Why bread can not be stored in the refrigerator and in the freezer can be: the right storage conditions

Many people mistakenly believe that the refrigerator - the best place to store a variety of products. In many families, it acts as a universal "food storage". Here put everything food, from meat to cereals and pasta. A refrigerator is used for storage of bakery products. Thus trying to protect it from drying out. However, the refrigerator is not always cope with its mission. Often, a fresh loaf of spoiled here in a few days, cherstveya and covered with mold.

why bread can not be stored in the refrigerator

Why the refrigerator is not suitable for storage of bread

The content of the article

  • Why the refrigerator is not suitable for storage of bread
    • Rapid moisture loss
    • mold formation
      • The causes of moldy bread in the refrigerator
  • Why bread can be stored in the freezer
    • The freezer is better?
    • Terms of storage of bread in the freezer

Throwing the fuck out of the refrigerator a loaf, people start to blame the manufacturers, ostensibly produce low-quality products. But few people think about what is the cause of all the fridge! He is not intended for the storage of such products.

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It is not recommended to use it as such for several reasons.

Rapid moisture loss

Freshly baked bread is 50% of its moisture impregnation. Due to this, it has an elastic, soft consistency.

Standard temperature inside the refrigerator depending on the operation mode is from 0 ° to + 5 ° C.

Reference! At this temperature, the moisture of the farinaceous products quickly evaporates. Therefore, a loaf on the second day stale.

mold formation

Similar trouble happens, if a loaf of, sent for storage in the refrigerator, was a pre-sealed in a plastic bag.


The causes of moldy bread in the refrigerator

  • The composition of most of the baked goods are included yeast - living organisms belonging to fungi. Actively releasing carbon dioxide, they loosen the dough, making it air in the course of its life.

Reference! Retain their yeast activity is maintained after baking, even during the day continuing to allocate CO2.

  • Baton sent to the refrigerator in a tightly packed in air-impermeable plastic bag. He crowded around its volume carbon dioxide.
  • In addition to this must be added increased humidity inside the plastic packageArising from the impossibility of the released water to evaporate. The result is the most favorable environment for the early development of mold, which is initially formed on the surface, gradually gouged.

Important! In the refrigerator on bread mold development occurs rapidly. Already one day it can cover with a thin layer of a large part of the stick, making it unfit for consumption.

  • The porous structure of the baking flour determines its ability to rapidly absorb odors. dough stored in the refrigerator to absorb odors and keep lying side products (fish, vegetables, meat). At the same time they lose their flavor. As a result, culinary product quality deteriorates just an hour or two.

Attention! If you do decide to put bread in a cooler, pack it in "breathable" package of paper or cloth wrap, for example, with a clean towel. This will protect it from zaplesneveniya while not allowing fast time to dry before.

Why bread can be stored in the freezer

If you decide to mothball a loaf of bread for a long time, it is best to use the freezer for these purposes.

in the freezer

The freezer is better?

The fact is that freshness preservation depends on the rate of evaporation of the contained moisture.

The faster the dehydration, the faster a fresh loaf of soft turns into a biscuit.

Reference! The evaporation of moisture is possible only at temperatures higher than 0 °. Below that water freezes, and its molecules lose their mobility.

This is the essence of preservation of bread in the freezer at a temperature below zero.

Terms of storage of bread in the freezer

The process of freezing grain products should be made, observing certain rules.

  • Bread previously be cut into portions and freeze already in the form of cuts.

Important! The fact is that once thawed loaf when re-freezing loses its taste.

storage regulations
  • Loaf was placed in the freezer, it is necessary packed in metal foil, construction paper or food film. This will protect it from foreign odors coming from the stored food in the freezer. Also, do not give moisture to evaporate until such time as the bread does not freeze completely.
  • Freeze recommended freshly baked bread. So more likely to preserve all its flavor.
  • To thaw frozen loaf retained their original culinary properties, thaw it should graduallyAt room temperature.
  • Take the bread out of the freezer compartment is recommended for a couple of hours before the meal, just leaving on a plate for "delicate" defrost. Removing his pack is not necessary to the food intake in order to avoid loss of flavor and the elasticity inherent in fresh produce.

Attention! Preservation of grain products in the freezer is suitable only for a small period of time - no more than two weeks.

Thereafter, under the influence of low temperatures of starch degradation process begins. It loses its viscosity, and melted the bread begins to crumble and fall apart when you try to cut or break it.

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