Is it possible to open the slow cooker during cooking: general operating rules.

Slow cookerThe main resource these days is time. It is with the aim of saving it that many household appliances have been developed and are successfully operated that significantly facilitate housekeeping. One of them is a multicooker.

Types of crock-pots

The content of the article

  • Types of crock-pots
  • Basic rules of operation
  • Can I open the multicooker lid while cooking
  • Useful Use Tips

Types of crock-potsWithout exception, all brands of household appliances have this unit in their product line. Depending on the company-manufacturer, the difference in functionality, but if divided into types, then there are three:

  • standard - using only temperature and natural atmospheric pressure during cooking (without pressure build-up);
  • instant cooking, in which, in addition to temperature, strong pressure is applied inside the bowl (it is pumped automatically);
  • induction, where instead of a conventional heater, an induction coil is used.

In the latter, the tank heats up instantly, under the influence of a magnetic field. Different types of multicookers heat up at different speeds.

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IMPORTANT! The heating speed does not affect the cooking speed.

Basic rules of operation

Different models of multicookers have general rules for use:

  • Before you turn on the device for the first time, you should carefully study the instructions, pay attention to the modes and their features;
  • primary use of the appliance should be test and aimed at cleaning the multicooker from outsiders odors - for this it is enough to boil water in it, and then thoroughly rinse the valve and internal a pot;Multicooker Operating Rules
  • during subsequent use, care must be taken to cover the pan - it has non-stick layer, so use appliances that can damage it when cooking not allowed;
  • When washing, use only liquid detergents and a soft sponge.

REFERENCE! The device has a condensate collection tank on the side of the housing. It must be removed and washed after each cooking.

Can I open the multicooker lid while cooking

There is no definite recommendation whether it is possible to keep the lid closed when using the device or whether it is permissible to open it, no. Much depends on the dish that is being prepared. Thus, many do not close the lid at all during the “Frying” mode, but at the time of preparing the pilaf, it is not recommended to open the lid of the pressure cooker - the temperature balance is disturbed.

Therefore, the principle does not open the lid even in the "Baking" mode, supposedly this affects the "behavior" of the test and affects the taste of the finished baking. When cooking liquid dishes in the "Cooking" or stewing vegetables, the appliance is open or closed, does not play a big role. Given that opening the lid at the time of cooking does not in any way impair the technical quality and does not affect the life of the product, the answer to this question is not critical. Each user does as he sees fit.

Useful Use Tips

Variety of use of multicookersThe rubber rim inside and the airtight cover on the outside are a thermos. If warm milk with the addition of sourdough is left inside the multicooker until the morning, then you get an amazing taste of kefir. When using baked milk with sourdough, you will get fermented baked milk with a rich taste. Using the "Extinguishing" mode, you can boil milk in an hour and a half, while it does not "run away". And if at the same mode leave the milk for another six hours, then we get baked milk. The “Baking” mode is perfect for frying with a golden crust of meat and fish.

IMPORTANT! The slow cooker has the function of maintaining heat. The convenience is that the dish is first cooked and the mode automatically switches to heat control. This feature can be used to prepare breakfast in the evening or to get a hot meal in the morning - as an option, cereal.

The “Warm-up” mode will help you get delicious, healthy and environmentally friendly home-made yogurt in just twelve hours. When using the “Baking” mode, there are frequent cases when the cake sticks or burns to the inner bowl. In the first case, lubricating the walls with a fatty product (oil, margarine) and laying on the bottom of the baking paper will help to solve the problem. In the second case, the reason is the wrong time mode. It must be set manually. Both of these issues can be solved radically - to purchase a model with a ceramic bowl or to buy it separately. You can use this kitchen unit in such an unusual way as a humidifier. To do this, open the device and transfer to the desired room and then turn on the boiling water.

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