How to get rid of mold in the washing machine - the causes of mold

Automatic washing machine makes life easier and saves time mistress. For while spinning clothes, you can do other household chores. But after a couple of years of operation, wash it gets stale smell, and in light of things appears grayish.

The smell in the washing machineThe reason for this phenomenon lies in the pollution of the washing machine, and more specifically in the occurrence of mold. It fungal formation endow laundry after washing malodorous and partially neutralized active ingredients powders and gels.

But to change the unit itself is not necessary, because the mold can be removed with home remedies that have in every kitchen and in the medicine cabinet.

Methods of dealing with mold

The content of the article

  • Methods of dealing with mold
  • Means of struggle against fungus
    • The most efficient means of
  • What are the ways to clean the washing machine from the mold?
  • Why mold appears in the machine?
  • What actions will prevent the formation of mold?
    • What should be included in the wash cycle?
  • Why not leave a fungal stains?
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Mold around the drumGetting to the washing machine cleaning of fungal stains should remember that one wash cycle does not help. It is necessary to carry out the whole complex, which is aimed at getting rid of mold in all parts of the unit. This includes the cleaning of most cars inside and out, wash the area where it is installed, and preventive measures.

First steps - a checking and washing the filter drain pump and the water supply. To do this:

  1. At the bottom right of the open cover and unscrew the filter.
  2. Rinse under running water.
  3. Screw the back and close the cover.

The second step - a flushing filter in the water. This mantle is not going to waste so much as on the sink, but it is. Therefore, we must:

  1. Open the rear wall of the unit yourself.
  2. Shut off the water supply to the machine.
  3. Loosen the hose and pull the filter mesh.
  4. Rinse it under running water.
  5. Insert the mesh back.
  6. Screw the hose.

Soda, citric acid, vinegarThe third step - is the processing of the part where a washing machine. While she pulled out, it can be treated with the surface, that is, the walls and floor. It is necessary to examine carefully all for the presence of mold. If there is no visible traces, it is possible to carry out preventive measures only. It:

  1. Rinse the walls and floor, the means by which use regularly for such purposes.
  2. After 10 minutes treat the surface of the atomizer acetic solution prepared at a ratio of one to one.
  3. Wait until the dry out and only then install the unit in place.

If there are clearly signs of mold, it should wash the mixture, regardless of the surface. To prepare it you need:

  • aqueous solution of boric acid - 1 tbsp .;
  • 2 tablespoons pharmacy hydrogen peroxide and normal vinegar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. water.

All components of the mix and heat to withstand hand. The resulting mixture and a brush to wash away the mold until its complete disappearance. If the first attempt failed to wash fungal spots, then a few hours later you can repeat the procedure with a freshly prepared means.

Attention! When cleaning the machine from the mold it is recommended to protect the hands of long rubber gloves sold in hardware stores, and a face mask to help prevent inhalation of vapors.

The same solution can be wiped with a washing machine, if it has traces of mold. In the absence of a fungus on the surface unit is sufficient to wipe it with vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions. After the above manipulation is possible to install a washing machine in place.

PowderNow you need to wash the tray, which is filled with powder and filled with air-conditioning. For this purpose, suitable soda or the above mixture with boric acid and an old toothbrush. With a large amount of fungal stains, you can use "Domestos" diluted with water in equal parts. Wash the tray to be purity, until there is no plaque and other impurities. Then the item to dry and set in place.

Next step - is the cleaning of the indoor unit. For these purposes fit:

  • chlorinated detergents;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid.

At initial manifestations mold wash can be used at temperatures above 60 degrees and covered directly into the drum 400 g of citric acid in the amount, calculated on 5 kg. If fungal spots already "lived" for a long time inside a machine, you can use a chlorine-containing agent, such as "Domestos" or "Dressing duckling" with chlorine. It is advisable at the time of washing with such preparations to open the windows.

For a radical cleaning the washing machine you need:

  1. Fill the tray 1 L means chlorine.
  2. Turn machine on prolonged washing with temperature conditions of not less than 60 degrees.
  3. After 30-40 minutes, to press pause and leave the machine for at least 1 hour.
  4. Then continue the cycle.
  5. After draining and the operation "spin" at the request of conditioner pour into the tray 500 ml of normal vinegar.
  6. Include rinse.
  7. It is recommended to rinse repeat 2 more times.

Mold must be flushAfter all the operations carried out is still one more thing - is to carefully inspect the seal gum. If it still have traces of mold, it is necessary to take the pharmacy hydrogen peroxide and using brushes to clean stains. When the fungus on the cuff has not disappeared, and after such cleaning, the best way - is its replacement.

Important! Full cleaning procedure of washing machine mold, as described above, takes a long time, so you should be ready to spend it inside and out, with all time periods.

Means of struggle against fungus

To remove mold in the washing machine can be used:

  • vinegar;
  • citric acid;
  • soda;
  • copper sulfate;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • aqueous solution of boric acid;
  • special tools for cleaning the washing machine.

VinegarBeing accepted for the cleaning of the unit, it is necessary to establish the degree of fungal attack. If the stain can be wiped with a damp cloth, then this is the initial stage. In more serious manifestations, place mold is only slightly lighter. To remove these stains have to use drastic measures to chlorine-containing substances.

Attention! Use antifungals, which are intended for the treatment of walls, ceilings or other construction surface for cleaning washing machine contraindicated. The active substance has a more aggressive effect and can damage parts of the machine.

How to use citric acid, vinegar, peroxide and boric acid described above, and of copper sulphate and soda necessary to prepare a slurry. To prepare, should:

  1. Mark 50 g.
  2. Dilute a small amount of water - about 2 tablespoons
  3. Then mix well to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

The resulting slurry is good to clean the cuff, the tray unit and other areas where there are minor fungal formation.

Special tools are specifically designed for cleaning machines should be used according to the instructions. It is necessary to observe all safety precautions described in it.

The most efficient means of

Practice shows that some of the best means which eliminate manifestations mold are citric acid or vinegar. Mistresses prefer the first because remains a pleasant fragrance after use.

What are the ways to clean the washing machine from the mold?

Rag-moldList of methods of cleaning machine from fungal spots, small. After all, the basic techniques of combating mold concluded:

  • in the cycle at high temperature washing with acids;
  • in cleansing brush;
  • in dry wiping unit parts;
  • in winding machines and the room where it is installed.

Mold does not like exposure to acids and high temperatures. Therefore it is possible to use an ultraviolet lamp, which should be sent to the drum.

You can also do with a radical challenge to master at home. Specialist parses the washing machine, and the woman wash up all details with the above means. But this method is not cheap and it should use in the case where access to the pockets of hard mold.

Another method to eliminate mold inside washing machine. It is used only when the machine is operated for a long time, and by all means did not lead to the desired result. This is the replacement parts affected by fungus, or rather sealing gum, the drain hose and others.

Why mold appears in the machine?

The formation of fungal spots contribute to moisture and shade. Bad for state machine and economical mode in which water is not heated above 40 degrees. In addition, the appearance of mold promotes:

  • application of the rinse aid;
  • no purification details of the scum by special means;
  • powders without the use of a bleach;
  • frequent use of helium for washing vehicles;
  • lack of airing the room where the machine is installed;
  • constant humidity inside stiralki;
  • illiterate unit for care.

What actions will prevent the formation of mold?

Washed washing machineTo not have to deal with fungal spots, you need to properly take care of the washing machine. I.e:

  1. Use of washing regime with temperatures above 60 degrees, and even better 90, at least once every 2 weeks. Even if the need for such a cycle not, you can run it with an empty drum.
  2. Immediately take out the washed clothes from the machine.
  3. Do not put dirty clothes inside in advance, and only to the process itself.
  4. Do not use the funds from the helium basis, and if there is no other way, then after washing to run extra rinse. You should also do, and when applying balms, conditioners, and rinses.
  5. Rinse the tray for the powder after each washing.
  6. Periodically use descaling agents and to clean the unit. To clean enough to pour into the drum of 300-400 g citric acid cycle and run with a water temperature of 60 degrees. The same procedure should be done 1-2 times a month. "Descaling" are used according to instructions.
  7. Regularly clean filters.
  8. After washing, wipe all parts dry cloth machine and leave the door open or semi-open.
  9. Periodically clean tubes and hoses by means of vinegar and water.

What should be included in the wash cycle?

Every woman should accustom ourselves to run after wash extra rinse the empty drum and wipe dry with the available details. And after manipulation to leave half-open door.

For prevention can be used to reinstall the unit. If the machine standing in the bathroom, it is recommended to move it to the kitchen or the hall (depending on the layout and design of the project). When this is not possible, it is necessary to mount a forced ventilation to reduce the humidity in the room bathrooms.

Why not leave a fungal stains?

OpasMoldNost mold, wherever it was, in its negative impact on the body. Spores from households provoke the appearance of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, rather bronchitis, asthma, tracheitis, and other allergic reactions.

Getting parts of a washing machine for clothes, mold causes irritation, difficulty breathing and provokes the appearance of respiratory diseases. In addition, the clothes after washing is not very neat appearance, and often unpleasant odor. And it turns out that the dirty linen looks better than laundered.

When the mold is present in the washing machine to achieve the quality in the process of beginning to pour hostess greater amount of powder, which leads to increased consumption of resources. And as a consequence of the high cost of laundry. Therefore, to destroy the fungus in stiralka will be cheaper than to ignore his presence.

A good hostess is the one that knows how to efficiently spend the family budget. Spending to purchase a small amount of citric acid, vinegar, baking soda and other means, it is possible to save on the aromatic conditioner, laundry detergent and other formulations. After getting rid of the fungus will disappear necessity to neutralize the unpleasant smell that gets clothes in the machine.

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