How to disassemble a multicooker: a multicooker device, the procedure for parsing, possible breakdowns.

Slow cookerOver the past decades, cooking technologies have changed significantly. Appliances appeared in the home, which greatly facilitated the lives of housewives, saved time, and made dishes more diverse. Among such innovations, an important place in the kitchen was taken by a multicooker - a multifunctional programmed electric appliance.

The device and principle of operation of the multicooker

The content of the article

  • The device and principle of operation of the multicooker
  • How to disassemble a multicooker completely
  • What could be the breakdown
  • What you can fix yourself
  • Terms of Use

Slow cooker elements.To fix the multicooker yourself, you need to study the features of its design and mechanism of work. Externally, the multicooker has similarities with a pan, on the side of which there is a mini screen and a power button. It closes with a sealed latch on the latch. Inside the device is a bowl in which cooking takes place directly. Under the bowl is a power and control unit, as well as circuits.

The multifunctionality of the multicooker is provided by the microprocessor system. It includes:

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  1. Wiring diagram and device (voltage is supplied to the connector with three contacts, the first ground the device, the second is connected to the body, the third with the cover of the multicooker).
  2. Wiring diagram (Power is supplied by wires, through which current flows to the circuit breaker and thermal fuse connected in series. The switch starts or turns off the multicooker, and a fuse protects the device from overheating).
  3. Power Supply (It implements two functions: the supply of an alternating voltage of 220 volts and its conversion into a constant voltage of 5 volts for the control unit and 12 volts of a switching circuit. A battery (3 volts) is built into the power circuit, it is a carrier of information about the actions of the cook, launching the multicooker action program).
  4. Control block (all functions and programs of the device are generated by this circuit).
  5. Thermistors (There are two of them: one is attached to the lid, and the second is fixed at the bottom of the multicooker. The main function of the resistors is thermoregulation in the operation of the device, so that the temperature is the same as in the program set by the cook).
  6. Thermal fuse (protects the kitchen device from overheating and failure of the control system).

How to disassemble a multicooker completely

IMPORTANT!In order to properly disassemble the multicooker, you must adhere to a certain sequence of actions.

Preparatory work includes:

  • disconnecting the multicooker from the network - the device should cool down;
  • then you should open and wipe the lid, remove grease and plaque (using dishwashing detergents);
  • wipe the lid dry.

Procedure for parsing:

  • open the cooker lid;
  • on two plastic locks on the lid they press and pull in the middle;Detail of a multicooker.
  • the upper sector is pulled towards itself, and then, with a sharp movement, down;
  • wash internal parts, remove food debris from their surface.

To get to the internal circuits and details of the multicooker, you must:

  • remove dirt, plaque and grease from the surface;
  • turn the device upside down;
  • unscrew the screw securing the bottom of the device and disconnect the lower part of the multicooker from the base;
  • disconnect the wires;
  • unscrew the heating device;
  • disconnect microcircuits;
  • disconnect the top cover and temperature sensors;
  • remove the rings and open the latches on the device body;
  • Separate the inner walls from the outer.

All work should be carried out carefully, sequentially so as not to break the details of the multicooker.

What could be the breakdown

Most often, the multicooker fails due to contamination of the contacts, ingress of liquid and food particles into the device. This is eliminated by disassembling the device and removing foreign elements.

ATTENTION! Damage can be associated with the failure of the control system, power, device circuits. It is not easy to carry out repairs yourself, especially if the internal parts are affected. It is advisable to contact the service center, where they will assist in the repair of the multicooker.

If the repairs are carried out with your own hands, then you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

What you can fix yourself

Some actions in case of device malfunctions can be performed independently:

  1. Appliance cleaning. It is carried out in accordance with the above algorithm of actions (analysis of the device and cleaning of its parts).
  2. Replacing thermal fuses. There are two of them, fuses are covered with cambric. The first is in the middle of the multicooker, in the middle collar or is fixed separately. It is impossible to solder a thermal fuse, because the part is very sensitive to high temperatures. It can only be replaced with a new one. To do this, you must disconnect the part from the clamp, carefully replace it. The same actions are performed with a fuse located on the cover of the multicooker.Multicooker malfunctioning.
  3. Management board. It is located at the bottom of the device. For repair work, you need to disconnect the bottom of the crock-pot, power wires, heating elements. Next, you should carefully inspect the board, identify contaminants and remove them from the surface. If the board burns out, it is replaced with a new one, provided that the marking matches.
  4. Multi-cooker latch latch. One of the common problems. This problem can be eliminated with one's own hand, showing quick wits and patience. Many solved the latch issue by installing magnets on the rim of the lid and the main part of the multicooker. This kind of solution will allow you to operate the device for a long time, because service centers do not undertake repairs of this kind.

Terms of Use

The main cause of malfunctions is non-compliance with elementary rules for using the device. As a rule, this is due to the ingress of liquid and food particles into the device.

While preparing food, any person can be inattentive, rush too much, forgetting about the safety of operating a multicooker. Experts say that following two simple rules can reduce the risk of a device breakdown:

  1. Milk, water and any other liquid must be poured into a heated bowl, provided that it is inside the device. Inattention in this case leads to liquid getting on the circuit and other important parts of the multicooker.
  2. The food should also be laid inside if there is a bowl in the appliance. Otherwise, damage cannot be avoided.
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