How to turn on the slow cooker: a step-by-step process for beginners.

Slow cookerA crock-pot is a modern kitchen appliance with a large number of automatic and manual cooking programs for various dishes. In addition to standard modes, manufacturers often come up with new functions and recipes, which simplifies the cooking process and allows you to get a guaranteed tasty result. To use this technique to the maximum benefit, you need to understand all of its functional capabilities and modes.

How to turn on the multicooker for the first time

The content of the article

  • How to turn on the multicooker for the first time
    • The process is step by step for beginners
  • How to choose and use multicooker modes

What is a multicookerBefore choosing a specific model, it is necessary to study all its features and determine whether all the available functions are sufficient and which ones will really be used often. Having chosen the best option, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the operating rules of the device and the basic recommendations for cooking.

The complete set of a new multicooker usually consists of an internal bowl for products, an electric mechanism and special accessories (special spoon, steaming tank, and others accessories). The specific kit depends on the model and brand of device selected.

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ATTENTION! If you brought new electrical equipment from frost into the house, do not turn it on until it is warmed to room temperature.

More detailed information on a specific model should be specified in the operating instructions or from the manufacturer. Multicookers of higher cost usually have more additional functions, and they also have a special recipe book that allows you to figure out and cook any dish even without experience.

The process is step by step for beginners

After acquiring a new device, first of all, it is necessary to verify its serviceability and prepare for further use.

To turn on the multicooker for the first time, you must do the following:

  1. Remove the packaging from the appliance and remove the protective paper between the heating element and the multicooker bowl. Remove all plastic films from all elements.
  2. Rinse the inner container into which the products are placed. This will help to remove all factory odors. Dry the appliance after that.The process of turning on the multicooker
  3. Plug in the appliance.
  4. Fill the tank with water to a minimum level, cover and set the heating mode.

After the completion of the process, a special sound signal is given. Some multicookers then switch to the automatic temperature control mode and should be stopped with the off button.

REFERENCE! Some models do not have a power button, which is why you need to pull them out every time after use from the outlet. It is worth paying attention to when choosing and buying a device.

You can also immediately set the time, usually the button for setting it is located in the main menu of the device.

How to choose and use multicooker modes

During cooking, you may need to use several different modes. To switch between them, you should stop one program with the shutdown button and use the menu to select the next desired mode. At the end of cooking, turn off the appliance or leave it in the heating mode.

Products are loaded inside and filled with water to the maximum permissible level. Usually the bowl is removable and can be filled before installation in the device. If you exceed the recommended amount of ingredients, when heated, they can simply spill out of the container or clog the steam valve.

To preserve the inner coating of the multicooker bowl, it is advisable to lubricate it with vegetable oil or grease. If the products are burnt, the surface will be more difficult to clean and it will be possible to spoil or scratch it.

Most modern multicookers have the following standard modes:

  • double boiler;
  • stewing and baking;Slow Cooker Modes
  • cooking porridge;
  • bakery products;
  • yogurts;
  • soups;
  • manual mode.

To bake bread and pies, grease the surface of the bowl with oil, sprinkle with flour, pour the dough prepared according to the recipe and turn on the “Baking” or “Bread” mode.

If the multicooker has the corresponding function, you can cook yogurt in it. In small jars, all the necessary ingredients are added: milk, sourdough, sugar. Everything mixes and the Yogurt mode is turned on for 8 hours. To prepare a delicious porridge, cereals and liquid are simply mixed in a multicooker bowl and put on a special mode for cooking porridges.

When using automatic programs, dishes are prepared according to the attached instructions and only exact adherence to dosages is required. For independent control of the cooking process, there is a "Multipovar" mode. With it, you can adjust the temperature, set the time and prepare the dish according to any recipe.

Many modern devices have delayed start modes and a timer. They allow you to set any time the program starts and get ready-made or warmed meals by the exact date. For example, the crock-pot itself will turn on in the morning and prepare breakfast, or warm up dinner at the arrival of guests.

Having dealt with all the general rules and recommendations for working with a multicooker, you can in a short time to learn how to cook any dishes, using automatic and customizable modes cooking. At the same time, one should not forget about safety measures. Do not leave the operating device unattended for a long time and carefully care for the surface of the inner bowl. If necessary, it will be possible to purchase a second container, so as not to waste time preparing the container for preparing the next dish.

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