How to wash a multicooker: we analyze the features of cleaning each individual part of a multicooker

Multicooker CareModern household appliances greatly facilitate the kitchen chores for every housewife. This also includes a slow cooker, which helps to cook any dish with minimal personal time. Like other equipment, the multicooker needs special and timely care. The main thing is to choose the right cleaning products and observe all the details of the process. How to wash a slow cooker inside and out, how to clean the device from grease and burnt food? This will be our article.

Detergent Selection

The content of the article

  • Detergent Selection
  • Features of washing
    • Clean the bowl
    • Bottom cleaning
    • Washing the lid
    • Body cleaning
  • How to wash if food “escaped”
  • Forbidden tricks
  • Conclusion

When choosing a cleaning agent, powder and pastes should be discarded, as they can scratch the case and parts. You should stop your choice on gel-like products. For this, a regular dishwashing gel is suitable. As a complement to a better cleaning of the individual components, a small amount of soda can be used. To prepare the solution, add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water, mix thoroughly. Dip the sponge into the solution, wipe the surface.

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Important! The use of hard and metal sponges must also be discarded.

Gel detergents

Features of washing

Clean the bowl after each use. With regular use, the remaining components can be cleaned at least once a week.

Before washing, disconnect the device from the power supply, wait a while until all components are completely cooled. After washing, be sure to wait until the components have completely dried, only then restart the multicooker.

Addition: for quick cooling, you should disassemble the multicooker (open the lid, pull out the bowl).

Clean the bowl

A cup belongs to the most important part in the device, since it is in it that the direct preparation of food is carried out. therefore it must be washed after each use.

Washing the bowlThe process is very simple: with the help of a soft sponge and detergent, we clean the inner and outer surfaces of the bowl. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. After washing, the bowl can be wiped dry with a soft towel or allowed to dry on its own. Before new use, make sure that the outside of the cup is dry: it is in contact with the heating element. Failure to comply with this rule may cause the multicooker to fail.

Tip: if food particles are dried on the walls of the bowl, it can be poured with a small amount of warm water.

Bottom cleaning

The bottom of the household appliance can be cleaned during the general washing of the multicooker or as it becomes dirty. The process requires a high level of accuracy, since there is a heating element on which the stable operation of a household appliance depends.

For surface cleaning, thoroughly wipe the bottom and walls with a damp soft cloth or napkin. With dried contaminants, you can use a solution of baking soda. Gently wipe the components, then again with clean water. After cleaning, wipe with a dry towel and leave to dry.

Washing the lid

In most appliances, the lid is removable. In this case, the purification is not very difficult. To do this, remove the cover, thoroughly clean its surface on both sides using a detergent and a soft sponge. Then dry thoroughly.

Mylieur multicooker lids

If the cover cannot be removed, the process will be somewhat complicated. Pour a small amount of water into the bowl, select the “steam” mode. Operating time - 15 minutes. To eliminate unpleasant odors in the water, you can add a slice of lemon. After finishing, wipe the lid with a napkin or towel, removing residual dirt.

Body cleaning

The outer surface is not susceptible to severe contamination, so caring for it is very simple. The multicooker body must be regularly cleaned with a damp sponge, cleaning from accumulated dust and dirt. Then you can wipe it with a dry soft towel.

How to wash if food “escaped”

Despite the versatility and ease of use, owners of multicookers may encounter a situation where food “escapes” from the bowl. Especially often this happens when making milk porridge. In this situation, the entire appliance will need to be cleaned.

First, gently remove the bowl. First of all, you can clean the lid. Be sure to check the bottom. If it is dirty, we thoroughly clean it. Here you should use a soda solution for high-quality washing. The bowl is freed from food, washed with a gel-like product.

After all the details should dry well. After that, the multicooker is ready for further use.

Forbidden tricks

  1. The use of powders and pastes must be discarded. The same applies to hard sponges and brushes. During washing, they can cause serious damage to the surface of the components.
  2. Before use, all components of the multicooker should be dried. Putting wet parts into operation is strictly prohibited.
  3. Do not wash the bowl or lid in the dishwasher. Only manual method.
  4. The multicooker body is washed by hand. Do not expose the device to a stream of water.
  5. Closing the lid when not using the appliance is not recommended. This can cause an unpleasant odor.
  6. Do not clean the surface of the bowl with soda solution. Such an action can contribute to its rapid exit from the application.


The crock-pot belongs to the main assistants in each kitchen. It facilitates the preparation of many hot dishes and pastries. Timely care and compliance with all recommendations will significantly increase the life of the household appliance.

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