How to use the coffee maker - geyser, drip, carob, capsule

Coffee makerWays to cook a lot of coffee. The bottom line comes down to making coffee brewing, it is necessary to fill in just the boiled water, but in any case, do not boil.

  • You can pour the ground coffee into the cup with boiling water.
  • You can use the coffee machine that made coffee, just skip the boiled water flow through the portion of ground coffee.
  • You can use the high-tech model with a wide range of options to control the fortress, adjustment serving, cappuccino, the possibility of preparing a grain or ground coffee, auto, and more more.

As part of the design choices and limitless: from minimalist to coffee machines with gilded fittings. The choice depends on how much you love coffee, taste preferences and financial capabilities.

The article describes the most popular types of coffee makers, represented by the generalized use instructions.

Attention! Regardless of the type of coffee machine, before the first use it is necessary to clean. Parts that are not in contact with electricity, carefully wash. Portions in which the wires and the heating element, wipe. Then pour the water into the water tank and start the coffee without the coffee powder to wash the hidden parts. Idle start procedure is better to repeat 2-3 times.

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Important! Regardless of the type of coffee machines, it is recommended to use purified water. This can be filtered tap water or bottled. Tap water is not clean spoil the taste of the drink, will reduce the life of the coffee maker.

On a note: There are rules and recipes of different drinks from coffee:

  • espresso - 9.7 grams of ground coffee in 30 ml of water;
  • Americano - 9.7 grams of coffee to 120 mL of water;
  • cappuccino - 9.7 grams of coffee, 30 ml of water, 30 ml of milk, 30 ml of foamed milk;
  • other recipes.

The main charm of home coffee makers that you can pour and pour in the proportions that you like, add milk and syrup to your taste. And it is not as important as the drink would be called in a coffee shop! You can experiment endlessly!

The same drink can be prepared, for example, varieties of coffee Arabica and Robusta. The taste will differ markedly. You can experiment with a fat content of milk or cream is used.

Geyser how to use the coffee maker

The content of the article

  • Geyser how to use the coffee maker
    • Video
  • How to use the drip coffee maker
    • Boil coffee drip coffee maker quickly and comfortably:
    • Video
  • How to use locust bean coffee maker
  • How to use capsule coffee machine
  • How to use the coffee maker Polaris

Geyser coffeeInvented almost 200 years ago in England, geyser coffee retains its popularity to the present.

The principle of its action is similar with the same natural phenomenon. The water is heated at the bottom and discharged under pressure to the upper, the path passing through a portion of ground coffee.

This coffee consists of three parts: lower - for water, medium - ground coffee and the top - to the finished beverage. Can be heated on gas or electric stove, as well as from the mains via the socket or work on the battery.


  1. add water into the water tank;
  2. pour ground coffee into the filter;
  3. Collect and twist all 3 parts coffeemakers;
  4. put the coffee warm, in the case of heating on a gas stove take care that only the heated bottom wall to the flame should not be exposed;
  5. you hear a noise when you receive a beverage through a geyser, once it's done, just remove the coffee maker from the stove;
  6. Wait a few minutes to completely stack of coffee into the tank for the final beverage.


How to use the drip coffee maker

drip coffee makerDrip coffee maker is easy to use and affordable. This makes it the most popular model for home use.

Some coffee makers are equipped with a nylon filter, or "gold" titanium-coated. The convenience of such filters in reusable. However, they require very careful treatment: only suitable for coffee coarse, need to be thoroughly cleaned. At careful operation nylon filter will last at least 2 months, "gold" - about six months.

The most hygienic and simple to use paper filters are disposable. The structure of such a filter allows the use of any coffee grinding, keeping the beverage flavor, but restraining powder particles and oils.

Important! When choosing a disposable paper filter need to know the size of the container for the coffee in your drip coffee maker. Filters must fit, otherwise avoid unpleasant surprises (water dripping past the coffee flask, coffee or powder "escaped" for the edges of the filter and into the flask simultaneously bedraggled half makers, and will provide you with the work of cleaning).

Boil coffee drip coffee maker quickly and comfortably:

  1. add water into the water tank;
  2. open the container for ground coffee;
  3. using a disposable filter, place the filter in the tank for the filter, using reusable - make sure that the filter is clean;
  4. pour ground coffee into the filter;
  5. close the container;
  6. press the power button;
  7. you hear a noise in boiling water and the passage of its departments to the coffee machine;
  8. when the noise stop, wait for a few minutes to drink completely passed from the filter flask, coffee ready.


How to use locust bean coffee maker

carob coffeeCarob coffee makers got their name because of the mandatory presence of their horn, through which poured a cup of coffee ready. Such coffee machines are popular for the quality of the prepared beverage.

From the tablet of ground coffee formed in the horn, and the water runs under pressure through the compacted coffee.

It is recommended to use coffee and middle coarse, that provides a particularly rich aroma of the finished beverage.

Models with Cappuccino are very popular. Cappuccino - a special attachment that whisk the milk into a thick foam. Besides aromatic espresso coffee machine with such attachments can prepare cappuccino and latte. Cappuccino can just whip milk to treat the child.

If you have a will or carob coffee, then you are a connoisseur of coffee, and the cooking process will take great pleasure:

  1. add water in the water reservoir;
  2. type ground coffee in the container horn SPRESSO it;
  3. secure the horn to the coffee machine housing;
  4. put the cup under the beverage nozzle horn;
  5. press the power button;
  6. You hear a noise, it's water under high pressure is applied to the horn; after a few seconds will pour in a cup of finished drink;
  7. cooking process usually takes less than 2 minutes, the noise stops, stops after showering drink espresso prepared.

Cappuccino or latte will also need:

  1. pour the milk into a container, and in its absence - in any high cup or glass;
  2. spumatore lower tube into a container;
  3. click cappuccino;
  4. kapuchinator foamed milk and shut down;
  5. pour the frothed milk into espresso, your cappuccino is ready.

At the end of a beverage, it is necessary to throw away the used coffee powder, it is desirable to wash the strainer to ground coffee.

How to use capsule coffee machine

capsule coffeeCapsule coffee machines are easy to operate, easy to maintain, and provide an opportunity to prepare a high-quality drinks.

Water is fed at high pressure (15 bar), that provides speed of preparation, preservation of flavor and low levels of contamination coffeemakers. The hole for the capsule is a needle which pierces the capsule shell immediately prior to preparation of the beverage.

In commercially available kit for the preparation of various beverages such as cappuccino, lungo, vanilla latte, etc. Such beverages require the replacement of the capsule during cooking.

Coffee capsule coffee maker:

  1. add water into the water tank;
  2. turn the key warm water;
  3. Put the capsule into the hole for the capsules;
  4. put the cup to the coffee machine nozzle;
  5. after the LED lights indicate that the water is warmed, you press the beverage production;
  6. when filling a cup of cooking, turn off the key, the coffee is ready.
  7. on the packaging of the capsules indicated, they are calculated on a volume of beverage.

During the preparation of the complex in the beverage cup when the desired level of a certain constituent (e.g., milk) must be switched off key a beverage to replace the capsule in the compartment, turn the key preparation again.

How to use the coffee maker Polaris

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