Is a slow cooker harmful to health: the benefits of food cooked in a slow cooker, how to avoid the harmful effects of the device.

Slow cookerA slow cooker is a universal assistant in the kitchen, with which you can cook both quick everyday dishes and real culinary masterpieces. Such a high popularity of this modern household appliance is explained by the desire of people to cook not only tasty, but also wholesome food. In order to take care of your health correctly, it is important to know all the possible pros and cons of using this kitchen technique.

The benefits and harms of food cooked in a multicooker

The content of the article

  • The benefits and harms of food cooked in a multicooker
  • Is a slow cooker harmful to health
  • How to avoid the harmful effects of a multicooker

The benefits of multicooker foodDishes made in a slow cooker are much healthier than those cooked on a regular stove. This is primarily due to the use of less oil and more uniform heating of food. Moreover, food can be prepared even without adding water, stewing the products in their own juice. This gives soups and cereals a special rich taste.

The following beneficial properties of multicooker food can be noted:

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  • minimum amount of salt, oil and spices;
  • products do not burn and do not overheat;
  • more vitamins and minerals are stored.

At the same time, the cooking process takes a minimal waste of time, just set the time and mode. With this cooking method you get juicy and wholesome food. There are more and more recipes for induction cookers every year, from ordinary breakfasts and dinners to holiday masterpieces. Manufacturers make a wide range of models, complementing them with more interesting and useful features.

Food cooked in a slow cooker can harm the body only in the following cases:

  • improper use of the appliance or damage to the non-stick coating;
  • manufacturer's violation of the multicooker manufacturing technology and the use of cheap toxic materials;
  • poor quality products used for cooking.

If you follow the instructions, then food cooked in a slow cooker will not contain hazardous substances and will retain more vitamins than remain with the usual cooking method.

Is a slow cooker harmful to health

What is a multicookerThe inner bowl, in which the products are folded, is coated with special Teflon. It serves to protect food from overheating and burning. As you know, at high temperature, this material releases harmful acid. Its excess content in the body can cause many dangerous diseases, for example, contributes to the development of cancer cells.

REFERENCE! Teflon has rare physical and chemical properties and is one of the most popular materials for non-stick coatings. During the service life of the cookware, it does not have time to disintegrate and is usually washed during use.

Modern scientists have solved the safety problem of a Teflon coating in a multicooker with the following measures:

  • use of a layer of small thickness;
  • compliance with optimal temperatures;
  • elimination from the production of other harmful additives.

The safety of using a multicooker is not only in the quality of the non-stick coating, but also in protecting the person from electromagnetic waves.

Any electrical equipment has radiation. If we assume that even minimal electromagnetic vibrations are palpable for the body, then a person should refuse at all from any conventional means - a computer, telephone, microwave - because they all emit the waves. But manufacturers take into account all these factors and therefore came up with a special metal casing, which allows you to not let radiation into the environment. It should be noted that these waves do not cause harm to the products themselves, since the radiation does not reach the bowl itself and remains only inside the working mechanism.

IMPORTANT! If the case is not tight, the electric device cannot be used, since it will cease to hold electromagnetic waves. Such radiation adversely affects nearby people, and can also negatively affect the quality of cooked food.

In each new multicooker model, safety indicators are increased, which helps to protect people's health and the environment. Manufacturers use less harmful materials, while trying to take care of preserving all wholesome vitamins in food and improving the taste of cooked dishes.

How to avoid the harmful effects of a multicooker

The technology for manufacturing household appliances is constantly being improved, so you can get only the benefit from using a multicooker if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Choosing a reliable manufacturer. It is important to buy only high-quality and reliable equipment. Cheap options are usually made of plastic, which not only emits toxic substances, but also transmits electromagnetic radiation. It is best to use products of proven reputable brands. Such multicookers are created under the supervision of experienced scientists and the technology of their manufacture is constantly improved.Proper care of the multicooker
  2. Proper care of the appliance. A special thin layer of Teflon, which manufacturers do so for safety reasons, is more susceptible to external influences: it is easy to scratch it with metal objects and hard powders. You must also monitor the status of other details. In the multicooker there is a special valve through which excess steam comes out. Its clogging or breakdown leads to a breach of the cooking regime, so it is important to timely correct all defects in the equipment, return for repair or purchase a new device.
  3. Using quality products. With the help of a multicooker, not only useful elements are stored in food, but also harmful chemical additives. For example, pesticides in vegetables and antibiotics in meat. Therefore, you need to pay attention not only to the method of preparation, but also the environmental friendliness of the products used. To prevent harmful substances from remaining on them, pay attention to the thorough processing and cleaning of fruits, vegetables and other ingredients used.

IMPORTANT! To avoid the release of harmful substances into food, you should properly care for the coating of the inner bowl, protect it from scratches and damage.

Like any modern technology, a slow cooker can only be harmful if used improperly. If you choose a quality appliance, carefully take care of all the details and use it only carefully for cooking. washed and environmentally friendly products, the use of the slow cooker will be safe and bring tangible health favor.

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