Man is 80% water. It regulates the work of cells and organs of the human body. This is the basis of human life, which he constantly replenishes in the body. Is it possible to boil it several times without harm to the water composition?
Is it possible to re-boil in a kettle
The content of the article
Is it possible to re-boil in a kettle
- Scientific facts about re-boiling
- How many times can I boil
- Which is better: boiled or raw
The distilled liquid is colorless, has absolutely no taste or smell. Natural water and from the central water supply incorporates impurities of chemicals, some of them can harm human health. The natural flora is microflora and microfauna.
Supporters of a healthy diet oppose boiling altogether. They believe that such a liquid is useless. But doctors and adherents of evidence-based medicine are confident in the need for heat treatment to get rid of pathogens. In the consumer plan, boiling is a must. After all, a way to brew tea with cold water has not yet been invented.
Important! The boiling water culture is firmly established in all families. And the teapot, almost like a samovar, became the center of the kitchen.
Is boiling possible and why? Some experts say it’s impossible.
For example, Elena Malysheva in her telecast “Health” talks about boiling water from a water pipe like this: most germs, viruses and bacteria die at such high temperatures. But the liquid consistency itself also “dies”. In addition, when heated, chlorine forms organic compounds dangerous to the human body. Carcinogens cause mutations in healthy cells, contribute to the development of cancer.
Scientific facts about re-boiling
Evaporation during boiling increases the concentration of salt and other impurities in water - this is the main argument about the dangers of boiling again. In this case, cooking liquid foods such as soup or compote should be completely prohibited. Indeed, in the process of preparation, the liquid component evaporates, and the dishes are saturated with salt and other substances. This includes any culinary product that requires cooking.
Boiling one water several times makes the liquid heavier. A large amount of a hydrogen isotope, deuterium, appears in it. In fact, it is so small that to concentrate it in dangerous volumes you need to boil a liquid tank.
Is it possible to add fresh water to already boiled water? Can. The opinion that heavy compounds accumulate in the residue is false. Heating is the random movement of molecules. It is unlikely that some of them move only at the bottom.
Reference! Modern water treatment facilities do not use chlorine-based products. For this, filtration and ozonation are used.
If it happens that the water from the water supply system is really purified by chlorine. It just needs to be defended for thirty minutes. During this time, chlorine compounds will evaporate.
How many times can I boil
The beneficial effect of boiled water on human health does not depend on the amount of boiling water.
Boiled water improves blood circulation and digestion, cleanses the body of toxins.
Doctors have proven that drinking plenty of fluids reduces weight. And if you drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, the metabolism of the body starts. In a warm, not hot form, it is used for medicinal purposes. So, it is recommended to drink medicine.
All these facts only confirm that repeated boiling does not affect the water properties. It can be safely used for making hot drinks and quenching thirst.
Important! The use of purification filters and the systematic cleaning of scale on the kettle will only improve the quality of the drinking liquid.
As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that the amount of substances dangerous to humans is so small that it can not do any harm. If you are very worried about this, boil only once.
Thus, all harmful microbes are eliminated, and unnecessary chemical processes do not occur.
Reflections on the amount of boiling are not worth the time spent. Experts unanimously agreed that the changes after several heatings are very slight. To make the water truly unsuitable for consumption, it must be boiled more than ten times. If the obsessive thoughts about the harm are very worrying, just boil it once. After all, it will not be any work.
Which is better: boiled or raw
From the above, it is clear that water can be safely brought to a boil several times. However, pre-cleaning using filters - does not hurt. Compare the benefits of boiled and raw water:
- It has been proven that raw water can be dangerous to humans. It can affect the development of various diseases. It is recommended to use filters for jugs and pre-defend, for the evaporation of gas impurities.
- All the same, the boiled liquid must be defended so that the remaining heavy substances settle to the bottom, and the excess gas compounds evaporate.
- Spring is also not considered safe and useful. Chemical sewage gets there, human and animal excrement is a big danger. After quenching thirst with such a liquid, people often suffer from digestive disorders.
Using boiled water more than once for drinking and cooking is absolutely safe for the human body. One can argue endlessly about its pros and cons. One thing is clear: in boiled form, it is much more useful than spring or from the tap.