How to replace the baking mode in the multicooker: tips for using other modes for baking

no baking mode in the multicook than replace The crock-pot is a convenient and multifunctional kitchen assistant. Due to the variety of cooking modes, modern appliances are able to cook any dish.

Pastry lovers will especially appreciate the baking mode. In the most advanced models, it can replace a full-fledged oven, comparing favorably with the portability and compactness of the device.

What are the functions of baking in a multivark

The content of the article

  • What are the functions of baking in a multivark
  • What functions of the multicooker can be used for baking
  • Tips for Successful Baking in a Multicooker

In a slow cooker you can cook almost everything the same as in the oven:multicooker features

  • open and closed pies;
  • casseroles;
  • Cupcakes
  • biscuits, etc.

The baking function is a semi-automatic process, the closest in nature to frying. Some simplified models even use one mode for both of these processes. This means that the baking mode is also excellent for the following processes:

  • roasting meat before stewing;
  • cooking frying for soup;
  • toasting vegetables;
  • heating ready meals, etc.
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reference. The ancestors of modern multicookers are Japanese rice cookers, which were used by the imperial army in the early twentieth century.

What functions of the multicooker can be used for how to replace the baking modebaking

Most often, more budget models of multicookers are less functional. And if standard modes such as boiling, steaming or frying are necessarily set in each model, then the deep-frying, stewing or baking mode may sometimes be absent.

Despite the fact that there is no absolute replacement of these settings with others, some alternative modes do a good job of cooking easy confectionery.

Behind the high-tech settings of modern multicookers is actually hidden the same uncomplicated operating principle that was used in their first prototypes. In fact, the main task is performed by the heating element, and the settings only control the degree of its heating and the effect on the ingredients in the container.

For baking, only heating the multicooker to its maximum values ​​is required and bakingkeeping this temperature for a long time.

In the absence of this type of cooking as standard equipment it is worth choosing one that has the highest temperature values ​​among the available.

Tip. Try to bake by installing in the slow cooker the program “Soup”, “Porridge”, “Rice”, “Pilaf”.

The situation with baking time control is a little more difficult. Prolonged heating is rarely combined with high temperature. Therefore, the baking process in an unusual for this mode eliminates the possibility of automation of the process. Time on the timer will need to be set independently, and then constantly monitor and add it.

Tips for Successful Baking in a Multicookerbaking tips

Visitors to culinary forums on the Internet have encountered such a problem and have already tried possible solutions to it.

  • Experienced users of multicookers in the absence of a baking regime recommend use the frying and cooking modes of soup. They have the closest parameters to the necessary.
  • Customization "Soup"Should do the job well plain charlotte or cupcakes.
  • Frying worth a try in order to bake a biscuit or cookie.
  • Be careful when taking out pastries from bowls.and. Do not try to get something in the first seconds. Always allow the baking to cool for a few minutes.. This will greatly simplify the task.
  • If you cover the bottom of the container with baking paper, the baking may stick to the walls, which will complicate the process of getting it. The problem is being solved if you put paper in long strips: one perpendicular to the other. At the end of cooking, it is only necessary to pull the ends of the paper, and the product will leave the tank without problems.
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