Sterilization of cans in a multicooker: empty, with blanks

In order for the seals for the winter to be well stored, the container for them must be sterilized. Sterilization is the processing of a product at high temperatures in order to destroy microorganisms. Our mothers and grandmothers used for this purpose an ordinary kettle with boiling water or an oven, now there is a simple and modern way. This process can be done using a slow cooker.

How to sterilize jars in a multicooker

The content of the article

  • How to sterilize jars in a multicooker
  • Sterilization of cans with blanks
  • Why is it better to sterilize cans in a slow cooker than in an oven

How to sterilize jars in a multicookerHow to sterilize empty cans in a multicooker? Before sterilization, the container should be examined from all sides, there should not be a single crack or chip. Even a small defect can lead to the fact that during the steam treatment the jar will burst, or after seaming, will cause the lid to swell or even break.

Then they must be washed thoroughly. For cleaning, it is best to use ordinary soda. Mustard powder is also good.

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Every housewife has these substances, and due to their properties they will provide perfect cleaning. Soda is applied with a clean sponge or a piece of gauze, especially carefully rub the neck of the container. Then the jar is thoroughly washed under a stream of running water.

Is it possible to sterilize cans in a multicooker? Of course, this is a completely simple process, consisting of several key points:

  1. Beforehand, we thoroughly wash not only the container, but also the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour a few glasses of water into the multicooker bowl; you can also put lids for cans inside. Close the lid of the multicooker and let the water boil.
  3. Next, we install a double boiler on the bowl and arrange the cans with the neck down. If the jars are small, then at one time you can sterilize them several pieces.
  4. On the multicooker control panel, select and set the mode "Steaming" or "Boiling". For small (half-liter) jars, 5-7 minutes are enough, and large (liter) should be sterilized for about 15 minutes.
  5. At the end of the regime we get the banks. This should be done very carefully, with both hands with a towel or clean gloves.
  6. We place the cans on a clean and dry towel upside down so that all the water drains and they completely dry out. After this, you can begin to fill them with a blank.

Important! If the multicooker does not have the indicated modes, use the mode for cooking pilaf, soup or baking. The basis of this process is boiling water.

Sterilization of cans with blanks

Sterilization of cans with blanks in a multicookerHow to sterilize cans in a multicook with blanks? A huge plus of the device is that even finished products can be sterilized in it. After this treatment, the seals will be stored longer, and the products will retain their beneficial properties. For this, the same modes are used, it is only important to set the correct time. A clean towel or cloth should be placed on the bottom of the bowl.

The lids do not twist, but simply put on top of the banks. Billets must be rolled up immediately after sterilization.

In almost all recipes, seals are set to cool over the course of a day, turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket (this additionally sterilizes the place where the lid fits to the jar). But some types of sterilized canned food, for example, mushrooms, are recommended to be cooled very quickly. This is necessary to maintain the consistency and natural color of the products. To do this, seals are put on a balcony or placed in a cellar or a cold pantry.

Why is it better to sterilize cans in a slow cooker than in an oven

Why is it better to sterilize cans in a slow cookerIf you compare the sterilization of cans in a multicooker compared with holding it in the oven, then the advantage of the wind method is in size. At one time, you can sterilize 8-10 cans of half-liter jars and up to 4 pieces of three-liter jars, and the drawback is the long heating of the oven.

However, the advantages of sterilization in a multicooker are as follows:

  • Simplicity;
  • Heating speed;
  • High quality sterilization.

As you can see, the process of sterilizing cans in a multicooker is elementary, and does not require a lot of effort and time. It doesn’t matter what kind of multicooker model you have, you just need to choose the right mode. Successful blanks!

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