The stabilizer for the refrigerator - how to choose and which

Voltage regulatorIf we analyze the state of modern electric networks, it becomes clear that there is a clear deviation from the required norm of 220V. The error can be from 10 to 15% in both directions. Naturally, the technique may fail. CH (voltage stabilizer) is a device whose main task is to protect equipment from emergency load. Simply put, the device protects household electrical appliances from various current fluctuations, including other noise, such as pulsed.

Choosing a stabilizing appliance for the refrigerator - accents

The content of the article

  • Choosing a stabilizing appliance for the refrigerator - accents
    • One of the best
    • The right choice of protective devices for the refrigerator - tips and tricks
  • Relay equipment
    • Hybrid
    • Thyristor
  • Five leaders
  • Single phase and three phase type
  • Types of stabilizing equipment
  • Double Transformation - Special Stabilizers

In the selection process, we look at such moments:

  • power;
  • input and output voltage;
  • maximum current coefficient;
  • number of phases;
  • what type of cooling;
  • noisiness
  • Efficiency
  • who produces.
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One of the best

The same model may not be good for everyone: what suits one will harm the other. Here it is necessary to concentrate on such nuances:

  • period of possible use;
  • noisiness
  • temperature range;
  • humidity.

The right choice of protective devices for the refrigerator - tips and tricks

Voltage regulatorThe choice is based on the principle of their action. The safety of the equipment of well-known brands, for example, Samsung, Al Ji, etc., can be ensured by the stabilizers of the following type: relay, hybrid, triac.

Relay equipment

It has adjustable steps, can work with wide operating ranges, where the output accuracy of 6-10%.

Pros: frost resistance, speed, mounting for wall mounting.

Minuses: noise level about 30 dB, contacts can burn.


Combined type of equipment that continuously regulates the voltage indicator with an accuracy of 3%. One of the most reliable. Work in the range from 100 to 280 V. Overload up to 130% is provided. It is characterized by excellent build quality.


Thyristor voltage regulatorAn expensive device that does its job very quietly. Able to equalize the 220 V voltage with an inaccuracy of no more than 3-5%. There are no moving elements in the design, which increases reliability. The devices are durable, understandable and undemanding. They have a high overload capacity of 180%. Thyristors (semiconductor components) are used as power switches.

Five leaders

  • Al Ji-2500 - expensive and indispensable. 2.5 kW will provide refrigeration equipment and other appliances.
  • Atlant SNVT-1500 is a Russian-made device. Ideal for use in the refrigerator. The input voltage level is 100-280 V. It has excellent technical characteristics and affordable price.
  • Upover-ACH-1500 is the most economical model. It has the same indicators and characteristics as the above. Budget execution.
  • Voltron PCH-1500 - only for single-phase networks. Able to equalize power within 100 - 280 V.
  • Amper-1500 - focused on three phases in the network. It is equipped with additional functionality and the ability to independently adjust the required parameters.

Single phase and three phase type

Single phase and three phase type of voltage regulatorSingle-phase is appropriate if only the refrigerator is connected. Three-phase can be used with several connected devices at once. Typically, this type is used with industrial equipment with high power.

Recommendations of specialists: if the network has one phase of supply, but the need for powering several devices, the best option is to install 3 single-phase than 1 device of a three-phase type. It is cheap and safe.

Types of stabilizing equipment

There are several options:

Types of stabilizing equipmentElectromechanical - with an electronic type of board whose task is to provide voltage control and control the current collector motor. It is used at constantly minimum or maximum voltage.

Pros: maximum accuracy coefficient - from 2 to 4%.

Cons: operates at low speeds.

Relay. Pros: switching occurs in a minimum period of time - 0.5 sec., there are no delays.

Cons: multi-stage is required to prevent a power surge and achieve an accurate indicator, noise, burn contacts

Seven-seater - used under conditions of severe network changes

Pros: it responds quickly, allows you to constantly switch the transformer windings subject to a stable change in voltage indicators.

Cons: high cost, maximum requirements for the quality level of components

Double Transformation - Special Stabilizers

StabilizerThis device is called the best. It is used for home equipment that is too sensitive to voltage drops at a power of 1 to 30 kW. They are characterized by minimization of interference and work silently. The error rate does not exceed 1%. It features a large voltage spectrum at the input 118–300V. The price is similar to a triac analogue, but the reliability and quality level of work is much higher.

Power is measured in volt-amperes and determines the total output power. The technical documentation for the refrigerator always indicates its power consumption and is expressed in active form.

To calculate the absolute power of the refrigerator, it is necessary to divide the data from the technical passport by 0.65. The result is the power of the refrigerator.

Next step: calculate the ratio of the total power indicator of the household unit, the power is taken into account in combination with the starting current, which are issued by the stabilizer under the condition of a minimum input voltage.

We calculate the total power taking into account the current at startup:

250 / 0.65 * 3 = 1154 volts / ampere

According to the calculation result, the required stabilizer should have an output power of 1.2 kW.

If the indicator of the current consumption of the transformer is known, you can calculate the power at this value. With an unknown current, we will do a calculation for the voltage value with a nominal number. Stabilizers for refrigeration equipment in 220 V can be connected separately if there are separate plugs with a socket.

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