The capsule bottom of the kettle what it is: varieties and advantages of the capsule bottom

Kettle bottomKettles have long established a strong position in every modern kitchen. They help to boil water in a matter of minutes to enjoy your favorite drink. Electric and gas kettles differ in many ways, in addition to the external design and volume. One of the criteria is the type of bottom in the technique.

Varieties of the bottom of dummies

The content of the article

  • Varieties of the bottom of dummies
    • Layered option
    • Encapsulated bottom
  • Capsule bottom benefits
  • Operational Features
  • Conclusion

Household appliances and kitchen appliances differ in many characteristics. In teapots, one of the species is the bottom. On the modern market there is a wide selection of devices with three types of bottom.


  • multilayer;
  • induction;
  • encapsulated.

They differ in functionality, materials used and work efficiency.

Reference: Induction are only suitable for the respective cookers and hobs.

Layered option

The main feature of this design is that the device maintains a high temperature of water for a long time. This is the most suitable option for those who prefer hot drinks.

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The shelf life of the temperature and the speed of heating directly depends on the number of layers equipped in the technique. Their number varies from 2 to 4. A 4-layer kettle warms up evenly, distributing hot air over the entire surface of the water.

Recently, kettles with a multilayer capsular bottom have gained wide popularity.

Encapsulated bottom

In manufacturing technology, this method is practically no different from the previous one.

The bottom of such a teapot consists of three layers:

  • the first the layer is made of stainless steel;
  • second It is a dense layer of aluminum;
  • third stainless steel again.

Stainless steel acts as a kind of "cover" in which the aluminum layer is wrapped. In production, the layers are pressed with a special press, which eliminates the occurrence of an air layer between the layers.

Encapsulated Bottom Scheme

Principle of operation in such devices is very simple. Aluminum absorbs the heat from the stove, and then evenly distributes it throughout the kettle platform. The aluminum sole stores the incoming heat, keeping it for a long time. This allows you to maintain hot water temperature for a long time.

Capsule bottom benefits

An encapsulated bottom kettle has a number of advantages compared to other types of appliances.

Encapsulated bottom

Key Features:

  1. Long-term maintenance of high temperature, which helps to significantly reduce the cost of electricity or gas;
  2. Fast heating due to uniform temperature distribution. The aluminum layer conducts incoming heat faster;
  3. A double-sided stainless steel sheath protects the aluminum layer from a possible oxidation process. This will allow you to use the kettle for a longer period of time;
  4. The case made of stainless steel significantly extends the service life with proper care;
  5. A household appliance equipped with an encapsulated bottom is suitable for any kind of stove.

Operational Features

When using, you must follow a few simple rules. Compliance with all requirements and a competent approach will help to extend the life of the device.

  1. Kettle over low heatWhen heating on an electric or gas stove, it is necessary to ensure that the incoming fire is strictly on the bottom surface of the kettle. Such an action will help to boil water faster, as well as maintain an attractive appearance of the device. If the flame is too large, it can be slightly reduced by setting the average value.
  2. During the cleaning process, the use of hard or metal sponges, abrasive powders and pastes should be avoided. Their use can cause serious damage to the structure of the household appliance. When washing, use a gel-like detergent and a soft sponge.
  3. Inside the case, plaque often appears due to hard water, which contains particles of heavy metals. To remove it, boil the water in the kettle by adding a slice of lemon. You can also use a soda solution and a soft sponge.
  4. The amount of water must be poured in strict accordance with the marked labels. When boiling, excess fluid may leak out of the spout. This will quickly ruin the kettle and can cause great damage to the stove.

Reference: To prepare the solution, add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water. A sponge is dipped into the resulting mixture and the surface is wiped. The use of soda pulp should be discarded.


It’s hard to imagine any modern kitchen without the presence of a kettle. An encapsulated bottom kettle is the right choice when equipping a kitchen. He has a large list of benefits and simple rules for caring for him. Such a household appliance will become a faithful assistant in the kitchen for every housewife.

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