Filter-jug that is and how effective it is: is it possible to further filter the water when the cartridge deadline has passed, what to do if the filter becomes cloudy

Filter-jug that is and how effective it isMany residents of our country's water purification filters and amphora used at the same time, many believe that this is the only effective method of disinfection. Such products are widely available on the shelves of our stores. Why are they really effective? Let's talk about it.
Filter-jug that is and how effective it is

Pitchers filter - a device flow type. That is, the water purification occurs when it passes through a replaceable filter cartridge.

inside it are the following substances:

  • Activated carbon;
  • ion exchange resins and others.

Using such a filter arrangement can eliminate chlorine from the water particles and its compounds, traces of oil and many other impurities. Thanks to the work of this device the liquid becomes transparent, eliminating off-flavor and odor.

Some manufacturers equip the cartridge materials which contain silver ions. It allows you to perform bacteriological disinfection liquid supplied from the pipeline system.
Using such a filter to reduce the water hardness reduces the rate of scale formation in the kettle.

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Sieve installed in the cartridge capable of holding a large mechanical particles.
The capacity of the jug averages 3 - 5 liters.

Using the filter-pitcher By choosing such a device, the user must be aware that products of this type is not entirely suited to the water softener. The concentration of salts in the water supplied from the water is high enough, and the jug is not able to completely remove them. In such a case does not prevent the installation of additional reverse osmosis cartridge. Some companies have mastered the production of replacement cartridges for pitchers products.

In fact amphora devices show their effectiveness at a salt concentration of no more than 3 - 4 mg per 1 liter. I.e for cleaning soft or medium water.
Structurally, this device It consists of a tank, the cleaning element, cover.
Capacitance is divided into two parts, the upper section of the liquid is poured from the tap, under the action of gravity, it passes through the cartridge and collected in the bottom section of purified water.
Regardless of the manufacturer of device design can be different appearance and size of the tank. Some manufacturers have mastered the production of such products with a capacity of less than three liters. Such a device can easily be used by children.

Advantages and disadvantages of filter jugs.

The content of the article

  • Advantages and disadvantages of filter jugs.
  • Is it possible to filter the water further, if the cartridge deadline has passed.
  • What is better to choose cartridges for filter jug.
  • What should you do if cloudy filter pitcher.

A device of this type that is used to purify tap water, distinguished by simplicity and efficiency, but in the meantime, this product has some disadvantages. Let us examine this in more detail.

The advantages of these products include:
Compact design and portability, the size can store anywhere in the kitchen, such as a table, windowsill. It at any moment you can put in any place.
purification rate - for small size, they successfully cope with cleaning water from various impurities.
Price - in comparison with specialized devices that are installed under the sink or inserted into a water system, this type of equipment are available for a wide range of consumers.Filter-jug
The disadvantages of these devices includeIt takes a fairly frequent filter change for the device works efficiently.
The compact dimensions make it impossible to handle a large volume of water, for a single person or a small family, it is not a problem, but for families consisting of several people, this can create some difficulties, then it makes sense to think about using another system cleaning. For example, installed under the sink or embedded into a pipeline system.

Is it possible to filter the water further, if the cartridge deadline has passed.

CartridgeDepending on the quality of water supplied to the house, the cartridge may have a different lifetime.
Long-term operation of the filter shows that a family of four, and the consumption of 10 liters of water a day it is advisable to replace the cartridge in two weeks. In some families, the use of the filter is continued for a long time, ignoring the recommendations of the manufacturer and forgetting in a removable cartridge, accumulation and Filtered part, and harmful microorganisms, that is, the fluid passing through the filter will not only cleaner, but will incorporate previously screened out of pollution, and the presence of it bacteria. Causing unnecessary danger to life and health of their loved ones. From this we can draw one conclusion - the use of old filters unacceptable.

What is better to choose cartridges for filter jug.

In the selection of the filter is required to remember that not every device can be employed to purify the water flowing from the tap. It is desirable to know what are the characteristics of the water in the system. In one case, it may exceed the amount of iron in calcium and other already guided by these data select the optimal filter.Cartridge

What should you do if cloudy filter pitcher.

During operation the filter-pitcher on the interior walls can form plaque. It is formed in the water due to the presence of various contaminants of organic and inorganic origin.
To maintain the required purity jug into its wash using standard detergents.

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