How to clean kettle descaling vinegar: with the addition of soda, ascorbic or citric acid

In modern conditions the water quality is often poor. If it is noted large amounts of magnesium and calcium salts, this makes it rigid. When boiling hard water kettle covered any limescale deposits.

Scale is not only spoils the taste of the drink, the appearance of the teapot, but also increases the time it boils, because the heating element covers. This means that the increase on electricity or gas costs.

Popular ways to clean the kettle with vinegar from scale

The content of the article

  • Popular ways to clean the kettle with vinegar from scale
    • Vinegar and cold water
    • Vinegar and ascorbic acid
    • Boiling in three stages
  • Preventive actions

Popular ways to clean the kettle with vinegarIf you do not clean the kettle from scale with vinegar, it can either burn or rust. It is better not to delay the cleaning, it takes a little time, but you get a great result for little money.

How to clean the kettle with vinegar? Kettle from scale can clean the tools that are at hand in every home. Consider the most popular ways to clean the kettle at home.

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Vinegar and cold water

Vinegar and cold water for cleaning the kettleVinegar - the most accessible and widespread assistant in cleaning home appliances from scale. You can use either vinegar or vinegar essence. What's the Difference? Vinegar (table) - this is the most common solution is acetic acid, its concentration is 9%.

Vinegar essence is also a solution of an acid, but the concentration of the substance is impressive - usually 70%. By itself, acetic acid occurs infrequently in a farm: it is a powder or a concentration of 90% solution. To perform cleaning using the first or second embodiment.

Important! Many manufacturers of electric kettles are not advised to use vinegar to remove limescale because of its aggressiveness. In practice, without the potent tools are often necessary. Try to follow these proportions for cleaning to prevent damage to equipment.

Pour into 0.5 liters of water kettle. If using 9% vinegar, then add approximately 150 ml (this is less than 1 glass), if the vinegar essence, it will be sufficient one tablespoon. If your kettle has a large volume, it is possible to increase all of the components 2. There are two options:

  1. First boil water and then pour vinegar;
  2. Add the vinegar and then boil water.

More preferred the first option, but the experience can check which method is best for you. After boiling kettle leave to soak for 1-2 hours, periodically checking the status scale. Plaque can completely exfoliate itself or just loosen the walls.

Then take a soft sponge and gently wash the scum themselves. After this work several times, rinse tank, because vinegar has a rather pungent odor.

Vinegar and ascorbic acid

Vinegar and ascorbic acid for the cleaning of the kettleIn this method, in addition to use vinegar powder ascorbic acid. Fill the kettle with purified water, filling it with about two-thirds. Fill the tank 2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid and fill two spoonfuls of vinegar (If available only vinegar essence - use it in a minimum amount - about 1 teaspoon spoons).

Boil the kettle, allow the solution for up to 10-12 hours. Typically scum moves in the first couple of hours, so check the condition of the lid.

After treatment wash kettle under running water and boil it 1-2 times to completely get rid of substances and unpleasant odors.

Boiling in three stages

Boiling with soda to clean kettleHow to clean the kettle from scale vinegar? This method is suitable for situations where the plaque layer is very thick. Cleaning in three stages - the most aggressive for household appliances, so it should be used only in emergency situations.

Consider how to clean the kettle descaling with vinegar and baking soda:

  1. Fill the kettle with 1 liter of liquid, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Boil water. If the electric kettle - boil water several times an hour if the plate - not stop boiling for an hour;
  2. Descale the kettle with vinegar and baking soda simply. Next, drain and fill again 1 liter of pure water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid powder. Repeat boiling for one hour. Rinse off the scum that has already disappeared;
  3. The last step is to use approximately 100 ml of a 9% vinegar or incomplete 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1 liter of filtered water. Spend the last hours of boiling. Rinse off any scum with a sponge, rinse thoroughly with tea or boil it with clean water.

Preventive actions

Prevention of the formation of scale in the kettleClean the kettle from scale vinegar into practice is difficult. However, you can adhere to a set of rules that will help you not to resort to cleaning for a long time or to spend it less frequently than usual:

  1. Use a clean, filtered water. You can use the filter as a pitcher, stationary filter or buy water in bottles. When buying bottled water pay attention to the label: it usually indicates its hardness (for example, up to 1.5 - the most rigid, more than 9 - very tough). Select the least soft or hard water;
  2. Never boil the same water twice or more, it is better to replace it with a new one;
  3. Every time rinse the kettle from the white "flakes", produced by boiling;
  4. When washing the tank, use sparing methods. Do not wash the unit with the help of hard metal sponges or abrasive products. They can damage the wall, resulting in scratches and microcracks eats plaque faster and processes start rusting and destruction of enamel or plastic;
  5. With proper care can be regularly used for prevention of sensitive methods of purification, for example, saline, or fruit purification.

Now that you know how to clean the kettle from scale with vinegar. Nothing complicated in the procedure there.

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