What to make from an old teapot: ideas for home and garden

Over time, in our apartments, and especially in the dachas, a mass of things accumulate that it is a pity to throw away. But they can always find a new application. Take a simple old kettle and see what you can make of it.
kettle in the house

Kettle in the country

The content of the article

  • Kettle in the country
    • Plot decoration
    • Water objects
  • Kettle in the house
    • Vases and flower pots
    • Kettle lamp
    • Interior decoration
    • Glass teapot

Here the old Soviet teapot finds a wide variety of uses. Craftsmen create truly masterpieces.

Plot decoration

Make a feeding trough or birdhouse out of the kettle. Open the lid, take an old plate, preferably not breaking. Fix the kettle on a plate with the nose down. Pour the grain inside, it will spill out onto the plate through the spout.

In the same way, you can make a birdhouse by fixing the dishes on a tree.

Close the unsightly corners of the plot. To do this, put the device in order. Paint in a bright color, draw a cute face or floral pattern on it. If you know the technique of decoupage, engraving, embossing, spot painting and others, you can apply these methods.

instagram viewer

The teapot will make a wonderful art object that can be decorated with beads, sequins, decorative bulbs. It is easy to fit into landscape design.

fountainWater objects

The direct purpose of the kettle is to contain water. This property of him can be used in the design.

  1. Create a fountain or washbasin by attaching a hose, galvanized pipe to the sawn hole. Water will pour out from the spout. It is necessary to substitute only the capacity and beautifully decorate.
  2. If there are several dummies or there are still watering cans, you can make a cascade by constructing a ladder and bringing water to the upper teapot.

Interesting! The oldest teapot found by archaeologists in Asia dates back to 1513.

Kettle in the house

in the countryVases and flower pots

Creating vases allows you to apply decor from a teapot not only in the country, but also in the apartment. Fill it with a substrate for flowers, hang or place on a pallet, beautifully decorating the composition. Plant the plants. The smallest will successfully grow from the spout.

Important! It is necessary to think over a system of irrigation and drainage so as not to create excess moisture or drought to plants.

Kettle lamp

Perfectly the device for tea drinking is suitable for creating cosiness in the house.

  1. lamp

    Chandelier. Use an old teapot in the form of a lampshade, cutting out the bottom. Hang on an old thick chain.

  2. Table lamp. And here the teapot will help. Make a beautiful leg using it as a base.
  3. Night light. Shaded light will be created by small slots in the sides and the lid of the kettle, as well as a light bulb inserted inside. You can get holes by drilling them.

Interior decoration

Make a designer move. Clean the kettle from dirt and rust, prime its surface. Then find the old parts from the mechanisms, small figures, plastic bottles, iron cans. Try to work in the assembly technique, meaning translated from French, volumetric collage. Cut out the necessary details from cans and bottles, for example, flower petals, glue them and other objects found as a composition with universal glue. Let it dry.

old glass teapot

Paint the resulting masterpiece with spray paint and put it in the most prominent place in the apartment.

Glass teapot

If the teapot is made of transparent glass, you can make a terrarium for flowers out of it. Flowers pick up small, usually succulents, which have a horizontal root system. Drainage and a small layer of soil are put at the bottom, plants are planted and covered with decorative mulch: wood chips, gravel, stones for the aquarium.

To make a new thing out of an old thing, you need to show a little creativity, and it will serve you for many more years.

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