The kettle does not turn off when boiling: the cause of breakage and repair

Electric kettleModern electric kettles firmly entered our everyday life, while old ones with a whistle left in past times. Every morning, a person begins by making tea or coffee. Such a tradition has entered our lives as an integral part. Having come to work in the winter, everyone can warm themselves with warm tea. Even sitting and chatting with friends over a cup of hot drink is much more pleasant and comfortable for any person.

What a disappointment a person has when, turning on your favorite kettle early in the morning and, as always, you go to the bathroom, and when you return, you will find an unpleasant picture. The whole kitchen is in white fog with the steam room, and the culprit of this incident is a favorite kettle that never failed. Immediately you ask yourself the question, why did not disconnect, what happened to him.

Why did not the kettle turn off when boiling: the main reasons

The content of the article

  • Why did not the kettle turn off when boiling: the main reasons
  • How to repair the kettle yourself
  • instagram viewer
  • When to contact a specialist
  • Danger of a kettle that does not automatically shut off

Each owner of such household appliances wants to understand and figure out why the electric kettle does not turn off. I do not want to immediately drag in for repairs, it often happens that there is essentially nothing to repair there.

  • The funny thing is that the malfunction can be in the carelessness of a person, this is a poor closing of the lid. The accumulated steam will somehow go outside. This effect leads to the banal failure of the shutdown system.
  • Steam comes out and with a poor installation of the filter, this is an uneven arrangement or complete absence. In case of irregularities, the lid will not close tightly, it is impossible to avoid the release of steam, the shutdown mechanism does not work.
  • One of the reasons that cause the shutdown system to fail is the contamination of the device. Care for household devices is a prerequisite for trouble-free operation. Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to clean the formed deposits on the walls.
  • Who has the old models, the reason may be, clogging the channel for the pair to exit. Newer brands, more advanced to use. The developers took into account the problem and made some changes in the design of the device.
  • If there is a malfunction of the switch, then you can not do without a replacement.
  • The cause may be the breakdown of a special plate, which is designed to block the electrics when heating water. You can turn off the kettle yourself, but for security it’s better to fix it.
  • Oxidation of contacts, for this a lot of mind is not necessary, using sandpaper, the problem is solved quickly.Electric kettle

Important! Do not turn off household appliances, largely depends on proper use and care. Damage, you can also fix it yourself, only with some knowledge of the design solution of the device.

How to repair the kettle yourself

The first thing to do is to inspect for any cracks or other damage. If the equipment on top is in good condition, look for the reason inside, maybe the filter is installed incorrectly and this is one of the main failures. Inspect the presence of scale, if any, rinse off. In older designs, check the steam outlet. After a visual inspection and not finding visible malfunctions, we must proceed to disassemble the household appliances.

  • Breakage of the switch, it is mandatory to replace it with a new one, it is impossible to repair it.
  • The problem with the contacts is solved quite easily, they need to be well wiped with sandpaper and that's it.

Having completed such repairs, assemble the kettle in sequence, as it was disassembled. Check it for proper assembly, you can use water. Pour liquid into the device and leave it on any tissue for about twenty minutes, if there are no traces of sputum, then the assembly of the unit was successful. Only then, connect the kettle to the power grid.Kettle Repair

When to contact a specialist

There are malfunctions that cannot be repaired at home, and contacting a specialist is inevitable. In the event of a malfunction of the microcircuit, switch, plate, indicates improper use.

After consulting with the master, you need to determine whether it is worth repairing the device or is it more profitable to buy a new electric kettle. Estimating the cost of repairs and the price of a new device will not be difficult. Of course, if it is more profitable to repair, it is better not to abandon your old friend.

Having decided to buy new equipment, make the purchase as profitable as possible; high-quality branded equipment with a guarantee can serve for a long time and without breakdowns. But, one must not forget that any household appliances require proper wearing.

Danger of a kettle that does not automatically shut off

Modern household appliances developed by qualified professionals, taking into account safety measures. Any household appliances, sold with detailed instructions for proper use, can not be neglected. Human security depends on this.

If the automatic shutdown breaks down, there are risks of a fire, which carries very negative consequences. Many users, accustomed to automation and including the device, can do their job in other rooms, but still it is unsafe.

A malfunctioning tank, when boiling water unattended, it is a time bomb. Gradually, the water will boil to zero, if work stops, it will be happiness for a person. If work continues, a fire is ensured. Therefore, using the device, pay attention to its full serviceability.

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