than 30 minutes.

In the presence of such features on your vehicle, you can configure it so that the prepared beverage possible match your taste preferences.

How to make coffee in the coffee maker locust bean

carob coffeeThe carob coffee machines is not a feature that allows you to grind coffee beans. This does not apply only to hybrid models, where such a possibility. For products bean coffee type recommended for use with medium or coarse.

If you take the small seeds, then the water will begin to pass on through them. The degree of roasting beans and the type of coffee you can choose according to your taste. On the coffee machine work is not affected.

After purchasing the product, and the acquisition of suitable grain can begin to make coffee. To do this, follow these guidelines:

  1. Turn on the coffee machine, it needs some time to warm up.
  2. Then you must take the horn, called Holder, and pour into the ground coffee.
  3. This step is key. On it depends how high-quality and delicious coffee will turn out. At this stage, the powder compact. Using a special device called compaction temp, you need to put pressure on coffee.
  4. Conduct compact in several ways. In the first method, the horn and tempera well pressed coffee. Do it once, without repetition.
  5. The second way is that you need to take the horn and slight pressure tempera on coffee. Then you get easily on the wall Holder. Repeat the pressing procedure, putting a little more effort.
  6. Then carefully removed excess powder. Install the horn back into place.
  7. Put a cup under the spout, turn the unit on.

As a result of the above actions, you get ready coffee. Despite the transfer of a large number of steps to prepare a drink in the locust bean coffee machine is quite simple. Complexity can arise only at the stage of pressing.

Each of the above types of coffee makers has its own characteristics and nuances in the preparation of the beverage. If done correctly, you get a delicious and high-quality coffee. Therefore, carefully follow the instructions in the process of preparing a beverage.

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