What can not be cleaned multivarku: how to wash tank, clean the lid and the body outside Multivarki

After buying another kitchen gadget the first thing should be more familiar with the methods of care. Multivarka no exception.Multivarka.

As you wash bowl Multivarki

The content of the article

  • As you wash bowl Multivarki
  • How do I clean the lid and the body outside Multivarki
  • What if the food is burnt or multivarka poured out
  • What can not be used for the care of multivarka
  • How to get rid of unpleasant odors in multivarka

All, without exception, multivarka removable inner bowl. This makes it the most convenient cleaning.

It is important to remember that:

  • you must first remove the plug from the outlet of the device;
  • carefully to get the cup;
  • wait for it to cool.Removing container from Multivarki.

Attention! It is impossible to cool the container with cold water jet! Since the coating can be deformed.

After all the above operations are performed, it is possible to start washing. Selection cleaners depend on the material of construction of the bowl (ceramics or Teflon). In any case, only sparing soap solutions with a neutral pH balance and without abrasive particles to be used.

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Apply coarse cloth and sponges, metal objects at the same time is strictly forbidden! Any scratch on the surface will result in complete disrepair - the food starts to be burnt, will spoil the taste and smell, and the coating itself will deteriorate more and more.

Bowl - this is the part in which the products are in the process of cooking. It is therefore necessary to closely monitor, so that after cleaning all detergents were qualitatively removed. Then, it should be wiped dry with a towel. Even better, if you can leave the tank to dry on their own for a while. If you do not, chances of mold.

How do I clean the lid and the body outside Multivarki

The cover can be both removable and nonremovable. If the first no problem usually does not occur - wash it can be the same as the cup - the second cleaning is somewhat difficult:

  1. To prevent all possible trouble, it is recommended to wrap a plastic bag device, leaving only the outside cover.
  2. Then you need to tilt the multivarku (the easiest way to put it to one side), so that all the crumbs and food debris adhered comfortably removed with a soft cloth.
  3. Multivarku returned to its normal position, it is necessary to fill the inner container with water and put the "A couple" mode for 10-15 minutes. So you can wash the cover with grease, scum and other unpleasant consequences of cooking.
  4. At the end we can only wipe the unit with a dry cloth and for some time to leave it open-aired.Clean the lid Multivarki.

For the outer shell to look even easier. It should be as often as possible to wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge.

Important! In any case it is impossible to put the unit under water! So all the electronic circuits inside can burn.

What if the food is burnt or multivarka poured out

Burnt stain can not attempt to remove with the help of solid objects. For effective cleaning, you can use any soft gel (best to use a special tool to Multivarki). It must be poured in place of coke, adding warm water and left for some time (about 1-2 hours). After that, the surface is enough to wipe with a sponge - all depart without difficulty.

If resulted out some food and got on the heating element, then remove it from there a must. The main thing - to disconnect the device and wait for it to cool down completely.leftover food in multivarka.

Then remove the bowl and wipe the bottom of the cloth or towel. If the heater is raised, and the remains are not removed so easy, you can use baking soda. It is extremely important not to rub it, and just go to sleep and wait. About an hour later, you can uninstall the sponge and allow to dry.

To these troubles did not arise, need a more attentive to the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • do not load into too many products;
  • monitor the correctness of the temperature (if you put more than is required, the dish is cooked faster);
  • closing the lid, when the return not require cooking process;
  • comply with the requirements of the regime: when extinguishing not ask frying program and so on.

These simple tips will help you avoid trouble and premature failure.

What can not be used for the care of multivarka

Multivarka - a kitchen appliance that requires careful and accurate care. If you do not take this fact into account, the device will last very long, and you will be disappointed. While taking care of him and operation should be eliminated: metal grater, sponges with a rough layer, cleaning powders and abrasive particles, spoons, forks and knives for stirring cooking process cooking.Washing Multivarki.

Fortunately, everything is easily replaceable things. Wash the device may be a conventional soap solution (cooking liquid soap + warm water), special gels with a neutral compound, soft sponges and cloths, wipes. For stirring the food is better to use silicone or wooden blades - these materials do not harm the surface.

Reference! Some housewives prefer after cooking cover with a towel device to the food hot. You do not need! Each multivarka has a temperature keeping function, and such additional steps can lead to overheating of the electronics.

How to get rid of unpleasant odors in multivarka

Often immediately after purchase you can feel the unpleasant smell inside the appliance. Should not be afraid, it is easily eliminated by conventional ventilation. Home enough to make out the design (get all removable elements), put them on a dry towel and leave the lid open and wait about a day. Usually such actions saved.

If odors remain after the operation, in this case, there are many folk remedies:

  • Add water slice of lemon, orange or citric acid and conventional boil "Melting" mode or "Pr" of about 20 minutes;
  • wipe the inner surface and leave a solution of acetic ventilate half day;
  • at night put inside a bowl (or a cloth bag) with a salt and soda mixture;
  • on day leave in Multivarki cup with coffee beans, closing the lid;
  • crushed charcoal tablet (about 10-15 pieces) and place them in approximately half a day.

Subject to these simple rules, your multivarka serve more than a dozen years, and every dish is cooked in it, will be different unique taste and aroma.

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