How an electric kettle is arranged, how it works, varieties of heating elements

Electric kettles, along with other household appliances, have firmly entered our daily lives. It is difficult to find an apartment or office in which it would not be.

The principle of operation of the electric kettle

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of the electric kettle
  • Varieties of Ten
  • Automatic shutdown mechanism
  • Overheat protection system
  • Illumination and indication of inclusion

The principle of operation of the electric kettleDespite the huge selection of models, they are all the same and simple enough. Understanding the principle of operation, you can even fix the electric kettle yourself if such a need arises.

Kettle elementary device:

  • Housing
  • Stand,
  • A heating element,
  • Glass bulb
  • Thermostat.

So, let's see how this household appliance works. Cold water is poured into the case, installed on a stand and inserted into a power outlet. Next, turn on the device with a button or key, which can be located both under the handle and above it, or be built into the cover.

Then the heating element located in the lower part of the device begins its work. Water is heated to a boil and converted to steam, which has an effect on bimetallic plates. These plates in automatic mode just turn off the electric kettle. As you can see, the mechanism is absolutely simple.

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For the manufacture of the case, heat-resistant plastic or stainless steel is most often used, models with a glass case, less often ceramic, are also quite common. The disadvantages of plastic teapots include an unpleasant odor when heated and a less presentable appearance. At the same time, the case made of metal or glass heats up more, and by accidentally touching it, you can get burned.

Ceramic models are heavy and easily broken. The volume of the water tank, as a rule, is from 1.5 to 2 liters.

The stand is a round platform with a contact in the middle. Through this contact, the heating element is connected to the mains. Accordingly, removing the kettle from the stand, you open the contacts and automatically turn it off.

Of the additional elements, a descaling filter can be present, which is located in the spout of the teapot and is a fine mesh.

The greater the power of the kettle, the faster the water boils. Optimum power is about 2000 watts.

Varieties of Ten

Varieties of electric heaterThe main heating element of an electric kettle is a tubular electric heater (TEN). It can be performed in one of the following 2 options:

  1. An open spiral made of stainless steel, which is located at the bottom of the casing and is constantly in contact with water. This type of heating elements prevails in cheaper models. These devices are characterized by the formation of scale inside the case, which must be periodically cleaned.
  2. A disk located inside the case and not having direct contact with water. The advantage of this option is the absence of scale on the walls of the water tank and on the heating element of the device, respectively, these models are easier to wash. However, devices of this type belong to a more expensive category.

Automatic shutdown mechanism

Automatic shutdown mechanismIn all modern models of electric kettles, an automatic shutdown function is provided. It saves many forgetful people from the combustion of the device and from the occurrence of a fire in the room. This function works when the appliance is turned on and they forgot to pour water.

Its action is elementary, the housing of the heating element is heated and begins to heat the bimetallic plate when the temperature will exceed the maximum allowable value, the plate will bend and open the contacts, turning off teapot.

Attention! If the kettle boils for a long time and does not turn off, check that the appliance lid is closed tightly.

Overheat protection system

Electric kettle overheat protection systemIf the automatic shutdown mechanism for some reason does not work, in this case, overheating protection is provided in modern devices. How it works: the heater is heated further, then a special pin begins to melt, which at one end abuts against the heater body. It becomes smaller and opens contacts. However, if this protection works, then your kettle will no longer work.

Illumination and indication of inclusion

Illumination and indication of inclusion in an electric kettleMost dummies have an on indicator. It works when you press the power key, and will let you know if you forgot to insert the appliance plug into a power outlet or installed the kettle on the stand poorly. This function can be implemented in the form of a neon bulb installed in the base or power key, or in the form of LED water backlight.

And in conclusion, advice; Do not bring the water to full boil and timely clean the appliance from scale, and then tea will delight you with its unique taste and aroma.

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